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К. Паустовский. Избранные произведения. В двух томах. Том 1 К. Паустовский
Художественная литература. Москва. К. Паустовский. Избранные произведения. В двух томах. В первый том Избранных произведений известного советского писателя Константина Георгиевича Паустовского вошли роман "Блистающие облака" (1928) и хорошо знакомая повесть "Черное море" (1935)....
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Сила права или право силы? Международная безопасность (латиноамериканский ракурс) Коллектив авторов
Монография посвящена рассмотрению актуальных проблем международной безопасности и участию государств Латинской Америки в формировании новых подходов к миропорядку ХХI века....
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The Heroic Enterprise: Business and the Common Good John M. Hood
Amazon.comProfit-seeking and corporate responsibility are not fundamentally at odds, argues Hood, an up-and-coming writer based in North Carolina. In fact, they are intimately linked. Businesses motivated by economic self-interest have powerful incentives to promote the common good. Technological advancements in the private sector have improved everyone's quality of life, concerns for the bottom-line have made the workplace safer than ever, and a desire to retain loyal workers has inspired flexibility among employers. Filled with anecdotes, The Heroic Enterprise shows how the free enterprise system encourages businesses to do good by doing well.Book DescriptionPersuasively documents how corporate America meets its social responsibilities....
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Goof-Proof Personal Finance Felice Devine
Book DescriptionComplete with dozens of samples and strategies, Goof-Proof Personal Finance will help you make your hard-earned money work for you now, and in the future. Learn how to invest wisely and save for retirement and special purchases! This book has 44 simple solutions for everyday financial issues, including brief, manageable, easy-to-follow rules, models, charts, and sample spreadsheets to help you get a grip on your finances. Goof-Proof Personal Finance will help you to monitor spending habits by getting organized for saving, managing bill paying. and gaining control of large debts. You'll learn how to secure home equity loans and mortgages, plus refinancing strategies, investing for the future, and understanding retirement plans. Follow the Goof-Proof Rules now to get in good financial shape and look forward to a sound financial future!...
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To Do or Not To Do: How Successful Leaders Make Better Decisions Gary Winters
Book DescriptionNot all decisions are created equally. Some should clearly be made by the leader acting alone. Others will be of higher quality if they're made with the active participation of the group and perhaps even other key individuals with a stakein the outcome....
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К. Паустовский. Избранные произведения. В двух томах. Том 1. К. Паустовский . Книги.
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