Suntan: Skin Tone Color Adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop

Rolf Bertram

  Suntan: Skin Tone Color Adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop  Rolf Bertram  Turning sunburn into suntan, and turning a slight tan into an intense one. This requires very precise adjustments, done in a certain order one after the other. Rolf Bertram does model and family portrait photography on the beaches of Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key. Many vacationers get sunburned, but still want their beach portrait. This book also talks about how to choose your first digital SLR, a printer, and how to do portrait session in nature.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Turning sunburn into suntan, and turning a slight tan into an intense one. This requires very precise adjustments, done in a certain order one after the other. Rolf Bertram does model and family portrait photography on the beaches of Anna Maria Island and Longboat Key. Many vacationers get sunburned, but still want their beach portrait. This book also talks about how to choose your first digital SLR, a printer, and how to do portrait session in nature....

Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications (Premier Reference Source)

  Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications (Premier Reference Source)  Education and research in the field of database technology can prove problematic without the proper resources and tools on the most relevant issues, trends, and advancements. Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications supplements course instruction and student research with quality chapters focused on key issues concerning the development, design, and analysis of databases. Containing over 30 chapters from authors across the globe, these selected readings in areas such as data warehousing, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery depict the most relevant and important areas of classroom discussion within the categories of Fundamental Concepts and Theories; Development and Design Methodologies; Tools and Technologies; Application and Utilization; Critical Issues; and Emerging Trends.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Education and research in the field of database technology can prove problematic without the proper resources and tools on the most relevant issues, trends, and advancements. Selected Readings on Database Technologies and Applications supplements course instruction and student research with quality chapters focused on key issues concerning the development, design, and analysis of databases. Containing over 30 chapters from authors across the globe, these selected readings in areas such as data warehousing, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery depict the most relevant and important areas of classroom discussion within the categories of Fundamental Concepts and Theories; Development and Design Methodologies; Tools and Technologies; Application and Utilization; Critical Issues; and Emerging Trends....

Очарованный странник (аудиокнига MP3)

Николай Лесков

  Очарованный странник (аудиокнига MP3)  Николай Лесков  Аудиокнига.   Школьная библиотека.   Как много в жизни удивительного! В каждом цветке, в каждой травинке - целая вселенная. Но прекрасней и сложнее человеческой судьбы нет ничего: как странно она иногда складывается, как внезапно она может измениться. В своем произведении Аудиокнига. Школьная библиотека. Как много в жизни удивительного! В каждом цветке, в каждой травинке - целая вселенная. Но прекрасней и сложнее человеческой судьбы нет ничего: как странно она иногда складывается, как внезапно она может измениться. В своем произведении "Очарованный странник", знаменитый русский писатель Николай Семенович Лесков поведает юным слушателям о добрых, преданных, трудолюбивых русских людях, со смирением принимающих любые невзгоды и радующихся жизни во всех ее проявлениях....

Paul Smith: You Can Find Inspiration in Everything*

James Flint, Paul Smith

  Paul Smith: You Can Find Inspiration in Everything*  James Flint, Paul Smith  New paperback edition! Called, New paperback edition! Called, "A ripe blend of master craftsmanship and Monty Pythonesque lunacy" by Monument and, "A treasure trove," by The Bookseller, You Can Find Inspiration in Everything is now in its third printing and still going strong. Far from being just a fashion monograph, this volume "images" Paul Smith's brain on the page, presenting original and often humorous thoughts and ideas--found in shop windows, advertising campaigns, photographs and souvenirs brought back from world travels--that became the inspiration for the look of the season. In addition to texts and images by the renowned British designer himself, collaborations include an account of Smith's teenage obsession with cycling by Guardian sportswriter Richard Williams; a fictional text by celebrated novelist James Flint; interviews with neuroscientist Dr. Semir Zeki and curator Hans Ulrich Obrist; two posters; and The Bunny, a comic book within the book, complete with a cryptic crossword, puzzles, a fold-out......

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Suntan: Skin Tone Color Adjustments in Lightroom and Photoshop. Rolf Bertram . Книги.

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