Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems

Gretchen C. Daily

  Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems  Gretchen C. Daily  Life itself as well as the entire human economy depends on goods and services provided by earth's natural systems. The processes of cleansing, recycling, and renewal, along with goods such as seafood, forage, and timber, are worth many trillions of dollars annually, and nothing could live without them. Yet growing human impacts on the environment are profoundly disrupting the functioning of natural systems and imperiling the delivery of these services. Nature's Services brings together world-renowned scientists from a variety of disciplines to examine the character and value of ecosystem services, the damage that has been done to them, and the consequent implications for human society. Contributors including Paul R. Ehrlich, Donald Kennedy, Pamela A. Matson, Robert Costanza, Gary Paul Nabhan, Jane Lubchenco, Sandra Postel, and Norman Myers present a detailed synthesis of our current understanding of a suite of ecosystem services and a preliminary assessment of their economic...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Life itself as well as the entire human economy depends on goods and services provided by earth's natural systems. The processes of cleansing, recycling, and renewal, along with goods such as seafood, forage, and timber, are worth many trillions of dollars annually, and nothing could live without them. Yet growing human impacts on the environment are profoundly disrupting the functioning of natural systems and imperiling the delivery of these services. Nature's Services brings together world-renowned scientists from a variety of disciplines to examine the character and value of ecosystem services, the damage that has been done to them, and the consequent implications for human society. Contributors including Paul R. Ehrlich, Donald Kennedy, Pamela A. Matson, Robert Costanza, Gary Paul Nabhan, Jane Lubchenco, Sandra Postel, and Norman Myers present a detailed synthesis of our current understanding of a suite of ecosystem services and a preliminary assessment of their economic......

Knowledge Assets: Securing Competitive Advantage in the Information Economy

Max H. Boisot

  Knowledge Assets: Securing Competitive Advantage in the Information Economy  Max H. Boisot  It is now widely recognized that the effective management of knowledge assets is a key requirement for securing competitive advantage in the emerging information economy. Yet the physical and institutional differences between tangible assets and knowledge assets remains poorly understood. If we are to meet the challenges of the information economy, then we need a new approach to property rights based on a deeper theoretical understanding of knowledge assets. This clear, accessible study provides someof the key building blocks needed for a theory of knowledge assets. Boisot develops a powerful conceptual framework--the Information-Space or I-Space--for exploring the way knowledge flows within and between organizations. This framework will enable managers and students to explore and understand how knowledge and information assets differ from physical assets, and how to deal with them at a strategic level within their organizations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It is now widely recognized that the effective management of knowledge assets is a key requirement for securing competitive advantage in the emerging information economy. Yet the physical and institutional differences between tangible assets and knowledge assets remains poorly understood. If we are to meet the challenges of the information economy, then we need a new approach to property rights based on a deeper theoretical understanding of knowledge assets. This clear, accessible study provides someof the key building blocks needed for a theory of knowledge assets. Boisot develops a powerful conceptual framework--the Information-Space or I-Space--for exploring the way knowledge flows within and between organizations. This framework will enable managers and students to explore and understand how knowledge and information assets differ from physical assets, and how to deal with them at a strategic level within their organizations....

Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs

Alan Graham, Bonnie Burton

  Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs  Alan Graham, Bonnie Burton  Do you occasionally wonder, What kind of person works at a porn video store? Do public defenders believe in their clients? What does a reporter feel when he visits war-torn Iraq? What happens after a child star falls into obscurity? Thanks to Web logs, or Do you occasionally wonder, What kind of person works at a porn video store? Do public defenders believe in their clients? What does a reporter feel when he visits war-torn Iraq? What happens after a child star falls into obscurity? Thanks to Web logs, or "blogs" as they're affectionately nicknamed by Net-savvy voyeurs, anyone can jump into the shoes of a video salesclerk, a criminal court lawyer, an international journalist, or a TV star,among others. While entertaining and educating, these virtual diaries represent a cross section of the people who dwell online. This book features the Internet's most provocative writing, by unknown writers and underground celebrities. Neil Forrester, former cast member of MTV’s The Real World , gives new meaning to the phrase "Bite your tongue." Meanwhile, Star Trek:The Next Generation actor, Wil Wheaton, gives his take on the Hollywood system and......

Dreamweaver 3.0, Skills & Drills (The Essentials)

Kevin A. Siegel

  Dreamweaver 3.0, Skills & Drills (The Essentials)  Kevin A. Siegel  Sams.   Learn Dreamweaver 3.0 using IconLogic's critically acclaimed Sams. Learn Dreamweaver 3.0 using IconLogic's critically acclaimed "skills & drills" approach. This book has been designed to quickly teach you all of the essential skills necessary to master this fantastic web page development tool. You will learn how to define sites, format text using cascading style sheets, use the new History palette, import text into a table and format tables, create templates, use libraries, create and work with online forms, create and use frames, add animation and even FTP your completed files to your internet service provider. All this... and most people will be able to finish within 2 short days (or less). The book comes with a 3 1/2 inch floppy disk that contains all of the student data files necessary to complete the book. All you need is a computer with Dreamweaver 3.0 installed, this book and a few days....

Social Statistics: An Introduction to Using SPSS

J. Richard Kendrick

  Social Statistics: An Introduction to Using SPSS  J. Richard Kendrick  This introductory statistics text intended for the social sciences presents basic concepts and procedures in statistical analysis and integrates SPSS demonstrations and exercises throughout the book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This introductory statistics text intended for the social sciences presents basic concepts and procedures in statistical analysis and integrates SPSS demonstrations and exercises throughout the book....

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Nature's Services: Societal Dependence on Natural Ecosystems. Gretchen C. Daily . Книги.

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