The World of the Cell: Life on a Small Scale (Cells and Life)

  The World of the Cell: Life on a Small Scale (Cells and Life)  Robert Snedden  Robert Snedden  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert Snedden...

Клуб "Кому за триста"

Фаина Раевская

  Клуб Эксмо. Иронический дамский детектив. Добродетель чревата тяжелыми последствиями. Жалостливая Катерина подобрала на улице и притащила в дом подруги убогую Аннушку, дабы накормить и обогреть. Тут-то и сбросила божья агница овечью шкурку. Спать странницу как порядочную уложили на шелковые простыни, а утром нашли ее земное тело в приобнаженном виде. Но где же истощенное постами существо с серыми иссеченными кудельками? Взору подруг предстала сексапильная красотка с ухоженным телом и стильной стрижкой. Правда, с дырками в груди от многочисленных ножевых ранений…...

Regulating Aged Care: Ritualism and the New Pyramid

John Braithwaite, Tony Makkai, Valerie Braithwaite

  Regulating Aged Care: Ritualism and the New Pyramid  John Braithwaite, Tony Makkai, Valerie Braithwaite  Edward Elgar Publishing.   This book is a major new contribution to regulatory theory from three members of the world-class regulatory research group based in Australia. It marks a new development in responsive regulatory theory in which a strengths-based pyramid complements the regulatory pyramid. The authors compare the accomplishments of nursing home regulation in the US, the UK and Australia during the last 20 years and in a longer historical perspective. They find that gaming and ritualism, rather than defiance of regulators, are the greatest challenges for improving safety and quality of life for the elderly in care homes. Edward Elgar Publishing. This book is a major new contribution to regulatory theory from three members of the world-class regulatory research group based in Australia. It marks a new development in responsive regulatory theory in which a strengths-based pyramid complements the regulatory pyramid. The authors compare the accomplishments of nursing home regulation in the US, the UK and Australia during the last 20 years and in a longer historical perspective. They find that gaming and ritualism, rather than defiance of regulators, are the greatest challenges for improving safety and quality of life for the elderly in care homes. "Regulating Aged Care" shows how good regulation and caring professionalism can transcend ritualism. Better regulation is found to be as much about encouragement to expand strengths as incentives to fix problems. The book is underpinned by one of the most ambitious, sustained qualitative and quantitative data collections in both the regulatory literature and the aged care......

Home Care for Ageing Populations: A Comparative Analysis of Domiciliary Care in Denmark, the United States and Germany

Martha Doyle, Virpi Timonen

  Home Care for Ageing Populations: A Comparative Analysis of Domiciliary Care in Denmark, the United States and Germany  Martha Doyle, Virpi Timonen  Edward Elgar Publishing.   This book presents an up-to-date comparative analysis of formal domiciliary care systems in Denmark, Germany and the United States. It makes an important contribution to the debate about the future care of older people and provides an insightful analysis of the provision of publicly-funded domiciliary care services from a cross-national perspective. The areas addressed include: classifications of welfare state and social care regimes; the changing role of the state as a provider and purchaser of social care services; the re-commodification of the care labour force; incentives for informal care-givers via public financing and social security; and the introduction of notions of consumer power into care policies.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Edward Elgar Publishing. This book presents an up-to-date comparative analysis of formal domiciliary care systems in Denmark, Germany and the United States. It makes an important contribution to the debate about the future care of older people and provides an insightful analysis of the provision of publicly-funded domiciliary care services from a cross-national perspective. The areas addressed include: classifications of welfare state and social care regimes; the changing role of the state as a provider and purchaser of social care services; the re-commodification of the care labour force; incentives for informal care-givers via public financing and social security; and the introduction of notions of consumer power into care policies....

Making Sense of Autism

  Making Sense of Autism  Travis Thompson  Travis Thompson  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Travis Thompson...

<<<  Маркетинг функций вместо маркетинга товаров и услуг. Сергей ...             Проблемы исторического познания.  >>>

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The World of the Cell: Life on a Small Scale (Cells and Life). Robert Snedden . Книги.

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