Using ActionScript 2.0 Components with Macromedia Flash 8

Bob Berry, Jen deHaan, Peter deHaan, David Jacowitz, Wade Pickett

  Using ActionScript 2.0 Components with Macromedia Flash 8  Bob Berry, Jen deHaan, Peter deHaan, David Jacowitz, Wade Pickett  Components are “packaged” pieces of the Flash user interface, data integration tools, and media player that form the building blocks for building rich internet applications. They encapsulate complex functionality to make Flash development easier and more efficient, by letting developers reuse, share, and customize code. This book describes how to work with components and their supporting classes. In Using ActionScript Components with Macromedia Flash 8, learn how to: •A A A Set component properties and parameters •A A A Write functions to handle component “events,” such as clicking, loading, and rollovers •A A A Customize component appearance •A A A Create your own components and distribute them to other developers and designers •A A A Use supporting classes for managing component depth and focus, or to customize data, styles, transition effects, and Web services Includes the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Components are “packaged” pieces of the Flash user interface, data integration tools, and media player that form the building blocks for building rich internet applications. They encapsulate complex functionality to make Flash development easier and more efficient, by letting developers reuse, share, and customize code. This book describes how to work with components and their supporting classes. In Using ActionScript Components with Macromedia Flash 8, learn how to: •A A A Set component properties and parameters •A A A Write functions to handle component “events,” such as clicking, loading, and rollovers •A A A Customize component appearance •A A A Create your own components and distribute them to other developers and designers •A A A Use supporting classes for managing component depth and focus, or to customize data, styles, transition effects, and Web services Includes the......

RoTo Architecture: Still Points

Michael Rotondi, Clark P. Stevens

  RoTo Architecture: Still Points  Michael Rotondi, Clark P. Stevens  Since founding RoTo Architecture in 1991, Michael Rotondi and Clark Stevens have demonstrated that the applications of vibrant avant-garde style can be both wide-ranging and successful. The presumptive post-Frank Gehry flag bearer of L.A. modernism, Roto has earned international recognition for its expertise in community planning in rural areas, city parks, and on campuses. Featuring essays by architecture critic Mildred Friedman and design theorist Michael Benedikt, RoTo Architecture illustrates the breadth and depth of the firm's commissions, including a memorial for the L.A. Fire Department, an experimental theater complex in La Jolla, California, a large Buddhist stupa in Santa Cruz, California, and a city planning project in Louisville, Kentucky, where a seventy-acre industrial site was transformed into an extension of the city's center. RoTo Architecture is a testament to the grace and imagination with which Rotondi consistently meets his disparate clients' demand for...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since founding RoTo Architecture in 1991, Michael Rotondi and Clark Stevens have demonstrated that the applications of vibrant avant-garde style can be both wide-ranging and successful. The presumptive post-Frank Gehry flag bearer of L.A. modernism, Roto has earned international recognition for its expertise in community planning in rural areas, city parks, and on campuses. Featuring essays by architecture critic Mildred Friedman and design theorist Michael Benedikt, RoTo Architecture illustrates the breadth and depth of the firm's commissions, including a memorial for the L.A. Fire Department, an experimental theater complex in La Jolla, California, a large Buddhist stupa in Santa Cruz, California, and a city planning project in Louisville, Kentucky, where a seventy-acre industrial site was transformed into an extension of the city's center. RoTo Architecture is a testament to the grace and imagination with which Rotondi consistently meets his disparate clients' demand for......

In The Game: Gay Athletes And The Cult Of Masculinity (S U N Y Series on Sport, Culture, and Social Relations)

Eric Anderson

  In The Game: Gay Athletes And The Cult Of Masculinity (S U N Y Series on Sport, Culture, and Social Relations)  Eric Anderson  In the Game Gay Athletes and the Cult of Masculinity Eric Anderson - Author SUNY series on Sport, Culture, and Social Relations Summary Examines the relationship between gay male athletes, sport, and American masculinity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the Game Gay Athletes and the Cult of Masculinity Eric Anderson - Author SUNY series on Sport, Culture, and Social Relations Summary Examines the relationship between gay male athletes, sport, and American masculinity....

Всегда с тобой

Наталия Сац

  Всегда с тобой  Наталия Сац  Детская литература. Москва.   В мире прекрасного.   Наталия Ильинична Сац - известный деятель советского театра, народная артистка СССР, лауреат Государственной премии СССР, главный режиссер-директор Московского Государственного детского музыкального театра - лауреата премии Ленинского комсомола. О своих встречах с композиторами, певцами, музыкантами, об особенностях их музыкального творчества автор рассказывает в настоящей книге, стремясь заинтересовать юного читателя серьезной музыкой, развить в нем музыкальный вкус, умение понимать язык музыки.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Детская литература. Москва. В мире прекрасного. Наталия Ильинична Сац - известный деятель советского театра, народная артистка СССР, лауреат Государственной премии СССР, главный режиссер-директор Московского Государственного детского музыкального театра - лауреата премии Ленинского комсомола. О своих встречах с композиторами, певцами, музыкантами, об особенностях их музыкального творчества автор рассказывает в настоящей книге, стремясь заинтересовать юного читателя серьезной музыкой, развить в нем музыкальный вкус, умение понимать язык музыки....

e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning

Ruth Colvin Clark, Richard E. Mayer

  e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning  Ruth Colvin Clark, Richard E. Mayer  Pfeiffer.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pfeiffer. -...

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Using ActionScript 2.0 Components with Macromedia Flash 8. Bob Berry, Jen deHaan, Peter deHaan, David Jacowitz, Wade Pickett . Книги.

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