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Обыкновенная история (аудиокнига MP3) И. А. Гончаров
1С-Паблишинг. "Обыкновенная история" - первый роман русского писателя-реалиста Ивана Александровича Гончарова. Эта история о том, как молодой романтичный юноша Александр Адуев переезжает из провинции в столицу, к своему дяде - человеку расчетливому и прагматичному. Мировоззрение главного героя постепенно изменяется, и к концу романа перед нами предстает уже совершенно другой человек. "Юлия была уж взволнована ожиданием. Она стояла у окна, и нетерпение ее возрастало с каждой минутой. Она ощипывала китайскую розу и с досадой бросала листья на пол, а сердце так и замирало: это был момент муки. Она мысленно играла в вопрос и ответ: придет или не придет? вся сила ее соображения была устремлена на то, чтоб решить эту мудреную задачу. Если соображения говорили утвердительно, она улыбалась, если нет - бледнела. Когда Александр подъехал, она, бледная, опустилась в кресла от изнеможения..."...
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Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (4th Edition) Thomas W. Zimmerer
Book Description This fourth edition of the popular book introduces you to the processes of new venture creation and the critical knowledge needed to manage your business once it is formed. With the help of this book, readers can follow their dreams of becoming successful entrepreneurs. Topics include: the challenges of entrepreneurship, building a business plan, marketing considerations, e-commerce and the entrepreneur, advertising and pricing for profit, financial considerations and managing cash flow, building a competitive edge, and debt/equity and site and location considerations. For any person interested in owning, operating, and managing a small business. Also a handy reference for entrepreneurs and managers of small businesses....
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Working and Living: France Monica Larner
Book Description Packed with practical advice, personal case studies and points of reference, this new title from Cadogan has all readers need to know about moving to France and starting a new life out there....
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Fundamentals of Customer-Focused Management : Competing through Service Joby John
Book DescriptionCustomer-orientation, customer-centricity, and customer relationship management (CRM) are not new concepts or practices. But information technology has unleashed tremendous opportunities in dealing with a customer and in creating value tothe customer. And yet the majority of CRM investments and initiatives fail because firms do not have the appropriate orientation to serving the customer. The principal aim of this book is to get the reader to think about th firm and the way it conducts its business in a certain way--with a customer focus....
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Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac 2005: The Only Complete Reference To The Retail Industry (Plunkett's Retail Industry Almanac) Jack W. Plunkett
Book DescriptionNo other guide covers the complete retail picture like this exciting new volume. America's retail industry is in the midst of vast changes - superstores and giant discounters are popping up on major corners. Malls are lagging while "powercenters" are surging ahead. Savvy firms are combining bricks, clicks and catalogs into multi-channel retail powerhouses. Which are the hottest retailers? What lies ahead? Our market research section shows you the trends and a thorough analysis of retailtechnologies, chain stores, shopping centers, mergers, finances and future growth within the industry. Included are major statistical tables showing everything from monthly U.S. retail sales, by sector, to mall sales per square foot, to the 10 largest malls in the US. Meanwhile, the corporate profiles section covering Plunkett's Retail 500 Firms gives you complete profiles of the leading, fastest growing retail chains across the nation. From Wal-Mart and Costco to Barnes & Noble and......
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Обыкновенная история (аудиокнига MP3). И. А. Гончаров . Книги.
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