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America and the Return of Nazi Contraband: The Recovery of Europe's Cultural Treasures Michael J. Kurtz
The Nazi war on European culture produced the greatest dislocation of art, archives, and libraries in the history of the world. In the ruins of the Reich, Allied occupiers found millions of paintings, books, manuscripts, and pieces of sculpture, from the mediocre to the priceless, hidden in thousands of secret hideaways. This book tells the story of how the American Military Government in Germany, spearheaded by a few dozen dedicated Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives (MFA&A) officers and enlisted men, coped with restoring Europe's cultural heritage....
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Twelfth Night (Shakespeare in Production) William Shakespeare
For four centuries Twelfth Night has inspired theatre directors and performers. Surveying a dazzling range of Twelfth Night productions - including many significant productions which have not received due critical attention previously - Schafer provides the reader with an indispensable stage history of this popular play, from its first performance to today....
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Corinne Marchetti: Liberte Sexe, Education Cyrille Martinez, Richard Dailey, Corinne Marchetti
Ringbound with a giant Day-Glo-green elastic band, this volume presents recent works by French artist Corinne Marchetti. Painted resin figurative sculptures, drawings in pen, pencil and ink and embroidered works depict sexually liberated monsters and ingenues. An essay compares the work to a marriage of Louise Bourgeois and Walt Disney....
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Испания. История страны Хуан Лалагуна
Эксмо, Мидгард. Биографии Великих Стран. Испания имеет богатейшую историю, которая вместила в себя и карфагенские колонии, и вторжение Рима, и гибель казавшейся несокрушимой Римской империи, и нашествие арабов, несколько столетий владевших Иберийским полуостровом. Позже были Реконкиста, открытие Америки, испанская колониальная империя, "низвержение с вершин могущества", бесконечные войны и неурядицы, наряду с высочайшим культурным взлетом; диктатура Франко и избавление от диктатора... Все вместе это создало ту Испанию, которую мы знаем сегодня и которой посвящена книга Хуана Лалагуны....
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All Out!: An Autobiography Albert Ellis
Albert Ellis, the renowned creator of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy ? Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) ? tells all in this candid autobiography. Ellis recounts the memorable episodes of his life from his earliest years to the present; discusses how he coped with emotional problems at different stages of life; describes his love life; and subjects his own self-description to a ruthlessly honest critique. The heart of Ellis?s book is his analysis of the psychological leitmotifs that have appeared again and again throughout his life. He describes the aim of this autobiography as follows: "As far as I can, I shall present my bad and good, stupid and intelligent, weak and strong points. Why? Because, following H. G. Wells?s recommendation, I want to go as all-out as I can. I want to acknowledge my idiocies?and use REBT to feel sorry about but unashamed of them. I want to make the point?again a central tenet of REBT?that all humans are fabulously......
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На главную
America and the Return of Nazi Contraband: The Recovery of Europe's Cultural Treasures. Michael J. Kurtz . Книги.
Рязань, Нижнекамск, Сызрань, Великие Луки, Нефтекамск, Набережные Челны,
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