The Imf and Economic Development

James Raymond Vreeland

  The Imf and Economic Development  James Raymond Vreeland  Why do governments turn to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and with what effects? In this book, James Vreeland examines this question by analyzing cross-national time-series data from throughout the world. Vreeland argues that governments enter into IMF programs for economic and political reasons, and he finds that the programs hurt economic growth and redistribute income upward. By bringing in the IMF, governments gain political leverage - via conditionality - to push through unpopular policies. For certain constituencies, these policies dampen the effects of bad economic performance by redistributing income. But IMF programs doubly hurt others who are less well off: They lower growth and exacerbate income inequality.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Why do governments turn to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and with what effects? In this book, James Vreeland examines this question by analyzing cross-national time-series data from throughout the world. Vreeland argues that governments enter into IMF programs for economic and political reasons, and he finds that the programs hurt economic growth and redistribute income upward. By bringing in the IMF, governments gain political leverage - via conditionality - to push through unpopular policies. For certain constituencies, these policies dampen the effects of bad economic performance by redistributing income. But IMF programs doubly hurt others who are less well off: They lower growth and exacerbate income inequality....

The Institutionalist Approach to Public Utilities Regulation

Warren J. Samuels, Edythe S. Miller

  The Institutionalist Approach to Public Utilities Regulation  Warren J. Samuels, Edythe S. Miller  For the past several decades, a climate of deregulation has encompassed industries ranging from public utilities to mass transportation. Harry Martin Trebing has been at the forefront of this debate as one of the foremost specialists in the world in the field of public utility regulation. Samuels and Miller have collected a series of articles that assess Trebing's theories on public utility regulation while examining his towering contribution to the field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For the past several decades, a climate of deregulation has encompassed industries ranging from public utilities to mass transportation. Harry Martin Trebing has been at the forefront of this debate as one of the foremost specialists in the world in the field of public utility regulation. Samuels and Miller have collected a series of articles that assess Trebing's theories on public utility regulation while examining his towering contribution to the field....

Schools of Quality

John Jay Bonstingl

  Schools of Quality  John Jay Bonstingl  Successful schools are built on a strong foundation of Quality. In this book, Bonstingl outlines the blueprints for creating such a foundation and provides practical tools and examples for putting the Quality Philosophy to work at every level.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Successful schools are built on a strong foundation of Quality. In this book, Bonstingl outlines the blueprints for creating such a foundation and provides practical tools and examples for putting the Quality Philosophy to work at every level....

Теория драмы на Западе в первой половине XIX века

А. Аникст

  Теория драмы на Западе в первой половине XIX века  А. Аникст  Наука.   Теория драмы на Западе в первой половине XIX века.   В своей книге автор обращается к самим текстам теоретических сочинений и стремится непредубежденно выявить взгляды каждого писателя и критика, изложить как можно точнее его теоретические воззрения, по возможности в его собственных словах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Наука. Теория драмы на Западе в первой половине XIX века. В своей книге автор обращается к самим текстам теоретических сочинений и стремится непредубежденно выявить взгляды каждого писателя и критика, изложить как можно точнее его теоретические воззрения, по возможности в его собственных словах....

1001 Photoshop Tips (Mac/Graphics)

Andy Anderson

  1001 Photoshop Tips (Mac/Graphics)  Andy Anderson  Course Technology PTR.   This is the ultimate reference for Photoshop users, providing a wealth of information in its 1200 pages. The format of this book is flexible, and is the only book structured with a series of tips for small and manageable learning segments. You can begin with tip one and work through the book, adding to your knowledge of Photoshop until you become an expert. Or, you can simply look up the tip you need at the moment to get the most out of Photoshop as while using the program.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Course Technology PTR. This is the ultimate reference for Photoshop users, providing a wealth of information in its 1200 pages. The format of this book is flexible, and is the only book structured with a series of tips for small and manageable learning segments. You can begin with tip one and work through the book, adding to your knowledge of Photoshop until you become an expert. Or, you can simply look up the tip you need at the moment to get the most out of Photoshop as while using the program....

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The Imf and Economic Development. James Raymond Vreeland . Книги.

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