Бриллиантовый крест медвежатника

Евгений Сухов

  Бриллиантовый крест медвежатника  Евгений Сухов  Эксмо.   Я - вор в законе.   Вот она - бриллиантовая корона Екатерины Великой. Ее только что извлек из тайного сейфа одного из банков города Казани признанный Эксмо. Я - вор в законе. Вот она - бриллиантовая корона Екатерины Великой. Ее только что извлек из тайного сейфа одного из банков города Казани признанный "король медвежатников всея Руси" - лихой и неуловимый Савелий Родионов. В профессии медвежатника главное - красиво и вовремя уйти. Получится ли у Савелия? Банк оцеплен, и погоня дышит вору в затылок. Но красиво уйти - это еще полдела. Надо найти бриллиантовый крест, некогда венчавший корону. Ведь собрать бесценную реликвию в первозданном виде - дело чести знаменитого медвежатника, вершина его тонкого и азартного ремесла......

От первого до последнего слова

Татьяна Устинова

  От первого до последнего слова  Татьяна Устинова  Эксмо.   Татьяна Устинова. Первая среди лучших.   Он не знает, правда это, или ложь - от первого до последнего слова. Он не знает, как жить дальше. Зато он знает, что никто не станет ему помогать - все шаги, от первого до последнего, ему придется делать самому, а он всего лишь врач, хирург!.. Все изменилось в тот момент, когда в больнице у Дмитрия Долгова умер скандальный писатель Евгений Грицук. Все пошло кувырком после того, как телевизионная ведущая Татьяна Краснова почти обвинила Долгова в смерти Эксмо. Татьяна Устинова. Первая среди лучших. Он не знает, правда это, или ложь - от первого до последнего слова. Он не знает, как жить дальше. Зато он знает, что никто не станет ему помогать - все шаги, от первого до последнего, ему придется делать самому, а он всего лишь врач, хирург!.. Все изменилось в тот момент, когда в больнице у Дмитрия Долгова умер скандальный писатель Евгений Грицук. Все пошло кувырком после того, как телевизионная ведущая Татьяна Краснова почти обвинила Долгова в смерти "звезды" - "дело врачей", черт побери, обещало быть таким интересным и злободневным! Оправдываться Долгов не привык, а решать детективные загадки не умеет. Ему придется расследовать сразу два преступления, на первый взгляд, никак не связанных друг с другом… Он вернет любовь, потерянную было на этом тернистом пути, и узнает правду - правду от первого до последнего слова!...

Computer Law: The Law and Regulation of Information Technology

  Computer Law: The Law and Regulation of Information Technology  Early treatment of computer law was no more than the application of existing principles to novel sets of facts. Today it has been recognized generally that computing technology does indeed give rise to unique legal problems which are not resolvable by applying existing legal principles. This is particularly apparent where transactions are carried out through the exchange of digital information rather than human interaction. The developing law which seeks to resolve these problems is at the heart of the latest edition of this book, now established as a standard text on computer and information technology law for both students and practitioners. Topics covered range from contractual matters and intellectual property protection to electronic commerce, data protection and liability of internet service providers. Competition law issues are integrated into the various commercial sections as they arise to indicate their interaction with information technology law. The new edition of this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Early treatment of computer law was no more than the application of existing principles to novel sets of facts. Today it has been recognized generally that computing technology does indeed give rise to unique legal problems which are not resolvable by applying existing legal principles. This is particularly apparent where transactions are carried out through the exchange of digital information rather than human interaction. The developing law which seeks to resolve these problems is at the heart of the latest edition of this book, now established as a standard text on computer and information technology law for both students and practitioners. Topics covered range from contractual matters and intellectual property protection to electronic commerce, data protection and liability of internet service providers. Competition law issues are integrated into the various commercial sections as they arise to indicate their interaction with information technology law. The new edition of this......

Purgatory (Modern Library Classics)


  Purgatory (Modern Library Classics)  Dante  A new translation by Anthony Esolen Illustrations by Gustave DorA© Includes an appendix of key sources and extensive endnotesA A Arguably the greatest single poem ever written, The Divine Comedy presents Dante Alighieri's all-encompassing vision of the three realms of Christian afterlife.A A In this groundbreaking new translation of Dante's most brilliant, imaginative creation, Purgatory , Dante struggles up the terraces of Mount Purgatory, still guided by Virgil, in continuation of his difficult ascent to purity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A new translation by Anthony Esolen Illustrations by Gustave DorA© Includes an appendix of key sources and extensive endnotesA A Arguably the greatest single poem ever written, The Divine Comedy presents Dante Alighieri's all-encompassing vision of the three realms of Christian afterlife.A A In this groundbreaking new translation of Dante's most brilliant, imaginative creation, Purgatory , Dante struggles up the terraces of Mount Purgatory, still guided by Virgil, in continuation of his difficult ascent to purity....

SPSS 14 Made Simple

Paul Kinnear

  SPSS 14 Made Simple  Paul Kinnear  SPSS 14 Made Simple is the latest edition of one of the most popular textbooks in its field. Each statistical technique is presented in a realistic research context and, as in previous editions, is illustrated with screen snapshots of SPSS dialog boxes and output. The book provides guidance on the choice of statistical techniques that are right for your research question and your own data, and advises on how to report the results of statistical analysis. Coverage has been expanded to include several additional topics such as analysis of covariance, partial correlation, multivariate analysis of variance, reliability, signal detection and ROC curves and Cohen's kappa. Other sections, such as those on power and effect size, have been fully revised and updated. There is also extensive consideration of the new and powerful graphical methods offered by SPSS 14, which are of great assistance at the exploratory stage in data analysis. The first chapter sets the scene with a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин SPSS 14 Made Simple is the latest edition of one of the most popular textbooks in its field. Each statistical technique is presented in a realistic research context and, as in previous editions, is illustrated with screen snapshots of SPSS dialog boxes and output. The book provides guidance on the choice of statistical techniques that are right for your research question and your own data, and advises on how to report the results of statistical analysis. Coverage has been expanded to include several additional topics such as analysis of covariance, partial correlation, multivariate analysis of variance, reliability, signal detection and ROC curves and Cohen's kappa. Other sections, such as those on power and effect size, have been fully revised and updated. There is also extensive consideration of the new and powerful graphical methods offered by SPSS 14, which are of great assistance at the exploratory stage in data analysis. The first chapter sets the scene with a......

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Бриллиантовый крест медвежатника. Евгений Сухов . Книги.

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