Principles of Organizational Behavior

John W. Slocum, Don Hellriegel

  Principles of Organizational Behavior  John W. Slocum, Don Hellriegel  Cengage Learning.   This 12th edition continues our legacy of thoughtfully and meaningfully revising our book to assist users to learn and apply core organizational behavior concepts, models, and competencies to the management of others. As with previous editions, we have been responsive to excellent feedback from our users. This preface provides you with a number of insights to the text and the supplements that support instructors and the learners who read this edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cengage Learning. This 12th edition continues our legacy of thoughtfully and meaningfully revising our book to assist users to learn and apply core organizational behavior concepts, models, and competencies to the management of others. As with previous editions, we have been responsive to excellent feedback from our users. This preface provides you with a number of insights to the text and the supplements that support instructors and the learners who read this edition....

Berlitz: Perth: Pocket Map

  Berlitz: Perth: Pocket Map  Berlitz Publishing Company, Inc..   Berlitz Publishing Company, Inc.. "Berlitz Pocket Maps" are small in size, but big on detail. Genuinely pocketable and immensely practical - these compact maps are ideal for travellers who require quick and easy orientation. These ground-breaking, high definition, pop-up maps with striking graphics also contain a comprehensive index for ease of use. They have tear-resistant folds for the most inclement weather conditions. Other features include: a list of the top 10 sights which are cross referenced with the map helping the visitor to get the best out of a short stay; and a section on eating out identifying the best local restaurants. Формат издания: 14 см х 9,5 см....

Справочник фельдшера

В. Е. Романовский

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Picturing Victorian America: Prints by the Kellogg Brothers of Hartford, Connecticut, 1830-1880

  Picturing Victorian America: Prints by the Kellogg Brothers of Hartford, Connecticut, 1830-1880  This is the first book-length account of the pioneering and prolific Kellogg family of lithographers, active in Connecticut for over four decades. Daniel Wright Kellogg opened his print shop on Main Street in Hartford five years before Nathaniel Currier went into a similar business in New York and more than twenty-five years before Currier founded his partnership with James M. Ives, yet Daniel and his brothers Elijah and Edmund Kellogg have long been overshadowed by the Currier & Ives printmaking firm. Editor Nancy Finlay has gathered together eight essays that explore the complexity of the relationships between artists, lithographers, and print, map, and book publishers. Presenting a complete visual overview of the Kelloggs' production between 1830 and 1880, Picturing Victorian America also provides museums, libraries, and private collectors with the information needed to document the Kellogg prints in their own collections. The first comprehensive study of the Kellogg prints, this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the first book-length account of the pioneering and prolific Kellogg family of lithographers, active in Connecticut for over four decades. Daniel Wright Kellogg opened his print shop on Main Street in Hartford five years before Nathaniel Currier went into a similar business in New York and more than twenty-five years before Currier founded his partnership with James M. Ives, yet Daniel and his brothers Elijah and Edmund Kellogg have long been overshadowed by the Currier & Ives printmaking firm. Editor Nancy Finlay has gathered together eight essays that explore the complexity of the relationships between artists, lithographers, and print, map, and book publishers. Presenting a complete visual overview of the Kelloggs' production between 1830 and 1880, Picturing Victorian America also provides museums, libraries, and private collectors with the information needed to document the Kellogg prints in their own collections. The first comprehensive study of the Kellogg prints, this......

Jules Verne: His Life: Around the World in Eighty Days

After C. O. Peare

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<<<  House Of Illusions. Jillian Osborn             Управление товарным потоком. Руководство по оптимизации логистических ... >>>

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Principles of Organizational Behavior. John W. Slocum, Don Hellriegel . Книги.

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