Grand Scale: Monumental Prints in the Age of Durer and Titian (Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College)

  Grand Scale: Monumental Prints in the Age of Durer and Titian (Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College)  "Grand Scale" brings to light rare surviving examples of mural-size prints - a Renaissance art form nearly lost from historical record. The most famous sixteenth-century woodcuts, engravings, and etchings were those done on an intimate scale. Yet artists also worked in an entirely different category of print production, producing mural-size prints that sometimes reached as high as ten feet. This handsome book, which features nearly fifty examples from Italy, Germany, France and the Netherlands, explores these multi-block woodcut and multi-plate engraving ensembles as vital contributions to the visual culture of their time.Comprising five essays, "Grand Scale" documents the relationship of monumental prints to the history of prints in general and also to mapmaking, painting, and book illustration, while addressing image design and modular printing from multiple, repeating blocks....

Simple Strategies for Block-swap Quilts (That Patchwork Place)

  Simple Strategies for Block-swap Quilts (That Patchwork Place)  Lynn Roddy Brown  Lynn Roddy Brown  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lynn Roddy Brown...

Божественная комедия

Данте Алигьери

  Божественная комедия  Данте Алигьери  Эксмо.   Иллюстрированная библиотека поэта. Мировая классика.   Эксмо. Иллюстрированная библиотека поэта. Мировая классика. "Поэзии Данта свойственны все виды энергии, известные современной науке. Единство света, звука и материи составляет ее внутреннюю природу... Соединив несоединимое, Дант изменил структуру времени… Дант - орудийный мастер поэзии, а не изготовитель образов. Он стратег превращений и скрещиваний... Его современность неистощима, неисчислима и неиссякаема". Осип Мандельштам...

A Darker Place

Jack Higgins

  A Darker Place  Jack Higgins  The New York Times? bestselling author and ?dean of intrigue novelists? returns with a remarkable novel of espionage and revenge. A famous Russian writer and ex-paratrooper named Alexander Kurbsky is fed up with the Putin government and decides he wants to ?disappear? into the West. He is under no illusions, however, about how the news will be greeted at home, having seen too many of his countrymen die mysteriously at the hands of the thuggish Russian security services, so he makes elaborate plans with Charles Ferguson, Sean Dillon, and the rest of the group known informally as the ?Prime Minister?s private army? for his escape and concealment. It?s a real coup for the West except for one thing: Kurbsky is still working for the Russians. The plan is to infiltrate British and American intelligence at the highest levels, and he has his own motivations for doing the most effective job possible. He does not care what he has to do or where he has to go . . . or who he has to kill. Filled...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The New York Times? bestselling author and ?dean of intrigue novelists? returns with a remarkable novel of espionage and revenge. A famous Russian writer and ex-paratrooper named Alexander Kurbsky is fed up with the Putin government and decides he wants to ?disappear? into the West. He is under no illusions, however, about how the news will be greeted at home, having seen too many of his countrymen die mysteriously at the hands of the thuggish Russian security services, so he makes elaborate plans with Charles Ferguson, Sean Dillon, and the rest of the group known informally as the ?Prime Minister?s private army? for his escape and concealment. It?s a real coup for the West except for one thing: Kurbsky is still working for the Russians. The plan is to infiltrate British and American intelligence at the highest levels, and he has his own motivations for doing the most effective job possible. He does not care what he has to do or where he has to go . . . or who he has to kill. Filled......

Поделки из природных материалов

  Поделки из природных материалов  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Изготовление поделок принято считать занятием для детей, но эта книга полностью опровергает данное мнение. В ней вы найдете множество советов и идей для создания прекрасных изделий из самых обычных материалов, всегда имеющихся под рукой: листьев, шишек, веточек, корешков, семян, глины, разнообразных ракушек, камешков и т.д. Эта книга также станет хорошим помощником для родителей и воспитателей детских учреждений.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва. Изготовление поделок принято считать занятием для детей, но эта книга полностью опровергает данное мнение. В ней вы найдете множество советов и идей для создания прекрасных изделий из самых обычных материалов, всегда имеющихся под рукой: листьев, шишек, веточек, корешков, семян, глины, разнообразных ракушек, камешков и т.д. Эта книга также станет хорошим помощником для родителей и воспитателей детских учреждений....

<<<  The Battle of Poitiers 1356. David Green             Реформа российского бухгалтерского учета.  >>>

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Grand Scale: Monumental Prints in the Age of Durer and Titian (Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College). . Книги.

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