Communication as ...: Perspectives on Theory

  Communication as ...: Perspectives on Theory  What does it mean to argue that communication is organizing? Or ritual? Or failure? What is at stake in choosing one metaphor or stance over another? What is gained and what is lost - for the field, for the theories themselves, and especially for humans communicating in everyday contexts? In Communication as...: Perspectives on Theory, editors Gregory J. Shepherd, Jeffrey St. John, and Ted Striphas bring together a collection of 27 essays that explores the wide range of theorizing about communication, cutting across all lines of traditional division in the field. The essays in this text are written by leading scholars in the field of communication theory, with each scholar employing a particular stance or perspective on what communication theory is and how it functions. In essays that are brief, argumentative, and forceful, the scholars propose their perspective as aA primary orA essential way of viewing communication with decided benefits over other...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What does it mean to argue that communication is organizing? Or ritual? Or failure? What is at stake in choosing one metaphor or stance over another? What is gained and what is lost - for the field, for the theories themselves, and especially for humans communicating in everyday contexts? In Communication as...: Perspectives on Theory, editors Gregory J. Shepherd, Jeffrey St. John, and Ted Striphas bring together a collection of 27 essays that explores the wide range of theorizing about communication, cutting across all lines of traditional division in the field. The essays in this text are written by leading scholars in the field of communication theory, with each scholar employing a particular stance or perspective on what communication theory is and how it functions. In essays that are brief, argumentative, and forceful, the scholars propose their perspective as aA primary orA essential way of viewing communication with decided benefits over other......

U.S. Immigration Step by Step, 3E (Legal Survival Guides)

Edwin Gania

  U.S. Immigration Step by Step, 3E (Legal Survival Guides)  Edwin Gania  A step-by-step guide to visiting and immigrating to the United States Visiting and immigrating to the United States can be a complicated and confusing process. There are many rules and new procedures, and finding information you can trust that gets you the visa you need can seem overwhelming. Written by an immigration attorney, U.S. Immigration Step by Step walks you through the entire process, showing you each step of the way what needs to be done. Even though there are multiple options available, this guide helps you cut through the many choices and find the way most suited for your needs. Learn what you need if you are simply coming for a holiday, trying to go to school, looking for work or attempting to stay in the U.S. indefinitely. There is no one way that is right for everyone, but there is sure to be a way that is right for you. U.S. Immigration Step by Step uses language and terms that everyone can understand, making it easy for you to: Shift...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A step-by-step guide to visiting and immigrating to the United States Visiting and immigrating to the United States can be a complicated and confusing process. There are many rules and new procedures, and finding information you can trust that gets you the visa you need can seem overwhelming. Written by an immigration attorney, U.S. Immigration Step by Step walks you through the entire process, showing you each step of the way what needs to be done. Even though there are multiple options available, this guide helps you cut through the many choices and find the way most suited for your needs. Learn what you need if you are simply coming for a holiday, trying to go to school, looking for work or attempting to stay in the U.S. indefinitely. There is no one way that is right for everyone, but there is sure to be a way that is right for you. U.S. Immigration Step by Step uses language and terms that everyone can understand, making it easy for you to: Shift......


Becky Chiu, Mervyn K. Lewis

  REFORMING CHINA'S STATE-OWNED ENTERPRISES AND BANKS (New Horizons in Money and Finance)  Becky Chiu, Mervyn K. Lewis  This book's starting point is that after two decades of experiments, during which other transition economies have effectively privatized all of their former state enterprises, China is still endeavoring to find a way to reinvent and re-engineer its own state-owned economic establishments. The authors explore these reforms along with the problems of China's state-owned banks, which have long been troubled by the adverse loans of Chinese enterprises and face foreign competition in 2007 under China's WTO commitments. Drawing on wide-ranging case studies of enterprise reform, Becky Chiu and Mervyn Lewis combine their extensive experience to give an authoritative account of China's enterprise and bank reform agenda, involving property rights, improved corporate governance and stimulating enterprise. This book will be of great interest to business economists, academic economists and those following the development of the Chinese economy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book's starting point is that after two decades of experiments, during which other transition economies have effectively privatized all of their former state enterprises, China is still endeavoring to find a way to reinvent and re-engineer its own state-owned economic establishments. The authors explore these reforms along with the problems of China's state-owned banks, which have long been troubled by the adverse loans of Chinese enterprises and face foreign competition in 2007 under China's WTO commitments. Drawing on wide-ranging case studies of enterprise reform, Becky Chiu and Mervyn Lewis combine their extensive experience to give an authoritative account of China's enterprise and bank reform agenda, involving property rights, improved corporate governance and stimulating enterprise. This book will be of great interest to business economists, academic economists and those following the development of the Chinese economy....

Sustainable Development Policy and Administration (Public Administration and Public Policy)

  Sustainable Development Policy and Administration (Public Administration and Public Policy)  With diverse contributions dealing with the multiple facets of development, Sustainable Development Policy and Administration describes major policy and administration issues that are critical to understanding the emerging field of sustainable development. This book emphasizes the need to promote the broad objectives of sustainability while exploring ways to meet the needs of current and future generations. The text also features extensive discussion of major dimensions, theoretical frameworks, policies, and institutions as well as national and regional experiences. This reference contains important information for graduate students, professors, and public and private development managers interested in this field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With diverse contributions dealing with the multiple facets of development, Sustainable Development Policy and Administration describes major policy and administration issues that are critical to understanding the emerging field of sustainable development. This book emphasizes the need to promote the broad objectives of sustainability while exploring ways to meet the needs of current and future generations. The text also features extensive discussion of major dimensions, theoretical frameworks, policies, and institutions as well as national and regional experiences. This reference contains important information for graduate students, professors, and public and private development managers interested in this field....

The Civil War Paintings of Mort Kunstler, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Antietam

Mort Kunstler

  The Civil War Paintings of Mort Kunstler, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Antietam  Mort Kunstler  For nearly thirty years, Mort KA?nstler has focused his considerable artistic talent on interpreting the Civil War. In crafting his work to reflect poignant moments or critical circumstances of the conflict, he has turned to leading historians and scholars?such as Henry Steele Commager, James McPherson, William C. Davis, and James I. Robertson Jr.?for informative details that he has then translated on canvas to create an indelible image of this defining ordeal in America's history. More than 160 of these images?supplemented by preliminary sketches, early studies, and photographs of works in progress?are the basis for these four volumes. KA?nstler has also explored the human side of this national struggle. Thus he has produced thoughtful studies of leaders at decisive moments, instances of daily camp life for the soldiers, and those early romantic notions that it would be a bloodless war, predicated on the belief that a show of inner strength would prevail. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For nearly thirty years, Mort KA?nstler has focused his considerable artistic talent on interpreting the Civil War. In crafting his work to reflect poignant moments or critical circumstances of the conflict, he has turned to leading historians and scholars?such as Henry Steele Commager, James McPherson, William C. Davis, and James I. Robertson Jr.?for informative details that he has then translated on canvas to create an indelible image of this defining ordeal in America's history. More than 160 of these images?supplemented by preliminary sketches, early studies, and photographs of works in progress?are the basis for these four volumes. KA?nstler has also explored the human side of this national struggle. Thus he has produced thoughtful studies of leaders at decisive moments, instances of daily camp life for the soldiers, and those early romantic notions that it would be a bloodless war, predicated on the belief that a show of inner strength would prevail. ......

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Communication as ...: Perspectives on Theory. . Книги.

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