Leadership Ethics: An Introduction

Terry L. Price

  Leadership Ethics: An Introduction  Terry L. Price  Leadership Ethics uses moral theory, as well as empirical research in psychology, to evaluate the reasons everyday leaders give to justify breaking the rules. Written for academics, practitioners, and students without a background in philosophy, it introduces readers to the moral theories that are relevant to leadership ethics: relativism, amoralism, Kantianism, egoism, virtue ethics, social contract theory, situation ethics, communitarianism, and cosmopolitan theories such as utilitarianism and transformational leadership.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Leadership Ethics uses moral theory, as well as empirical research in psychology, to evaluate the reasons everyday leaders give to justify breaking the rules. Written for academics, practitioners, and students without a background in philosophy, it introduces readers to the moral theories that are relevant to leadership ethics: relativism, amoralism, Kantianism, egoism, virtue ethics, social contract theory, situation ethics, communitarianism, and cosmopolitan theories such as utilitarianism and transformational leadership....

Раны и шишки

Шарль Эксбрейя

  Раны и шишки  Шарль Эксбрейя  Ника-Центр.   Раны и шишки, Любовь и лейкопластырь, Порридж и полента, Оле!.. Тореро!, Пой, Изабель!.   Романы, вошедшие в эту книгу, наполнены неожиданными поворотами при расследовании загадочных преступлений.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ника-Центр. Раны и шишки, Любовь и лейкопластырь, Порридж и полента, Оле!.. Тореро!, Пой, Изабель!. Романы, вошедшие в эту книгу, наполнены неожиданными поворотами при расследовании загадочных преступлений....

Estonia Starting Business (Incorporating) in....Guide (World Business and Investment Library)

Ibp Usa

  Estonia Starting Business (Incorporating) in....Guide (World Business and Investment Library)  Ibp Usa  Estonia Starting Business (Incorporating) in....Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Estonia Starting Business (Incorporating) in....Guide...

Pressure Cooker Confidence: ?.How to LEAD When the Heat is On!

Kevin Sweeney

  Pressure Cooker Confidence: ?.How to LEAD When the Heat is On!  Kevin Sweeney  Pressure Cooker Confidence takes you on a true story of a phenomenal military jet flight where the two engines on the left wing of the KC-135E tanker aircraft (military version of the Boeing 707 aircraft) come completely off the airplane. Without warning the crew is suddenly faced with this terrifying life threatening emergency. How they react will determine their ability to survive this airborne crisis. The unforeseen crisis happens at night, at maximum gross weight, and on a Desert Storm combat sortie. The story takes you through the remarkable successful recovery of the airplane.The author who was the aircraft commander of the mission then takes you through the reasons for the crew?s success and gives you concrete examples and exercises that you can apply to your own life through the use of these principles to put yourself in position to achieve your personal and professional goals.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pressure Cooker Confidence takes you on a true story of a phenomenal military jet flight where the two engines on the left wing of the KC-135E tanker aircraft (military version of the Boeing 707 aircraft) come completely off the airplane. Without warning the crew is suddenly faced with this terrifying life threatening emergency. How they react will determine their ability to survive this airborne crisis. The unforeseen crisis happens at night, at maximum gross weight, and on a Desert Storm combat sortie. The story takes you through the remarkable successful recovery of the airplane.The author who was the aircraft commander of the mission then takes you through the reasons for the crew?s success and gives you concrete examples and exercises that you can apply to your own life through the use of these principles to put yourself in position to achieve your personal and professional goals....

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Handbook...

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Leadership Ethics: An Introduction. Terry L. Price . Книги.

Орёл, Королёв, Якутск, Екатеринбург, Щёлково, Ачинск, Черкесск, Электросталь, Калуга, Люберцы, Рязань, Балашиха, Невинномысск, Братск, Дербент, Новотроицк, Майкоп, Березники, Рубцовск,
Словари и разговорники| Фантастические сериалы| Товары для активного отдыха| Экономический роман| Музыкальные комедии| История бизнеса. Мемуары и биографии бизнесменов| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Молодежные комедии| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Релаксация| Общественные науки| Филологические науки| Историческая проза, мифы, легенды| Химические науки| Комедийные боевики| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Эстрада| Бизнес-планирование| История. Исторические науки| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Детская литература| Искусство. Культура| Уголовное право| Мистические фильмы| Новая история| Налогообложение| Философия| Другие языки| Социология| Любовный роман| Ценные бумаги| Теория перевода. Переводоведение| Коммерческое право| Двадцатый век| Отечественное кино|
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