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Trade Shows Worldwide: An International Directory of Events, Facilities, and Suppliers (Trade Shows Worldwide)
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Field Guide to Seafood: How to Identify, Select, and Prepare Virtually Every Fish and Shellfish at the Market Aliza Green
Quirk Books. There's more to seafood than lobster tails and fried calamari. Today's supermarkets are stocked with a bounty of delicious and delightful choices everything from salmon and snow crabs to oysters, barnacles, and even sea cucumbers! But you don't need a degree in marine biology to make sense of it all just Field Guide to Seafood. Award-winning chef Aliza Green explains everything you need to know about different kinds of seafood, fish, and prepared fish: how to select them, prepare them, serve them, and more, with a recipe for every one. Beautiful full-color photography depicts carp, catfish, clams, eel, squid, and more than 100 other swimmers. Don't buy seafood without it!...
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Brittle Stars, Sea Urchins and Feather Stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska and Puget Sound (Royal BC Museum Handbook)
William C. Austin...
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Save Your Hearing Now: The Revolutionary Program That Can Prevent and May Even Reverse Hearing Loss Michael D. Seidman, Marie Moneysmith
Wellness Central. After 20 years of research, leading otolaryngologist Dr. Michael Seidman has developed a breakthrough all natural alternative treatment program to battle hearing loss safely and effectively. Using a specifi c combination of antioxidants, diet, exercise, and basic lifestyle changes, Dr. Seidman's program can help to prevent--and possibly reverse--hearing loss. The book offers a simple self-assessment test that identifies the type, severity, and prognosis of hearing loss, comprehensive advice on diet and supplements, and natural remedies and important lifestyle changes that can make a difference. This is the ultimate resource providing answers--and hope--to the millions of hearing impaired....
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I'm Fine with God...It's Christians I Can't Stand: Getting Past the Religious Garbage in the Search for Spiritual Truth Bruce Bickel, Stan Jantz
Harvest House Publishers. Many non-Christians find the behavior of some Christians off-putting rather than inviting. Many Christians do too! Now Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz, authors of "Knowing the Bible 101", take an unflinchingly honest and often humorous look at some believers' outlandish behavior. This candid assessment of the church will bridge the communication gap, empowering Christians to share their faith more freely and helping those who don't yet believe discover the truth about God without being distracted by... judgmental attitudes, hypocrisy, and condemnation; confusing mixtures of politics and the gospel; defensive positions in the "God vs. science" debate; extreme teachings about prosperity; unbalanced fixations on the end times; uninformed opinions about others' beliefs; unprofessional Christian media and entertainment. This refreshing call to authentic Christianity will help Christians and non-Christians get past......
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Trade Shows Worldwide: An International Directory of Events, Facilities, and Suppliers (Trade Shows Worldwide). . Книги.
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