Shoot for the Stars! A Practical Guide For Helping Your Child Achieve Success in School and the Workplace

PhD, France Morrow

  Shoot for the Stars! A Practical Guide For Helping Your Child Achieve Success in School and the Workplace  PhD, France Morrow  Dr. France Morrow is an interdisciplinary scholar who has taught psychology for more than two decades. In Irvine, California, Dr. Morrow taught for Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology and for the United States International University's Graduate Campus. Dr. Morrow has taught psychology for a Washington State college since 1994 and is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology for Washington State University. Dr. Morrow's well-received text on the psychology of gender, Unleashing Our Unknown Selves: An Inquiry into the Future of Femininity and Masculinity (Praeger Press, 1991) has been used in gender studies courses in several states. For the past decade, Dr. Morrow has developed and directed successful learning programs and established a pilot study research program site under the sponsorship of the Washington State University Foundation. Dr. Morrow's central research focus is on cognition and student learning and how students' visual-perceptual and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dr. France Morrow is an interdisciplinary scholar who has taught psychology for more than two decades. In Irvine, California, Dr. Morrow taught for Pepperdine University's Graduate School of Education and Psychology and for the United States International University's Graduate Campus. Dr. Morrow has taught psychology for a Washington State college since 1994 and is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology for Washington State University. Dr. Morrow's well-received text on the psychology of gender, Unleashing Our Unknown Selves: An Inquiry into the Future of Femininity and Masculinity (Praeger Press, 1991) has been used in gender studies courses in several states. For the past decade, Dr. Morrow has developed and directed successful learning programs and established a pilot study research program site under the sponsorship of the Washington State University Foundation. Dr. Morrow's central research focus is on cognition and student learning and how students' visual-perceptual and......

The Ethics of Diagnosis (Philosophy and Medicine)

  The Ethics of Diagnosis (Philosophy and Medicine)  A major focus of the philosophy of medicine and, in general, of the philosophy of science has been the interplay of facts and values. Nowhere is an evaluation of this interplay more important than in the ethics of diagnosis. Traditionally, diagnosis ha been understood as an epistemological activity which is concerned with facts and excludes the intrusion of values. The essays in this volume challenge this assumption. Questions of knowledge in diagnosis are intimately related to the concerns with inervention that characterize the applied science of medicine. Broad social and individual goals, as well as diverse ethical frameworks, are shown to condition both the processes and results of diagnosis. This has significant implications for bioethics,implications that have not previously been developed. With this volume, `the ethics of diagnosis' is established as an important branch of bioethics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A major focus of the philosophy of medicine and, in general, of the philosophy of science has been the interplay of facts and values. Nowhere is an evaluation of this interplay more important than in the ethics of diagnosis. Traditionally, diagnosis ha been understood as an epistemological activity which is concerned with facts and excludes the intrusion of values. The essays in this volume challenge this assumption. Questions of knowledge in diagnosis are intimately related to the concerns with inervention that characterize the applied science of medicine. Broad social and individual goals, as well as diverse ethical frameworks, are shown to condition both the processes and results of diagnosis. This has significant implications for bioethics,implications that have not previously been developed. With this volume, `the ethics of diagnosis' is established as an important branch of bioethics....

How We Test Software at Microsoft

Alan Page, Ken Johnston

  How We Test Software at Microsoft  Alan Page, Ken Johnston  Microsoft Press.   Discover how Microsoft implements and manages a company-wide software-testing process straight from testers at Microsoft. Software testing requires people, processes, and tools. Organizing a testing program is resource intensive, even when necessary tradeoffs are made no development team can test every scenario. And using a company-wide process is a challenging issue for most organizations. This book explains how a worldwide leader in software, services, and solutions with 8,000 testers implements and manages its testing process. It includes expert insights and effective testing techniques and methodologies including the pros and cons of various approaches. To provide interesting context, it also provides facts about Microsoft, including the number of test machines, how the company uses automated test cases, and the number of bugs entered for products. Ideal for both testers and test managers, this book answers key testing questions, such as who tests what, when, and with what tools....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Microsoft Press. Discover how Microsoft implements and manages a company-wide software-testing process straight from testers at Microsoft. Software testing requires people, processes, and tools. Organizing a testing program is resource intensive, even when necessary tradeoffs are made no development team can test every scenario. And using a company-wide process is a challenging issue for most organizations. This book explains how a worldwide leader in software, services, and solutions with 8,000 testers implements and manages its testing process. It includes expert insights and effective testing techniques and methodologies including the pros and cons of various approaches. To provide interesting context, it also provides facts about Microsoft, including the number of test machines, how the company uses automated test cases, and the number of bugs entered for products. Ideal for both testers and test managers, this book answers key testing questions, such as who tests what, when, and with what tools.......

