Organic Chemistry (with Organic ChemistryNow)

Joseph M. Hornback

  Organic Chemistry (with Organic ChemistryNow)  Joseph M. Hornback  ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Second Edition - the first mechanistic-oriented book written at a level that organic chemistry students will understand! Specifically, the focus on mechanisms is a unifying theme, rather then just an organizing principle. Organizationally mainstream, it is unique in bringing in mechanisms as a unifying principle, and reactions are organized by mechanism type not by functional groups. And now, text/media integration has never been so seamless with the introduction of Organic ChemistryNow for ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Second Edition.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Second Edition - the first mechanistic-oriented book written at a level that organic chemistry students will understand! Specifically, the focus on mechanisms is a unifying theme, rather then just an organizing principle. Organizationally mainstream, it is unique in bringing in mechanisms as a unifying principle, and reactions are organized by mechanism type not by functional groups. And now, text/media integration has never been so seamless with the introduction of Organic ChemistryNow for ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Second Edition....

The Student Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Student Workbook (The Leadership Practices Inventory)

James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner

  The Student Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Student Workbook (The Leadership Practices Inventory)  James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner  THE STUDENT LEADERSHIP PRACTICES INVENTORY (Student LPI) is the only leadership tool designed specifically for students and young people. Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the second edition of this celebrated instrument package approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. This 360A° leadership assessment tool helps students and young people measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner’s acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Student LeadershipA® model to real-life challenges.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин THE STUDENT LEADERSHIP PRACTICES INVENTORY (Student LPI) is the only leadership tool designed specifically for students and young people. Developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, the second edition of this celebrated instrument package approaches leadership as a measurable, learnable, and teachable set of behaviors. This 360A° leadership assessment tool helps students and young people measure their leadership competencies, while guiding them through the process of applying Kouzes and Posner’s acclaimed Five Practices of Exemplary Student LeadershipA® model to real-life challenges....

Framework for Human Resource Management, A (4th Edition)

Gary Dessler

  Framework for Human Resource Management, A (4th Edition)  Gary Dessler  This brief yet lucid ten-chapter book provides practicing managers with a review of central human resource management concepts and techniques in a highly readable and understandable format. Managing Human Resources Today, Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Recruitment and Selection, Personnel Planning and Recruitment, Testing and Selecting Employees, Training and Developing Employees, Performance Management and Appraisal, Compensating Employees, and Managing Employee Relations. For use as a reference by those in human resource management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This brief yet lucid ten-chapter book provides practicing managers with a review of central human resource management concepts and techniques in a highly readable and understandable format. Managing Human Resources Today, Managing Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Recruitment and Selection, Personnel Planning and Recruitment, Testing and Selecting Employees, Training and Developing Employees, Performance Management and Appraisal, Compensating Employees, and Managing Employee Relations. For use as a reference by those in human resource management....

Computer Accounting Essentials Using QuickBooks

Carol Yacht, Susan Crosson

  Computer Accounting Essentials Using QuickBooks  Carol Yacht, Susan Crosson  Computer Accounting Essentials Using QuickBooks Online Edition is the only textbook that teaches QuickBooks using the online version. Students gain a working knowledge of the accounting software during the free 30 day trial period-no installation rquired. Carol Yacht and Susan Crosson's trademark step-by-step instructions show students how to use QuickBooks Online Edition to meet the real-world accounting demands of a service corporation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Computer Accounting Essentials Using QuickBooks Online Edition is the only textbook that teaches QuickBooks using the online version. Students gain a working knowledge of the accounting software during the free 30 day trial period-no installation rquired. Carol Yacht and Susan Crosson's trademark step-by-step instructions show students how to use QuickBooks Online Edition to meet the real-world accounting demands of a service corporation....

More Urban, Less Poor: An Introduction to Urban Development and Management

  More Urban, Less Poor: An Introduction to Urban Development and Management  GA¶ran Tannerfeldt, Per Ljung  GA¶ran Tannerfeldt, Per Ljung  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин GA¶ran Tannerfeldt, Per Ljung...

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Organic Chemistry (with Organic ChemistryNow). Joseph M. Hornback . Книги.

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