From Modernization to Globalization: Perspectives on Development and Social Change (Blackwell Readers in Sociology)

J. Roberts, Amy Hite

  From Modernization to Globalization: Perspectives on Development and Social Change (Blackwell Readers in Sociology)  J. Roberts, Amy Hite  Why are some countries poor? What can they do to turn their situations around? What happens to countries and individuals when they move towards being Why are some countries poor? What can they do to turn their situations around? What happens to countries and individuals when they move towards being "modern"? What does it mean to "develop" and be "modern" anyway? What are the social effects of theprocesses of worldwide economic, cultural, and political integration called globalization? From Modernization to Globalization is a reference for scholars, students and development practitioners on the issues of processes of social change and development in the 'Third World'. It provides carefully excerpted samples from both classic and up-to-date writings in the development literature, as well as, a general introduction. Part One reviews formative ideas on the transition to modern society with brief readings from classical theorists. The second part addresses the modernizationists' discussion of how development changes people. The response from dependency and world-system theorists is reviewed in Part Three. The final section......

Global Portfolio Diversification : Risk Management, Market Microstructure, and Implementation Issues

  Global Portfolio Diversification : Risk Management, Market Microstructure, and Implementation Issues  Global Portfolio Diversification synthesizes principal debates between analysts and academics. Covering subjects such as risk management, diversification and hedging strategies, deviations from market efficiency, and exchange rates, the book includes case studies, research, and commentary by the editors. Essayists include two past presidents of the American Finance Association and the current editors of the Journal of Finance and Economic Inquiry , as well as senior market regulators, financial managers, and representatives of international securities exchanges. Key Features * Deals with increased interest in the globalization of financial markets * Covers managing and hedging risks * Analyzes microstructures and analyses * Shows how to implement portfolio diversification * Prepared by an international team of leading financial academics and portfolio managers  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Global Portfolio Diversification synthesizes principal debates between analysts and academics. Covering subjects such as risk management, diversification and hedging strategies, deviations from market efficiency, and exchange rates, the book includes case studies, research, and commentary by the editors. Essayists include two past presidents of the American Finance Association and the current editors of the Journal of Finance and Economic Inquiry , as well as senior market regulators, financial managers, and representatives of international securities exchanges. Key Features * Deals with increased interest in the globalization of financial markets * Covers managing and hedging risks * Analyzes microstructures and analyses * Shows how to implement portfolio diversification * Prepared by an international team of leading financial academics and portfolio managers...

Communication Styles

Wilson Learning Corporation

  Communication Styles  Wilson Learning Corporation  Each of us has a comfort zone-a pattern of behaviors that arise out of our experiences and become habits. Our habits are ways of behaving that have become familiar through repetition, and we become comfortable doing things in certain ways. Behavior that is comfortable for us and for others is usually predictable, and the term we use to describe a consistent set of behaviors is style. Our style represents our comfort zone-how others see us as most frequently and most comfortably behaving. Communication Styles is a self-assessment questionnaire that provides insight into a person's observable style. Each style offers strengths and challenges in interpersonal relationships, and everyone gains by understanding all four. After answering a series of questions, you will determine where your style is positioned on two measurable dimensions: assertiveness and responsiveness. The booklet includes a detailed description of each of the four styles: Amiable, Analytical, Driver, and Expressive. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Each of us has a comfort zone-a pattern of behaviors that arise out of our experiences and become habits. Our habits are ways of behaving that have become familiar through repetition, and we become comfortable doing things in certain ways. Behavior that is comfortable for us and for others is usually predictable, and the term we use to describe a consistent set of behaviors is style. Our style represents our comfort zone-how others see us as most frequently and most comfortably behaving. Communication Styles is a self-assessment questionnaire that provides insight into a person's observable style. Each style offers strengths and challenges in interpersonal relationships, and everyone gains by understanding all four. After answering a series of questions, you will determine where your style is positioned on two measurable dimensions: assertiveness and responsiveness. The booklet includes a detailed description of each of the four styles: Amiable, Analytical, Driver, and Expressive. ......

Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain Perspective

John Joseph Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, C. John, Jr Langley

  Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain Perspective  John Joseph Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, C. John, Jr Langley  The latest edition of this market leading text has adopted a supply chain approach, one of the latest developments in logistics management. Its managerial focus blends logistics theory with practical applications and includes updated material of latest transportation regulations and carrier pricing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The latest edition of this market leading text has adopted a supply chain approach, one of the latest developments in logistics management. Its managerial focus blends logistics theory with practical applications and includes updated material of latest transportation regulations and carrier pricing....

Career Gear

Linda J. Bauer, Linda Jensvold Bauer

  Career Gear  Linda J. Bauer, Linda Jensvold Bauer  As a business woman and motivational speaker I was encouraged by many to put into writing, one of my presentations that was aimed at business students about to graduate from college. This quick read book gets down to brass tacks and focuses on taking charge of your destiny and building a successful career by paying attention to the basics and to the details. The message emphasizes the importance of taking the responsibility of building a career as well as enhancing one's professional reputation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As a business woman and motivational speaker I was encouraged by many to put into writing, one of my presentations that was aimed at business students about to graduate from college. This quick read book gets down to brass tacks and focuses on taking charge of your destiny and building a successful career by paying attention to the basics and to the details. The message emphasizes the importance of taking the responsibility of building a career as well as enhancing one's professional reputation....

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From Modernization to Globalization: Perspectives on Development and Social Change (Blackwell Readers in Sociology). J. Roberts, Amy Hite . Книги.

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