Leadership in Organizations (5th Edition)

Gary A. Yukl

  Leadership in Organizations (5th Edition)  Gary A. Yukl  The most comprehensive survey of major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in organizations with practical suggestions for improving skills. Balancing theory and research with applications, the book addresses controversies and differing viewpoints about leadership effectiveness with a focus on the question of what makes a person an effective leader. Covering charismatic and transformational leadership as well as influence processes, it asks readers to identify effective and ineffective behavior by managers and to suggest ways to handle the situation. The fourth edition of Leadership in Organizations has been revised to reflect the progress that has been made in understanding leadership since the first edition. It provides more guidelines and recommendations for improving effectiveness without prescribing how a manager must behave. And, it covers The most comprehensive survey of major theories and research on leadership and managerial effectiveness in organizations with practical suggestions for improving skills. Balancing theory and research with applications, the book addresses controversies and differing viewpoints about leadership effectiveness with a focus on the question of what makes a person an effective leader. Covering charismatic and transformational leadership as well as influence processes, it asks readers to identify effective and ineffective behavior by managers and to suggest ways to handle the situation. The fourth edition of Leadership in Organizations has been revised to reflect the progress that has been made in understanding leadership since the first edition. It provides more guidelines and recommendations for improving effectiveness without prescribing how a manager must behave. And, it covers "hot" topics, such as charismatic and transformational leadership, influence processes, leading......

Organizing Your Workspace (Self Study II)

Crisp Learn Systems

  Organizing Your Workspace (Self Study II)  Crisp Learn Systems  Discover ways to make your desk and work areas more conducive to maximum productivity. Based on the best-selling book, Organizing Your Workspace, by Odette Pollar.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Discover ways to make your desk and work areas more conducive to maximum productivity. Based on the best-selling book, Organizing Your Workspace, by Odette Pollar....

Creativity and the Arts for Young Children

Rebecca T. Isbell, Shirley C. Raines

  Creativity and the Arts for Young Children  Rebecca T. Isbell, Shirley C. Raines  Creativity and the Arts with Young Children takes an innovative look at integrating the arts into all aspects of the early childhood program. It shows how the creative arts enrich a curriculum and become a motivating tool for engaging young children to acquire knowledge, make connections to other subject areas, work harmoniously with others, and expand the possibilities for children who learn in different ways. Providing key information for including the essential elements of art, music, movement, drama,and play into the early childhood classroom, each chapter includes unique approaches to inspire children in their individual capacities for creativity. With web site materials, childrens books, unique examples of thematic units, projects, stories, music,and illustrations, this work provides all the resources for nurturing creativity in young children.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Creativity and the Arts with Young Children takes an innovative look at integrating the arts into all aspects of the early childhood program. It shows how the creative arts enrich a curriculum and become a motivating tool for engaging young children to acquire knowledge, make connections to other subject areas, work harmoniously with others, and expand the possibilities for children who learn in different ways. Providing key information for including the essential elements of art, music, movement, drama,and play into the early childhood classroom, each chapter includes unique approaches to inspire children in their individual capacities for creativity. With web site materials, childrens books, unique examples of thematic units, projects, stories, music,and illustrations, this work provides all the resources for nurturing creativity in young children....

Technician's Guide to Electronic Communications

Frederick L. Gould

  Technician's Guide to Electronic Communications  Frederick L. Gould  The recent boom in the electronics communications market has technicians as well as engineers rushing to bolster their communications knowledge. Many books have been written for engineers, but this book clearly explains electronics communications theory and circuit operations in a language technicians can understand. Here, veteran electronics technician Frederick L. Gould explains such traditional and rapidly developing fields as communications systems; antennas, satellite and personal communications systems; as well as safety, test equipment and maintenance practices; spin-offs from military applications, and future trends. Free of jargon and complicated mathematics, and perfect for self-study as well as in vocational classes, this is the definitive, practical technicians' guide to a constantly evolving field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The recent boom in the electronics communications market has technicians as well as engineers rushing to bolster their communications knowledge. Many books have been written for engineers, but this book clearly explains electronics communications theory and circuit operations in a language technicians can understand. Here, veteran electronics technician Frederick L. Gould explains such traditional and rapidly developing fields as communications systems; antennas, satellite and personal communications systems; as well as safety, test equipment and maintenance practices; spin-offs from military applications, and future trends. Free of jargon and complicated mathematics, and perfect for self-study as well as in vocational classes, this is the definitive, practical technicians' guide to a constantly evolving field....

The Bank of the United States and the American Economy: (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)

Edward S. Kaplan

  The Bank of the United States and the American Economy: (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)  Edward S. Kaplan  An account of the history, structure, and operation of the First and Second Banks of the United States, this study examines how the banks performed as national and central institutions, and what happened to the economy when the charter of the Second Bankwas allowed to expire in 1836. Historians have paid little recent attention to the early history of central banking in the United States, and many Americans believe that the Federal Reserve, created in 1913, was our first central bank. The economic crisis during the American Revolution actually led to the founding of a national bank, called the Bank of North America, during the period of Confederation. Although it became a private bank before the Constitution was ratified in 1788, it proved to be such a success that in 1791 Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, was able to convince President Washington that a similar bank should be established.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An account of the history, structure, and operation of the First and Second Banks of the United States, this study examines how the banks performed as national and central institutions, and what happened to the economy when the charter of the Second Bankwas allowed to expire in 1836. Historians have paid little recent attention to the early history of central banking in the United States, and many Americans believe that the Federal Reserve, created in 1913, was our first central bank. The economic crisis during the American Revolution actually led to the founding of a national bank, called the Bank of North America, during the period of Confederation. Although it became a private bank before the Constitution was ratified in 1788, it proved to be such a success that in 1791 Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, was able to convince President Washington that a similar bank should be established....

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Leadership in Organizations (5th Edition). Gary A. Yukl . Книги.

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