Рукопашный бой спецназа. Грязные приемы

А. В. Сажин

  Рукопашный бой спецназа. Грязные приемы  А. В. Сажин  АСТ, Астрель.   Бойцовский клуб.   Книг по рукопашному бою спецназа много, но эта - единственная в своем роде. Автор - профессиональный инструктор и боец, подготовивший в свое время многих бойцов, задача которых - применить приемы рукопашного боя и вернуться живыми. В данной книге представлена авторская техника рукопашного боя по системе спецназа, включающая в себя самые эффективные приемы, направленные на поражение противника. Все приемы подробно описаны и проиллюстрированы фотографиями, даются психологические рекомендации по тактике боя. Книга рассчитана как на профессионалов - бойцов спецназа, телохранителей, мастеров восточных единоборств, так и на новичков, которые хотят освоить технику рукопашного боя.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Бойцовский клуб. Книг по рукопашному бою спецназа много, но эта - единственная в своем роде. Автор - профессиональный инструктор и боец, подготовивший в свое время многих бойцов, задача которых - применить приемы рукопашного боя и вернуться живыми. В данной книге представлена авторская техника рукопашного боя по системе спецназа, включающая в себя самые эффективные приемы, направленные на поражение противника. Все приемы подробно описаны и проиллюстрированы фотографиями, даются психологические рекомендации по тактике боя. Книга рассчитана как на профессионалов - бойцов спецназа, телохранителей, мастеров восточных единоборств, так и на новичков, которые хотят освоить технику рукопашного боя....

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghosts & Hauntings

Tom Ogden

  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghosts & Hauntings  Tom Ogden  
.   A Halloween favorite spooks up a new and expanded edition. A unique guide to the world of the paranormal, . A Halloween favorite spooks up a new and expanded edition. A unique guide to the world of the paranormal, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghosts and Hauntings" is a perennial favorite. Now updated, revised, and expanded with new information on ghost hunting and observing, this new edition includes new tips on gathering and recording paranormal data, and a new section devoted to "faking it" - showing readers how to haunt their own houses to amuse and bewilder friends. Expanded appendixes featuring new Internet sites devoted to the paranormal, as well as modern-day "haunted houses" open to the public; Additional information on the origin of spiritualism and its followers; Strong seller for Halloween season; Completely reorganized for easier reading and referencing....

French Decorative Designs of the 18th Century (+ CD-ROM)

Edouard Bajot

  French Decorative Designs of the 18th Century (+ CD-ROM)  Edouard Bajot  Dover Publications.   The graceful forms and delicately carved details of eighteenth-century French decorative design lend craft and graphic projects a special air of grace and refinement. The elegant borders, cartouches, vignettes, and other configurations in this superb collection reflect those qualities. Fine line drawings of real and legendary beasts, scrolling curves, wreaths, floral motifs, garlands, classical urns, and more convey a timeless elegance that will provide craftworkers, illustrators, and designers with a wealth of handsome graphics. Формат: 21 см х 28 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dover Publications. The graceful forms and delicately carved details of eighteenth-century French decorative design lend craft and graphic projects a special air of grace and refinement. The elegant borders, cartouches, vignettes, and other configurations in this superb collection reflect those qualities. Fine line drawings of real and legendary beasts, scrolling curves, wreaths, floral motifs, garlands, classical urns, and more convey a timeless elegance that will provide craftworkers, illustrators, and designers with a wealth of handsome graphics. Формат: 21 см х 28 см....

Managing Flow: A Process Theory of the Knowledge-Based Firm

Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama, Toru Hirata

  Managing Flow: A Process Theory of the Knowledge-Based Firm  Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama, Toru Hirata  This book presents an ultimate theory of knowledge-based management and organizational knowledge creation based on empirical research and an extensive literature review. It covers the six essential building blocks of this theory using in-depth case studies of companies to illustrate each block.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents an ultimate theory of knowledge-based management and organizational knowledge creation based on empirical research and an extensive literature review. It covers the six essential building blocks of this theory using in-depth case studies of companies to illustrate each block....

Enterprise Taxonomies: A Business Professional s Guide to Taxonomies for Content Retrieval

Wendi Pohs, Richard McCarrick

  Enterprise Taxonomies: A Business Professional s Guide to Taxonomies for Content Retrieval  Wendi Pohs, Richard McCarrick  A taxonomy specialist and a content developer combine their expertise to help organizations use taxonomies to improve the effectiveness of their search, content management, and other information-based applications. Pohs and McCarrick begin with a thorough introduction to taxonomy principles, then discuss user needs, metadata standards, and governance models, showing readers how taxonomies can be used to classify a variety of information types and to fulfill a range of organizational needs. They share techniques and tools for organizing online content and various data types including documents, HTML pages, databases, and Web sites. They offer real-world case studies of taxonomies in action, explore the notion of the folksonomy in organizations, and take a look at autocategorization technology and ontologies two important concepts that will help shape the future of Web-related applications including search and navigation. Enterprise Taxonomies is a must-read for Web designers,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A taxonomy specialist and a content developer combine their expertise to help organizations use taxonomies to improve the effectiveness of their search, content management, and other information-based applications. Pohs and McCarrick begin with a thorough introduction to taxonomy principles, then discuss user needs, metadata standards, and governance models, showing readers how taxonomies can be used to classify a variety of information types and to fulfill a range of organizational needs. They share techniques and tools for organizing online content and various data types including documents, HTML pages, databases, and Web sites. They offer real-world case studies of taxonomies in action, explore the notion of the folksonomy in organizations, and take a look at autocategorization technology and ontologies two important concepts that will help shape the future of Web-related applications including search and navigation. Enterprise Taxonomies is a must-read for Web designers,......

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Рукопашный бой спецназа. Грязные приемы. А. В. Сажин . Книги.

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