Simplified Tax System: A Counterculture Proposal

Lawrance?George??? Lux

  Simplified Tax System: A Counterculture Proposal  Lawrance?George??? Lux  Simplified Tax System criticizes the current tax system for its failures. It goes further than other Critiques, by offering a definite Alternative. The basic causation of current system tax failure lay in the proliferation of special exemptions from taxation, and misguided attempts to stimulate the Economy. Lawrance George Lux also highlights the error of geographical variations of tax impacts, and methodology to correct such deficiencies. The major elements of the Book are the unification of the Tax Code in this Country, without violation of constitutional Separation of Powers; the methodology for elimination of special, discriminatory tax advantages, and provision of a functional tax system. Lux presents an actual Tax Proposal for legislative passage. He examines each major provision of it, for its economic and political impact. All thought remains within the realm of mainstream Economic thought; it altered simply to garner an effective tax policy. The Tax Proposal also...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Simplified Tax System criticizes the current tax system for its failures. It goes further than other Critiques, by offering a definite Alternative. The basic causation of current system tax failure lay in the proliferation of special exemptions from taxation, and misguided attempts to stimulate the Economy. Lawrance George Lux also highlights the error of geographical variations of tax impacts, and methodology to correct such deficiencies. The major elements of the Book are the unification of the Tax Code in this Country, without violation of constitutional Separation of Powers; the methodology for elimination of special, discriminatory tax advantages, and provision of a functional tax system. Lux presents an actual Tax Proposal for legislative passage. He examines each major provision of it, for its economic and political impact. All thought remains within the realm of mainstream Economic thought; it altered simply to garner an effective tax policy. The Tax Proposal also......

The 20% Solution: Using Rapid Redesign to Create Tomorrow's Organizations Today

John J. Cotter

  The 20% Solution: Using Rapid Redesign to Create Tomorrow's Organizations Today  John J. Cotter  "Today, change flashes across the landscape like lightning. Simple, single-focus fix-it schemes no longer work, and isolated, unintegrated, one-time improvement efforts fail miserably. Organizations require periodic revolution, not just constant evolution." —John J. Cotter The first law of the jungle is that the most adaptable species are always the most successful. In the struggle for survival, the winners are those who are most sensitive to important changes in their environment and quickest to reshape their behavior to meet each new environmental challenge. As author John Cotter makes abundantly clear in this groundbreaking book, the law of natural selection holds as true for business organizations as it does for animal species. For Cotter, the key to getting a jump on change and beating out the competition in today's tumultuous, hypercompetitive business jungle is Rapid Redesign TM . A dynamic new approach to formulating and implementing strategic......

Twenty Years to Nowhere: Property Rights, Land Management and Conservation in Ethiopia

Yeraswork Admassie, Yeraswork Admassie

  Twenty Years to Nowhere: Property Rights, Land Management and Conservation in Ethiopia  Yeraswork Admassie, Yeraswork Admassie  Preface This study focuses on Ethiopia's attempt at introducing soil conservation and afforestation innovations aimed at reversing the process of degradation of its agricultural resource-base. It considers the tenure ambiguity, uncertainty, and insecurity stemming from the state ownership of land under which these innovations were attempted. It tells the story of how rural people responded to the project-induced adoption of measures to protect the land even though their holdings remained under a constant threat of reallocation. This story concerns issues arising from over-population, revolution, agrarian reform, population relocation, land reallocations, internationally financed projects, and not least, civil war. Questions of soil conservation and afforestation, and land tenure are issues of fundamental importance to the millions of rural families in Ethiopia. In fact, in the long-run, they may be more may be as important to the people of several Sahelian and Sub-Saharan...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Preface This study focuses on Ethiopia's attempt at introducing soil conservation and afforestation innovations aimed at reversing the process of degradation of its agricultural resource-base. It considers the tenure ambiguity, uncertainty, and insecurity stemming from the state ownership of land under which these innovations were attempted. It tells the story of how rural people responded to the project-induced adoption of measures to protect the land even though their holdings remained under a constant threat of reallocation. This story concerns issues arising from over-population, revolution, agrarian reform, population relocation, land reallocations, internationally financed projects, and not least, civil war. Questions of soil conservation and afforestation, and land tenure are issues of fundamental importance to the millions of rural families in Ethiopia. In fact, in the long-run, they may be more may be as important to the people of several Sahelian and Sub-Saharan......

African Development in a Comparative Perspective

United Nations Conference on Trade and D

  African Development in a Comparative Perspective  United Nations Conference on Trade and D  This book seeks to identify, in an international perspective, what has, and has not, worked in structural adjustment programs in Africa, to explain key weaknesses, and to put forward feasible alternatives. Published for and on behalf of the United Nations It rejects both pessimism over Africa's future as well as excessive hype about the power and potential of foreign direct investment as an agent of change. It argues for policies which stimulate private domestic investment and link it to export expansion and upgrading, and for a supportive international environment which includes debt relief, improved development assistance and better market access.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book seeks to identify, in an international perspective, what has, and has not, worked in structural adjustment programs in Africa, to explain key weaknesses, and to put forward feasible alternatives. Published for and on behalf of the United Nations It rejects both pessimism over Africa's future as well as excessive hype about the power and potential of foreign direct investment as an agent of change. It argues for policies which stimulate private domestic investment and link it to export expansion and upgrading, and for a supportive international environment which includes debt relief, improved development assistance and better market access....

Consumer Culture and Modernity

Don Slater

  Consumer Culture and Modernity  Don Slater  Blackwell Publishers.   This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues, concepts and theories through which people have tried to understand consumer culture throughout the modern period, and puts the current state of thinking into a broader context. Thematically organized, the book shows how the central aspects of consumer culture - such as needs, choice, identity, status, alienation, objects, culture - have been debated within modern theories, from those of earlier thinkers such as Marx and Simmel to contemporary forms of post-structuralism and postmodernism. This approach introduces consumer culture as a subject which - far from being of narrow or recent interest - is intimately tied to the central issues of modern times and modern social thought. With its reviews of major theorists set within a full account of the development of the subject, this book should be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the many disciplines which now study consumer culture,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Blackwell Publishers. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues, concepts and theories through which people have tried to understand consumer culture throughout the modern period, and puts the current state of thinking into a broader context. Thematically organized, the book shows how the central aspects of consumer culture - such as needs, choice, identity, status, alienation, objects, culture - have been debated within modern theories, from those of earlier thinkers such as Marx and Simmel to contemporary forms of post-structuralism and postmodernism. This approach introduces consumer culture as a subject which - far from being of narrow or recent interest - is intimately tied to the central issues of modern times and modern social thought. With its reviews of major theorists set within a full account of the development of the subject, this book should be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the many disciplines which now study consumer culture,......

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Simplified Tax System: A Counterculture Proposal. Lawrance?George??? Lux . Книги.

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