Школа снеговиков

Андрей Усачев

  Школа снеговиков  Андрей Усачев  Самовар.   Новые сказочные повести.   Далеко на Севере, где-то в Архангельской или Вологодской области, есть небольшая деревня Дедморозовка, в которой живут Дед Мороз и его внучка Снегурочка. А с ними - их помощники: снеговики и снеговички. Они ходят в школу, учат уроки, делают кормушки для зверей и птиц, помогают дедушке готовить новогодние подарки для детей. А еще играют в хоккей и снежки, ходят в лыжные походы, и, конечно же, как и все мы, с нетерпением ждут главного события - наступления Нового года!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Самовар. Новые сказочные повести. Далеко на Севере, где-то в Архангельской или Вологодской области, есть небольшая деревня Дедморозовка, в которой живут Дед Мороз и его внучка Снегурочка. А с ними - их помощники: снеговики и снеговички. Они ходят в школу, учат уроки, делают кормушки для зверей и птиц, помогают дедушке готовить новогодние подарки для детей. А еще играют в хоккей и снежки, ходят в лыжные походы, и, конечно же, как и все мы, с нетерпением ждут главного события - наступления Нового года!...

В дебрях Кара-Бумбы

Иосиф Дик

  В дебрях Кара-Бумбы  Иосиф Дик  Эксмо.   Детская библиотека.   В дебрях Кара-Бумбы, Огненный ручей, Первый взлет, Про Вову Тарелкина, Красные яблоки, Ванькин папа и война, Находка, Ответственный редактор, Бумажный голубь, Кутька, Лодочный мотор, Острое лезвие, Запал, Синий турман, Янтарный мундштук, Короткое замыкание, Записка, Золотая рыбка, Манная каша, Пирог с начинкой, Железная воля, Хитрющий парень, Девчонки и мальчишки, Тяп-ляп, Мой учитель, Как утонул Гога, Эксмо. Детская библиотека. В дебрях Кара-Бумбы, Огненный ручей, Первый взлет, Про Вову Тарелкина, Красные яблоки, Ванькин папа и война, Находка, Ответственный редактор, Бумажный голубь, Кутька, Лодочный мотор, Острое лезвие, Запал, Синий турман, Янтарный мундштук, Короткое замыкание, Записка, Золотая рыбка, Манная каша, Пирог с начинкой, Железная воля, Хитрющий парень, Девчонки и мальчишки, Тяп-ляп, Мой учитель, Как утонул Гога, "Счастливая" ручка, Дуб, Чудо-чудеса, Шапка на трубе, Володина гора, Загадка природы, Одно слово, Колька-тракторист, Зеленые огоньки, Моя гайка. В книгу избранных произведений И.Дика вошли его повести "В дебрях Кара-Бумбы", "Огненный ручей" и рассказы "Золотая рыбка", "Записка" и другие. Основная тема произведений Дика - ребячья жизнь, дела, верность, товарищество. Писатель много ездил по стране и все увиденное им легло в его рассказы и повести. Школьная жизнь в рассказах и повестях показана автором как с веселой стороны, так и во времена трагические и трудные для нашей страны - во время войны ("Кутька", "Янтарный мундштук", "Ванькин папа и война")....

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Shoot for the Stars! A Practical Guide For Helping Your Child Achieve Success in School and the Workplace. PhD, France Morrow . Книги.

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