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The Swarm War Troy Denning
Del Rey. Star Wars. The Chiss-Killik border war is threatening to engulf the entire galaxy - raising the awful specter of the Killik sweeping across space to absorb all living creatures into a single hive mind. The only hope for peace lies with the Jedi - who must not only end the bloodshed between two fierce enemies but also combat the insidious evil spread by the elusive Dark Nest and its unseen queen. Leia's newly acquired Jedi skills will be put to the ultimate test in the coming life-and-death battle. As for Luke, he will have to prove, in a lightning display of Force strength and swordplay, that he is - beyond a shadow of a doubt - the greatest Jedi Master in the galaxy....
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Итог (аудиокнига на 2 CD) Генрих Белль
Парадигма C&T, AURAVOX. Золотой фонд радиоспектаклей. Герои радиопьесы - пожилые супруги Клара и Мартин - вспоминая молодость, говорят о детях. Смертельная болезнь Клары дает им право быть предельно откровенными и искренними....
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A Social Theory of the WTO : Trading Cultures Jane Ford
Book Description Traditional theories suggest that developing countries lack influence in the trade regime. In A Social Theory of the WTO , Jane Ford uses a social theory or constructivist approach to show that developing countries played a critical role in strengthening multilateralism in the World Trade Organization. By adopting a new role in trade negotiations during the Uruguay Round negotiations, developing countries helped to strengthen trade rules and change the trading culture of limited multilateralism....
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Preserving Power Through Coalitions : Comparing the Grand Strategy of Great Britain and the United States Maria Sampanis
Book DescriptionSampanis argues that the United States uses agricultural trade liberalization as a bonding issue with middle and weak countries, that the US then uses this relationship to improve its bargaining position with its challengers, that the US uses this relationship to enhance its competitiveness vis-a-vis its challengers, and that the US also uses this relationship to improve its access into middle and weak countries. Sampanis also shows that Britain before it also used negotiated arrangementswith weaker states to gain bargaining power and improve competitiveness with challengers....
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Institutions And The Environment Arild Vatn
Book DescriptionThis important text develops an institutional response to the core issues raised in public policy making and develops a distinct understanding of the role of institutions, not least in the study of environmental problems. It questions: how are conflicting interests shaped and taken into account in policy-making? How should they be accounted for? What motivates the behavior of firms and individuals, and how is it possible to change these motivations to produce the favored common outcomes? The author addresses these questions by integrating elements from classical institutional economics, neoclassical economics, sociology and ecological economics. He argues that public policy in general, and environmental policy in particular, are best examined from an institutional perspective. In this way the author presents a distinct and consistent alternative to standard neoclassical economics for students and scholars who are interested in an institutional understanding of......
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The Swarm War. Troy Denning . Книги.
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