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Do Glaciers Listen?: Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, And Social Imagination (Brenda and David McLean Canadian Studies) Julie Cruikshank
The glaciers creep Like snakes that watch their prey, from their far fountains, Slow rolling on. - Percy Shelley, "Mont Blanc," 1816 Glaciers in America's far northwest figure prominently in indigenous oral traditions, early travelers' journals, and the work of geophysical scientists. By following such stories across three centuries, this book explores local knowledge, colonial encounters, and environmental change. Do Glaciers Listen? examines conflicting depictions of glaciers to show how natural and social histories are entangled. During late stages of the Little Ice Age, significant geophysical changes coincided with dramatic social upheaval in the Saint Elias Mountains. European visitors brought conceptions of Nature as sublime, as spiritual, or as a resource for human progress. They saw glaciers as inanimate, subject to empirical investigation and measurement. Aboriginal responses were strikingly different. From their perspectives, glaciers were sentient,......
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Boycott: Stolen Dreams of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games Tom Caraccioli and Jerry Caraccioli
New Chapter Press. With a thorough exploration of the political climate of the time and the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, this book describes the repercussions of Jimmy Carter's American boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. Despite missing the games they had trained relentlessly to compete in, many U.S. athletes went on to achieve remarkable successes in sports and overcame the bitter disappointment of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity dashed by geopolitics. Издание на английском языке....
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Лягушка, лягушка, где ты была?.. И. Пивоварова
АСТ, Астрель. Планета детства. Издание представляет собой красочно иллюстрированный сборник стихов для детей....
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Трактир на Пятницкой Николай Леонов
Эксмо. МУРу - 90 лет. Москва двадцатых годов прошлого столетия... Период НЭПа. Сияют витрины богатых магазинов, переливаются огнями вывески роскошных ресторанов. А в шумном трактире на Пятницкой широко гуляет ловкий карманник Пашка Америка, хмуро сидит за столом налетчик Серый, окруженный своими уркаганами, - словом, бурлит лихая уголовная жизнь - жестокая и отчаянная. Именно здесь сыщики начинают свою тайную операцию по ликвидации опасной банды....
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AAP TextBook of Pediatric Care: Tools for Practice
The forthcoming Pediatric Primary Care: Tools for Practice is a companion manual to AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care. Pediatric Primary Care: Tools for Practice will provide the most frequently used forms, calculators, patient education materials, and questionnaires cited in the textbook....
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Do Glaciers Listen?: Local Knowledge, Colonial Encounters, And Social Imagination (Brenda and David McLean Canadian Studies). Julie Cruikshank . Книги.
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