Marketing Without Wires: Targeting Promotions and Advertising to Mobile Device Users

Kim M. Bayne, Kim M. Bayne

  Marketing Without Wires: Targeting Promotions and Advertising to Mobile Device Users  Kim M. Bayne, Kim M. Bayne  Practical advice and guidance for anyone who wants to serve the mobile consumer market Written by Kim Bayne, formerly the host of the popular public radio program Practical advice and guidance for anyone who wants to serve the mobile consumer market Written by Kim Bayne, formerly the host of the popular public radio program "The Cyber Media Show with Kim Bayne," this book uses cutting-edge case studies of early adopters who are setting the trends for mobile advertising to explain the major differences and similarities between wired and wireless marketing tools and how to leverage them for optimum advantage. Readers learn how to choose and implement the best options and services for their needs, and how to link offline and online programs to create a comprehensive integrated marketing presence. The book also shows how to develop strategies for delivering wireless content that mobile customers want and need, how to create a sure-fire wireless marketing program, and much more. Companion Web site features helpful resources and articles on new developments in wireless marketing....

Portugal: Business Law Handbook

International Business Publications USA

  Portugal: Business Law Handbook  International Business Publications USA  International Business Publications, USA.   Portugal: Business Law Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International Business Publications, USA. Portugal: Business Law Handbook...

Cities in a Global Society (URBAN AFFAIRS ANNUAL REVIEWS)

Gary Gappert, Richard V. Knight

  Cities in a Global Society (URBAN AFFAIRS ANNUAL REVIEWS)  Gary Gappert, Richard V. Knight  As the year 2000 approaches, urbanized areas are entering a new era -- one which will be shaped primarily by their response to powerful global forces -- environmental and economic. The contributors suggest that cities should begin to assess their role ina global society and establish their strategic position and comparative advantage in the global marketplace. They argue that what cities need are policies and programmes which enable them to be more responsive to opportunities which are being created as national barriers and market regulations are removed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As the year 2000 approaches, urbanized areas are entering a new era -- one which will be shaped primarily by their response to powerful global forces -- environmental and economic. The contributors suggest that cities should begin to assess their role ina global society and establish their strategic position and comparative advantage in the global marketplace. They argue that what cities need are policies and programmes which enable them to be more responsive to opportunities which are being created as national barriers and market regulations are removed....

Trading Currency Cross Rates : Proven Trading Strategies from a Leading International Currency Trader and a Noted Expert on Futures and Options (Wiley Trader's Exchange)

Gary Klopfenstein, Jon Stein

  Trading Currency Cross Rates : Proven Trading Strategies from a Leading International Currency Trader and a Noted Expert on Futures and Options (Wiley Trader's Exchange)  Gary Klopfenstein, Jon Stein  For commodity traders and portfolio managers?a practical, hands-on guide to profiting in today?s growing international cross rate markets. Cross rates trading is growing increasingly popular, fueled in no small part by banks and multinationals seeking creative strategies for hedging currency risk and speculators seeking profits from interest rate plays and exchange rate moves. Trading Currency Cross Rates is the passkey to this vastly profitable financial sector. Written for the experienced trader moving into the currency futures and foreign exchange cash markets, as well as for the corporate portfolio manager seeking to limit company exposure, this professional guide covers the fundamentals of today?s cross rates markets and delivers the step-by-step techniques needed to trade cross rates successfully. Packed with charts and tables that apply over a broad range of international markets and currencies, the guide: Explains what cross rates are and profiles the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For commodity traders and portfolio managers?a practical, hands-on guide to profiting in today?s growing international cross rate markets. Cross rates trading is growing increasingly popular, fueled in no small part by banks and multinationals seeking creative strategies for hedging currency risk and speculators seeking profits from interest rate plays and exchange rate moves. Trading Currency Cross Rates is the passkey to this vastly profitable financial sector. Written for the experienced trader moving into the currency futures and foreign exchange cash markets, as well as for the corporate portfolio manager seeking to limit company exposure, this professional guide covers the fundamentals of today?s cross rates markets and delivers the step-by-step techniques needed to trade cross rates successfully. Packed with charts and tables that apply over a broad range of international markets and currencies, the guide: Explains what cross rates are and profiles the......

Basics of Inventory Management: From Warehouse to Distribution Center (Fifty Minute Series)

J. David Viale

  Basics of Inventory Management: From Warehouse to Distribution Center (Fifty Minute Series)  J. David Viale  This book contains a logistics approach to inventory management?from the warehouse through the distribution system, from the supplier to the customer. Written for managers, it outlines objectives and performance measures pertaining to customer service, inventory investment, and operational efficiency. Factors affecting inventory are fully discussed and warehouse environments are fully explored, including types and objectives, packaging, material handling, and costs involved. Learning Objectives: To discuss inventory management policies and objectives. To provide inventory management tools and techniques. To review financial analysis of inventory management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book contains a logistics approach to inventory management?from the warehouse through the distribution system, from the supplier to the customer. Written for managers, it outlines objectives and performance measures pertaining to customer service, inventory investment, and operational efficiency. Factors affecting inventory are fully discussed and warehouse environments are fully explored, including types and objectives, packaging, material handling, and costs involved. Learning Objectives: To discuss inventory management policies and objectives. To provide inventory management tools and techniques. To review financial analysis of inventory management....

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Marketing Without Wires: Targeting Promotions and Advertising to Mobile Device Users. Kim M. Bayne, Kim M. Bayne . Книги.

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