Corporate Governance and Finance (Advances in Financial Economics)

M. Hirschey

  Corporate Governance and Finance (Advances in Financial Economics)  M. Hirschey  Book DescriptionPapers in this volume focus upon corporate governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps the corporation effectively manage, administer and direct economic resources. Questions of what and how to produce become equally important as organizations strive to better serve demanding customers. As a result, the design and control of effective organizations structure has been described by the vertical and horizontal relationships among the firm, its customers and suppliers. More recently, researchers have come to understand that the efficiency of firms depends upon the ability of participants to find effective means to minimize the transaction costs of coordinating productive activity. As financial economists have learned, resource allocation will be efficient so long as transaction costs remain low and property rights can be freely assigned and exchanged. An important problem that must be addressed is the so-called agency problem resulting from the natural...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPapers in this volume focus upon corporate governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps the corporation effectively manage, administer and direct economic resources. Questions of what and how to produce become equally important as organizations strive to better serve demanding customers. As a result, the design and control of effective organizations structure has been described by the vertical and horizontal relationships among the firm, its customers and suppliers. More recently, researchers have come to understand that the efficiency of firms depends upon the ability of participants to find effective means to minimize the transaction costs of coordinating productive activity. As financial economists have learned, resource allocation will be efficient so long as transaction costs remain low and property rights can be freely assigned and exchanged. An important problem that must be addressed is the so-called agency problem resulting from the natural......

Managerial Leadership (The Mcgraw-Hill Executive Mba Series)

Peter Topping

  Managerial Leadership (The Mcgraw-Hill Executive Mba Series)  Peter Topping  Book Description THE MCGRAW-HILL EXECUTIVE MBA SERIES Readers look to The McGraw-Hill Executive MBA series for straight-talking, technique-filled books written by frontline executive education professors and modeled after the programs of top business schools. Managerial Leadership provides a four-tiered approach that helps professionals from all walks of life develop strong management and leadership skills. Top leadership models and frameworks, tools for assessing leadership strengths, techniques for handling change and growth, and more make this book a veritable learning laboratory. Download DescriptionEffective management in today's competitive business environment requires solid leadership skills­­skills for which companies often don't provide adequate training. Managerial Leadership fills that void, providing a four-tiered approach that helps professionals from all walks of life develop both strong management and leadership...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description THE MCGRAW-HILL EXECUTIVE MBA SERIES Readers look to The McGraw-Hill Executive MBA series for straight-talking, technique-filled books written by frontline executive education professors and modeled after the programs of top business schools. Managerial Leadership provides a four-tiered approach that helps professionals from all walks of life develop strong management and leadership skills. Top leadership models and frameworks, tools for assessing leadership strengths, techniques for handling change and growth, and more make this book a veritable learning laboratory. Download DescriptionEffective management in today's competitive business environment requires solid leadership skills­­skills for which companies often don't provide adequate training. Managerial Leadership fills that void, providing a four-tiered approach that helps professionals from all walks of life develop both strong management and leadership......

Contemporary Costume Film: Space, Place and the Past

Julianne Pidduck

  Contemporary Costume Film: Space, Place and the Past  Julianne Pidduck  Book DescriptionWithin the 1990s, costume drama has proliferated internationally as a popular, critically acclaimed, and controversial cinematic cycle. While critics lambast British Book DescriptionWithin the 1990s, costume drama has proliferated internationally as a popular, critically acclaimed, and controversial cinematic cycle. While critics lambast British "heritage cinema" as a nostalgic anachronism, Contemporary Costume Film argues that these films use the frame of the past to dramatize postmodern dilemmas. These dilemmas include gender, class, colonial, and queer struggles over representations of the past; "heritage tourism" and cultural identity; love and intimacy in a postmodern age; quality culture and authorship in an age of cultural recycling. Addressing a wide range of important recent films including Orlando, Sense and Sensibility, Portrait of a Lady, The Age of Innocence, Dangerous Liaisons, Gosford Park, Elizabeth, Edward II, and An Ideal Husband, the book combines close readings of specific films and filmmakers with an extensive genre study of English-language costume film. Critical attention to issues of space, place, and the past bring into......

Annibale Carracci's Venus, Adonis & Cupid

Andres Ubeda De Los Cobos

  Annibale Carracci's Venus, Adonis & Cupid  Andres Ubeda De Los Cobos  Tango Zen House.   Book DescriptionAnnibale Carracci was the great genius of early Baroque painting in Italy, blighted by melancholia at the end of his life but full of promise and invention in his prime. This book concentrates on one of his most ambitious early works, painted in Bologna, the Venus, Adonis and Cupid in the Prado Museum, Madrid. This is the English edition of a publication by the Prado specially dedicated to this painting, which has recently been cleaned and restored and is being displayed beside works by Veronese and Titian on the same subject with which Annibale was consciously competing. The subject, which is taken from Ovid?s Metamorphoses, was regarded in the Renaissance period as offering the greatest possible scope for a painter?s brush ? a male and a female nude, strong emotion, pathos, heroism ? and, since Adonis was a hunter, dogs as well. The Venus and Adonis, despite its importance in Annibale?s oeuvre and its monumental size, has been...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tango Zen House. Book DescriptionAnnibale Carracci was the great genius of early Baroque painting in Italy, blighted by melancholia at the end of his life but full of promise and invention in his prime. This book concentrates on one of his most ambitious early works, painted in Bologna, the Venus, Adonis and Cupid in the Prado Museum, Madrid. This is the English edition of a publication by the Prado specially dedicated to this painting, which has recently been cleaned and restored and is being displayed beside works by Veronese and Titian on the same subject with which Annibale was consciously competing. The subject, which is taken from Ovid?s Metamorphoses, was regarded in the Renaissance period as offering the greatest possible scope for a painter?s brush ? a male and a female nude, strong emotion, pathos, heroism ? and, since Adonis was a hunter, dogs as well. The Venus and Adonis, despite its importance in Annibale?s oeuvre and its monumental size, has been......

Useful Photography #004

Hans Aarsman

  Useful Photography #004  Hans Aarsman  Book DescriptionThe posters in this issue of Useful Photography were photographed by Ad van Denderen in the refugee camps of the West Bank, in the Middle East. In these Palestinian refugee camps, Book DescriptionThe posters in this issue of Useful Photography were photographed by Ad van Denderen in the refugee camps of the West Bank, in the Middle East. In these Palestinian refugee camps, "useful" is a relative word. "Normal" is a relativeword, too. Portraits of soldiers, suicide bombers, militants, and Intifada fighters are glued to the walls of the camps' temporary structures, sometimes multiple layers thick, as new posters find themselves plastered on top of older ones. The purpose of these images is propaganda: all the faces shown are of the dead, the martyred. They are for emulating, for celebrating those who've given their lives to the Intifada. To the rest of the world they tell a very different story, one of the terror and desperation that continue relentlessly in this battered region. Edited by Erik Kessels, Hans Aarsman, Julian Germain, Hans van der Meer, and Claudie de Cleen. Paperback, 8.25 x 11.5 in. / 76 pgs / 38 color....

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Corporate Governance and Finance (Advances in Financial Economics). M. Hirschey . Книги.

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