Slackonomics: Generation X in the Age of Creative Destruction

Lisa Chamberlain

  Slackonomics: Generation X in the Age of Creative Destruction  Lisa Chamberlain  Generation X grew up in the 1980s, when Alex P. Keaton was going to be a millionaire by the time he was thirty, greed was good, and social activism was deader than disco. Then globalization and the technological revolution came along, changing everything r a generation faced with bridging the analog and digital worlds. Living in a time of “creative destruction” – when an old economic order is upended by a new one – has deeply affected everyday life for this generation; from how they work, where they live,ow they play, when they marry and have children to their attitudes about love, humor, happiness, and personal fulfillment. Through a sharp and entertaining mix of pop and alt-culture, personal narrative, and economic analysis, author Lisa Chamberlain showhow Generation X has survived and even thrived in the era of creative destruction, but will now be faced with solving economic and environmental problems on a global scale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Generation X grew up in the 1980s, when Alex P. Keaton was going to be a millionaire by the time he was thirty, greed was good, and social activism was deader than disco. Then globalization and the technological revolution came along, changing everything r a generation faced with bridging the analog and digital worlds. Living in a time of “creative destruction” – when an old economic order is upended by a new one – has deeply affected everyday life for this generation; from how they work, where they live,ow they play, when they marry and have children to their attitudes about love, humor, happiness, and personal fulfillment. Through a sharp and entertaining mix of pop and alt-culture, personal narrative, and economic analysis, author Lisa Chamberlain showhow Generation X has survived and even thrived in the era of creative destruction, but will now be faced with solving economic and environmental problems on a global scale....

Английский бульвар

Чингиз Абдуллаев

  Английский бульвар  Чингиз Абдуллаев  АСТ, Астрель.   Все началось как легкий, ни к чему не обязывающий АСТ, Астрель. Все началось как легкий, ни к чему не обязывающий "курортный роман", со скуки заведенный российской "бизнес-леди" Ксенией в Ницце. Но - что-то происходит. Что-то странное, очень странное. Что-то таинственное, непонятное. Снова и снова кто-то пытается убить Ксению. Снова и снова ощущает она на себе взгляд кого-то, кто за ней следит. Снова и снова понимает она, что оказалась, похоже, важной фигурой в шахматной игре чьего-то, продуманного до последней мелочи преступления. Преступления, о котором она еще не подозревает - но которое она должна, обязана разгадать......

Whose Peace?: Hegemony, Development, and Social Change in Post-Conflict El Salvador

Nicholas Kaufman

  Whose Peace?: Hegemony, Development, and Social Change in Post-Conflict El Salvador  Nicholas Kaufman  Drawing on notions of human and livelihood security, critical peace studies, and development, this book seeks to theorize the long-term challenges of building peace in El Salvador from the perspective of grass-roots and community-level actors. The book analyzes how peace transitions and development processes in post-conflict El Salvador have re-allocated power to new configurations of social, political, and economic actors, supported through diverse linkages to global institutions and structures of capital. Concurrently, new community networks and civil societies have emerged to challenge dominant, and it is argued hegemonic, processes of post-war development. Applying a Gramscian analytics of hegemony to explore long-term questions of sustainable peace-building, this book seeks to uncover and understand the multi-dimensional challenges that civil societies and community-level actors face when confronting and contesting dominant state- and market-led approaches to development after...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Drawing on notions of human and livelihood security, critical peace studies, and development, this book seeks to theorize the long-term challenges of building peace in El Salvador from the perspective of grass-roots and community-level actors. The book analyzes how peace transitions and development processes in post-conflict El Salvador have re-allocated power to new configurations of social, political, and economic actors, supported through diverse linkages to global institutions and structures of capital. Concurrently, new community networks and civil societies have emerged to challenge dominant, and it is argued hegemonic, processes of post-war development. Applying a Gramscian analytics of hegemony to explore long-term questions of sustainable peace-building, this book seeks to uncover and understand the multi-dimensional challenges that civil societies and community-level actors face when confronting and contesting dominant state- and market-led approaches to development after......

Колымские рассказы

Варлам Шаламов

  Колымские рассказы  Варлам Шаламов  Эксмо.   Русская классика.   Эксмо. Русская классика. "Лагерная тема" - основной мотив произведений Варлама Шаламова, уничтожение человека государством - главный вопрос, который его интересовал всю жизнь. Писатель провел долгие годы в заключении, прошел через побои, голод, унижения, что не могло не отразиться на его творчестве. Он считал своим долгом написать о Колыме, о всех тех лагерях, где отбывал срок, так, чтобы о них запомнили навсегда. Вошедшие в эту книгу антироман "Вишера", повесть "Четвертая Вологда", рассказы - блестящие литературные произведения, проникнутые глубокой символикой и обращениями к религии, философии, живописи и музыке, - не оставят читателя равнодушным....

Hoshin Engi, Volume 10

  Hoshin Engi, Volume 10  VIZ Media LLC.   When his clan is wiped out by a beautiful demon, young Taikobo finds himself in charge of the mysterious Hoshin Project. Its mission: find all immortals living in the human world and seal them away forever. But who do you trust-and whose side are you really on-when you've been trained to hunt demons by a demon. Chokomei, a sennin from the Kingo Islands, enters the battle as Dakki's ally. When he captures hostages and imprisons them in his magic tower, it's up to Taikobo and his comrades to run a gauntlet of death to free them. When his clan is wiped out by a beautiful demon, young Taikobo finds himself in charge of the mysterious Hoshin Project. Its mission: find all immortals living in the human world and seal them away forever. But who do you trust-and whose side are you really on-when you've been trained to hunt demons by a demon?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин VIZ Media LLC. When his clan is wiped out by a beautiful demon, young Taikobo finds himself in charge of the mysterious Hoshin Project. Its mission: find all immortals living in the human world and seal them away forever. But who do you trust-and whose side are you really on-when you've been trained to hunt demons by a demon. Chokomei, a sennin from the Kingo Islands, enters the battle as Dakki's ally. When he captures hostages and imprisons them in his magic tower, it's up to Taikobo and his comrades to run a gauntlet of death to free them. When his clan is wiped out by a beautiful demon, young Taikobo finds himself in charge of the mysterious Hoshin Project. Its mission: find all immortals living in the human world and seal them away forever. But who do you trust-and whose side are you really on-when you've been trained to hunt demons by a demon?...

<<<  Атлас по нормальной физиологии. С. А. Чеснокова, С. А. Шастун             Проблемы исторического познания.  >>>

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Slackonomics: Generation X in the Age of Creative Destruction. Lisa Chamberlain . Книги.

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