Sketching Methods

W. C. Sweeney

  Sketching Methods  W. C. Sweeney  Book DescriptionThe author?s premise in this instructional guide is that every officer can learn to sketch and to read sketches within a very short time. Just a few of the topic headings are: object of sketching, classification of sketches, outlinefor beginner, sketching tools, scales, what a sketch should show, contours, and reconnaissance sketches. Prepared and edited by The Army War College in 1917. W. C. Sweeney was a Captain in the Twenty-first United States Infantry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe author?s premise in this instructional guide is that every officer can learn to sketch and to read sketches within a very short time. Just a few of the topic headings are: object of sketching, classification of sketches, outlinefor beginner, sketching tools, scales, what a sketch should show, contours, and reconnaissance sketches. Prepared and edited by The Army War College in 1917. W. C. Sweeney was a Captain in the Twenty-first United States Infantry....


Alison Nordstrom

  Coloramas  Alison Nordstrom  Book Description Billed as Book Description Billed as "The World's Largest Photographs," Eastman Kodak's 18-by-60-foot Coloramas brought photography to the masses with a spectacular display of communicative power. During its forty-year run in Grand Central Terminal in New YorkCity, the Colorama program presented a panoramic photo album of American scenes, lifestyles, and achievements from the second half of the twentieth century. Produced in association with the George Eastman House Collection, Colorama explores the history of these colossal images. A selection of the most striking images are beautifully reproduced, making these images available to viewers nostalgic for American life in decades gone by, as well as people with a personal connection to the original display in Grand Central Station....

Original Monologues That Showcase Your Talent

Dwight Watson

  Original Monologues That Showcase Your Talent  Dwight Watson  Book Description? More than 60 new monologs that spotlight special abilities ? Great for auditions as well as classrooms and scene study Versatile actors can now set themselves apart from the competition. This collection of more than sixty fresh serious, and comic pieces allows actors to show off their talents for stage dialects, tap dancing, singing, skateboarding, miming, baton twirling, and much more. Each monolog in Original Monologs That Showcase Your Talent is designed to show off a different specific vocal and physical gift. Thirty one complete with synopses, character profiles, and prop lists, make this a great asset for actors and teachers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description? More than 60 new monologs that spotlight special abilities ? Great for auditions as well as classrooms and scene study Versatile actors can now set themselves apart from the competition. This collection of more than sixty fresh serious, and comic pieces allows actors to show off their talents for stage dialects, tap dancing, singing, skateboarding, miming, baton twirling, and much more. Each monolog in Original Monologs That Showcase Your Talent is designed to show off a different specific vocal and physical gift. Thirty one complete with synopses, character profiles, and prop lists, make this a great asset for actors and teachers....

Correspondence, 1925-1935

Theodor W. Adorno

  Correspondence, 1925-1935  Theodor W. Adorno  Book DescriptionAdorno was 21 years old when he travelled to Vienna in March 1925 to study musical composition with Alban Berg. Twenty years later, Adorno wrote: 'How much of my writing will remain is beyond my knowledge or my control, but there is one claim I wish to stake: that I understand the language of music as the heroes in fairy tales understand the language of birds.' It was no less than the desire to learn to speak this language that drew him to Berg. Adorno already knew what he wanted to compose before he came to Berg and the aim of his stay in Vienna and the following years was to learn to put this knowledge of musical compostition into practice. His correspondence with Berg, who was soon to be world-famous, is partly defined by his engagement with the compositional problems posed for the musical avant-garde by Schonberg's discovery of the twelve-tone technique, for which Adorno was to become an advocate, not least in Vienna and through Berg. This correspondence...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAdorno was 21 years old when he travelled to Vienna in March 1925 to study musical composition with Alban Berg. Twenty years later, Adorno wrote: 'How much of my writing will remain is beyond my knowledge or my control, but there is one claim I wish to stake: that I understand the language of music as the heroes in fairy tales understand the language of birds.' It was no less than the desire to learn to speak this language that drew him to Berg. Adorno already knew what he wanted to compose before he came to Berg and the aim of his stay in Vienna and the following years was to learn to put this knowledge of musical compostition into practice. His correspondence with Berg, who was soon to be world-famous, is partly defined by his engagement with the compositional problems posed for the musical avant-garde by Schonberg's discovery of the twelve-tone technique, for which Adorno was to become an advocate, not least in Vienna and through Berg. This correspondence......

Biophysical Therapy Of Allergies

Peter, M.D. Schumacher

  Biophysical Therapy Of Allergies  Peter, M.D. Schumacher  Book DescriptionAllergies Can Be Healed Allergies are on the rise worldwide. They are continuously adapting to environmental changes. Consequently, allergies manifest varied and sometimes unidentified symptoms. Dealing with bronchial asthma, hay fever or neurodermatitis often dramatically reduces a patient's quality of life. The success rate for chemical suppression or hyposensitization treatments is unsatisfactory. In addition, there are increased numbers of side effects and dangers. Using many years of well-documented, successfully treated case histories and his experience gained in private pediatric practice, the author is able to demonstrate that allergies can be healed completely when they are recognized as a biophysical phenomenon and treated according to the laws of biophysics. Based on the substantive concept of 'bioresonance therapy', this book elaborates extensively and systematically on the foundation and practice of the biophysical 'elimination' of allergies -...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAllergies Can Be Healed Allergies are on the rise worldwide. They are continuously adapting to environmental changes. Consequently, allergies manifest varied and sometimes unidentified symptoms. Dealing with bronchial asthma, hay fever or neurodermatitis often dramatically reduces a patient's quality of life. The success rate for chemical suppression or hyposensitization treatments is unsatisfactory. In addition, there are increased numbers of side effects and dangers. Using many years of well-documented, successfully treated case histories and his experience gained in private pediatric practice, the author is able to demonstrate that allergies can be healed completely when they are recognized as a biophysical phenomenon and treated according to the laws of biophysics. Based on the substantive concept of 'bioresonance therapy', this book elaborates extensively and systematically on the foundation and practice of the biophysical 'elimination' of allergies -......

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Sketching Methods. W. C. Sweeney . Книги.

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