Sustainable Golf Courses : A Guide to Environmental Stewardship

Ronald G. Dodson

  Sustainable Golf Courses : A Guide to Environmental Stewardship  Ronald G. Dodson  Book Description Sustainable Golf Courses is the most authoritative guidebook on environmental stewardship of planned and existing golf courses available, written by the leading expert and endorsed by the USGA. The book serves as a reference and guide for all who are involved in golf course design, development, and management, and integrates practical, scientifically-based siting, design, and management practices based on accepted principles for sustainability. You'll find detailed case studies andenvironmental research from the USGA as well as a foreword by Arnold Palmer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Sustainable Golf Courses is the most authoritative guidebook on environmental stewardship of planned and existing golf courses available, written by the leading expert and endorsed by the USGA. The book serves as a reference and guide for all who are involved in golf course design, development, and management, and integrates practical, scientifically-based siting, design, and management practices based on accepted principles for sustainability. You'll find detailed case studies andenvironmental research from the USGA as well as a foreword by Arnold Palmer....

Bukhara-The Eastern Dome of Islam

Anette Gangler

  Bukhara-The Eastern Dome of Islam  Anette Gangler  Book DescriptionEnjoy pictures of the architectural miracles of the East in Bukhara-given the honorary title of The Eastern Dome of Islam.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionEnjoy pictures of the architectural miracles of the East in Bukhara-given the honorary title of The Eastern Dome of Islam....

SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Official Strategy Guide

Thomas Layton

  SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Official Strategy Guide  Thomas Layton  Book Description BradyGames' SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Official Strategy Guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for all 12 intense missions. Detailed maps that depict every international location. Enemy profiles and a complete rundown of allweapons. Plus, multiplayer strategies and expert coverage of the 22 online missions! This product is available for sale in North America only.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description BradyGames' SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs Official Strategy Guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough for all 12 intense missions. Detailed maps that depict every international location. Enemy profiles and a complete rundown of allweapons. Plus, multiplayer strategies and expert coverage of the 22 online missions! This product is available for sale in North America only....

The Odorous Adventures of Stinky Dog (Tales From the House of Bunnicula)

James Howe

  The Odorous Adventures of Stinky Dog (Tales From the House of Bunnicula)  James Howe  Book Description Dear possible reader of this book, What's faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a pound of Gorgonzola cheese? It's Stinky Dog, the hero of my new book. By a stroke of fate (or is it destiny?) the lovable (notto mention cute) Howie Monroe is transformed into Stinky Dog, protector of the innocent. (Don't worry, he's still lovable.) (Not to mention cute.) The secret of Stinky Dog's power is Super Stench -- an odor so strong it can bend steel! (Am I good or what?) Joined by a smart-mouthed sidekick, a sparrow named Little D, Stinky Dog tries to save Center City from villainous, low-life, miserable, rotten, wicked, kindergarten-scissors-stealing gangs who roam the streets, knocking down little old ladies and running off with their handbags! Your friend, Howie  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Dear possible reader of this book, What's faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a pound of Gorgonzola cheese? It's Stinky Dog, the hero of my new book. By a stroke of fate (or is it destiny?) the lovable (notto mention cute) Howie Monroe is transformed into Stinky Dog, protector of the innocent. (Don't worry, he's still lovable.) (Not to mention cute.) The secret of Stinky Dog's power is Super Stench -- an odor so strong it can bend steel! (Am I good or what?) Joined by a smart-mouthed sidekick, a sparrow named Little D, Stinky Dog tries to save Center City from villainous, low-life, miserable, rotten, wicked, kindergarten-scissors-stealing gangs who roam the streets, knocking down little old ladies and running off with their handbags! Your friend, Howie...

Steven Berkoff and the Theatre of Self-Performance

Robert Cross

  Steven Berkoff and the Theatre of Self-Performance  Robert Cross  Book Description Steven Berkoff is a playwright, director and actor largely disregarded by theater scholars. Since the 1960s, however, this notorious Cockney enfant terrible and Book Description Steven Berkoff is a playwright, director and actor largely disregarded by theater scholars. Since the 1960s, however, this notorious Cockney enfant terrible and "scourge of the Shakespeare industry" has left an imprint on modern British theatre that has been as impossible to ignore as his in-your-face stage presence. Steven Berkoff and the Theatre of Self-Performance , the first thorough and in-depth study of this contentious artist, examines the wide-ranging strategies adoptedby Berkoff in the construction and projection of his larger-than-life public persona....

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Sustainable Golf Courses : A Guide to Environmental Stewardship. Ronald G. Dodson . Книги.

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