Алексей Степанов

Владислав Артемов

  Алексей Степанов  Владислав Артемов  Белый город.   Мастера живописи.   Художник А.С.Степанов известен в русской живописи не только как жанрист и пейзажист, но главным образом как анималист, как мастер охотничьих сцен. Он питал трогательную привязанность к животным, изображал их с большим увлечением и неостывающим интересом. Сколько раз, к примеру, писал он волков, то забредших в деревню в ясную зимнюю ночь, то осторожно пробирающихся вдоль изгороди или глухой лесной тропой. Степанов изучил их походку, привычки, их нравы. О его любви к животным говорят и многочисленные, прекрасно исполненные карандашные рисунки. Художественный дар Степанова был совершенно особенным. Он изображал преимущественно среднерусскую природу, причем не только пейзаж, но и все живое в этой природе - населявшие леса и поля зверей и птиц, среди домашних животных особенно любил деревенских лошадок. Художник в высшей степени русский, прекрасный и тонкий знаток природы и жизни, он внимательно следил и за теми явлениями в искусстве, которые происходили в его время на Западе. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Белый город. Мастера живописи. Художник А.С.Степанов известен в русской живописи не только как жанрист и пейзажист, но главным образом как анималист, как мастер охотничьих сцен. Он питал трогательную привязанность к животным, изображал их с большим увлечением и неостывающим интересом. Сколько раз, к примеру, писал он волков, то забредших в деревню в ясную зимнюю ночь, то осторожно пробирающихся вдоль изгороди или глухой лесной тропой. Степанов изучил их походку, привычки, их нравы. О его любви к животным говорят и многочисленные, прекрасно исполненные карандашные рисунки. Художественный дар Степанова был совершенно особенным. Он изображал преимущественно среднерусскую природу, причем не только пейзаж, но и все живое в этой природе - населявшие леса и поля зверей и птиц, среди домашних животных особенно любил деревенских лошадок. Художник в высшей степени русский, прекрасный и тонкий знаток природы и жизни, он внимательно следил и за теми явлениями в искусстве, которые происходили в его время на Западе. ......

2001 Index of Economic Freedom

Kim Holmes, Melanie Kirkpatrick, Gerald O'Driscoll

  2001 Index of Economic Freedom  Kim Holmes, Melanie Kirkpatrick, Gerald O'Driscoll  The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal introduce the 2001 Index of Economic Freedom . Now in its seventh edition, the Index measures how well 155 countries score on a list of 50 independent variables divided into 10 broad factors of economic freedom. The higher the score on a factor, the greater the level of government interference and the less economic freedom a country enjoys. The 50 variables are grouped into the following categories: banking and finance, capital flows and foreign investment, monetary policy, fiscal burden of government, trade policy, wages and prices, government intervention in the economy, property rights, regulation, and black-market activity. New to the 2001 edition includes a foreward by Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal, who offers an overview of this year's economic events and a reflection on the importance of Nobel Prize economist Robert Mundell's work in creating The Heritage Foundation and The Wall Street Journal introduce the 2001 Index of Economic Freedom . Now in its seventh edition, the Index measures how well 155 countries score on a list of 50 independent variables divided into 10 broad factors of economic freedom. The higher the score on a factor, the greater the level of government interference and the less economic freedom a country enjoys. The 50 variables are grouped into the following categories: banking and finance, capital flows and foreign investment, monetary policy, fiscal burden of government, trade policy, wages and prices, government intervention in the economy, property rights, regulation, and black-market activity. New to the 2001 edition includes a foreward by Robert Bartley, editor of The Wall Street Journal, who offers an overview of this year's economic events and a reflection on the importance of Nobel Prize economist Robert Mundell's work in creating "the current trend toward freer economies......

Creating the Healthy Organization: Well-Being, Diversity and Ethics at Work

Sue Newell

  Creating the Healthy Organization: Well-Being, Diversity and Ethics at Work  Sue Newell  This introductory text focuses on exploring the impact of work organizations on individual employees, groups and the wider community. Arguing that the creation of working environments which promote positive well-being, eliminate unfair discrimination andpromote socially and environmentally responsible behaviour is the key to long term sustainability, this text is relevant to all those who are involved in maintaining a policy of good human relations while achieving competitive success. In addition to managers and HR professionals, students of management and occupational psychology at undergraduate and MBA level will benefit from the clear and concise coverage of this important topic.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This introductory text focuses on exploring the impact of work organizations on individual employees, groups and the wider community. Arguing that the creation of working environments which promote positive well-being, eliminate unfair discrimination andpromote socially and environmentally responsible behaviour is the key to long term sustainability, this text is relevant to all those who are involved in maintaining a policy of good human relations while achieving competitive success. In addition to managers and HR professionals, students of management and occupational psychology at undergraduate and MBA level will benefit from the clear and concise coverage of this important topic....

The Foundations of Management Knowledge: Examining Complex Relations Between Theory and Practice

Paul Jeffcutt, Paul Jeffcut

  The Foundations of Management Knowledge: Examining Complex Relations Between Theory and Practice  Paul Jeffcutt, Paul Jeffcut  Brings together a group of leading academics from North America, Europe and Australasia to address a question of considerable contemporary concern - the nature of management knowledge in relation to rapidly changing arenas of theory and practice. The contributors examine the relationships between theory, management education and managerial practice as complex exchanges that bring theory and practice together.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Brings together a group of leading academics from North America, Europe and Australasia to address a question of considerable contemporary concern - the nature of management knowledge in relation to rapidly changing arenas of theory and practice. The contributors examine the relationships between theory, management education and managerial practice as complex exchanges that bring theory and practice together....

CIO Wisdom: Best Practices from Silicon Valley

Dean Lane

  CIO Wisdom: Best Practices from Silicon Valley  Dean Lane  Prentice Hall Ptr.   Foreword by Dean Lane The research for this book began more than 30 years ago and is based on the experience, learning and real-world practices of more than 18 people who currently are, or have been, in the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The combined knowledge, expertise and skills have been leveraged on individual chapters as well as groups of chapters to ensure practical information that can be easily understood. The concept or idea behind this written work began about a year ago, when I had cause to reflect on all of my experiences as a CIO (both good and bad). What were my successes, failures, frustrations and accomplishments? One of my revelations was that we (the IT industry) had not communicated clearly enough what it is that we do. Quite to the contrary, many lower level IT professionals cause greater frustration by promoting the thought that they are magicians who work on black boxes. To help bridge the chasm, I decided that a book, of CIOs, by CIOs and for CIOs...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Prentice Hall Ptr. Foreword by Dean Lane The research for this book began more than 30 years ago and is based on the experience, learning and real-world practices of more than 18 people who currently are, or have been, in the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The combined knowledge, expertise and skills have been leveraged on individual chapters as well as groups of chapters to ensure practical information that can be easily understood. The concept or idea behind this written work began about a year ago, when I had cause to reflect on all of my experiences as a CIO (both good and bad). What were my successes, failures, frustrations and accomplishments? One of my revelations was that we (the IT industry) had not communicated clearly enough what it is that we do. Quite to the contrary, many lower level IT professionals cause greater frustration by promoting the thought that they are magicians who work on black boxes. To help bridge the chasm, I decided that a book, of CIOs, by CIOs and for CIOs......

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Алексей Степанов. Владислав Артемов . Книги.

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