Века и поколения

Рудольф Итс

  Века и поколения  Рудольф Итс  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Разум познает мир.   Книга ученого и писателя Р.Ф.Итса рассказывает об истории жизни народов земного шара, об этнографии, методах ее исследования, об истоках религиозных верований, о некоторых историко-этнографических загадках. Рассчитана на массового читателя.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Разум познает мир. Книга ученого и писателя Р.Ф.Итса рассказывает об истории жизни народов земного шара, об этнографии, методах ее исследования, об истоках религиозных верований, о некоторых историко-этнографических загадках. Рассчитана на массового читателя....

Art Works: Place (Art Works)

Tacita Dean

  Art Works: Place (Art Works)  Tacita Dean  Book Description A unique exhibition in a book, presenting challenging art that addresses the function of place in the contemporary world. Art Works: An exciting new series celebrating the vitality and diversity of art in the twenty-first century. Everyone wants to find his or her own place in the world. But where is it and what is it? How do we recognize place as being significant and not just merely space? And what is it that makes one place special and another not? These are questionsthat have taxed philosophers as far back as Ancient Greece, but they are much more than philosophical investigations. In a world where neighbor fights neighbor over a stretch of land, or where some groups can feel safe only in certain locations, place isa living reality that can be either the cause for violent conflict or the glue that binds communities together. This exhibition in a book presents some of the most challenging art to address the function of place in the contemporary...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description A unique exhibition in a book, presenting challenging art that addresses the function of place in the contemporary world. Art Works: An exciting new series celebrating the vitality and diversity of art in the twenty-first century. Everyone wants to find his or her own place in the world. But where is it and what is it? How do we recognize place as being significant and not just merely space? And what is it that makes one place special and another not? These are questionsthat have taxed philosophers as far back as Ancient Greece, but they are much more than philosophical investigations. In a world where neighbor fights neighbor over a stretch of land, or where some groups can feel safe only in certain locations, place isa living reality that can be either the cause for violent conflict or the glue that binds communities together. This exhibition in a book presents some of the most challenging art to address the function of place in the contemporary......

The State of the Union: A Tribute to Ronald Reagan

David L Hancock

  The State of the Union: A Tribute to Ronald Reagan  David L Hancock  Book Description Book Description"The President shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." Article II, Sec. 3, U.S. Constitution. This Book is dedicated to promoting the legacy of President Ronald Reagan, to fulfilling the vision of his life?s work and to ensure that America?s future remains bright. To realize President Reagan?s dreams for our generation and generations tocome, a Memorial Fund has been established to benefit his Library in Simi Valley, California. Ten percent of the proceeds is being donated to that fund....

The Writing Life

Ellen Gilchrist

  The Writing Life  Ellen Gilchrist  Book DescriptionCelebrated author Ellen Gilchrist has played many roles---writer and speaker, wife and lover, mother and grandmother. But she never tackled the role of teacher. Offered the opportunity to teach creative writing at the University of Arkansas, she took up the challenge and ventured into unknown territory. In the process of teaching more than two hundred students since her first class in 2000, she has found inspiration in their lives and ambitions, and in the challenge of conveying to them the lessons she has learned from living and writing. Book DescriptionCelebrated author Ellen Gilchrist has played many roles---writer and speaker, wife and lover, mother and grandmother. But she never tackled the role of teacher. Offered the opportunity to teach creative writing at the University of Arkansas, she took up the challenge and ventured into unknown territory. In the process of teaching more than two hundred students since her first class in 2000, she has found inspiration in their lives and ambitions, and in the challenge of conveying to them the lessons she has learned from living and writing. "The Writing Life" brings together fifty essays and vignettes centered on the transforming magic of literature and the teaching and writing of it. A portion of the collection discusses the delicate balance between an artistic life and family commitments, especially the daily pressures and frequent compromises faced by a young mother. Gilchrist next focuses on the process of writing itself with essays ranging from "How I Wrote......

An Introduction to Reiki: Healing Energy for Mind, Body and Spirit

Mary Lambert

  An Introduction to Reiki: Healing Energy for Mind, Body and Spirit  Mary Lambert  Book Description The Japanese art of Reiki involves the laying on of hands to alleviate physical and mental pain-and this beginner's guide explains how anyone can become a healer using this powerful, and increasingly popular, form of massage. Large-size color photographs display the 12 basic positions, which focus on the body's spiritual centers (or chakras ) to remove blockages and balance energy. With a touch, relieve respiratory problems, weaknesses of the immune and circulatory systems, stress, migraines, and other common complaints. See how to combine reiki with crystal and color therapy, and how to work on babies, children, the elderly, and even pets. It's the ideal reference.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Japanese art of Reiki involves the laying on of hands to alleviate physical and mental pain-and this beginner's guide explains how anyone can become a healer using this powerful, and increasingly popular, form of massage. Large-size color photographs display the 12 basic positions, which focus on the body's spiritual centers (or chakras ) to remove blockages and balance energy. With a touch, relieve respiratory problems, weaknesses of the immune and circulatory systems, stress, migraines, and other common complaints. See how to combine reiki with crystal and color therapy, and how to work on babies, children, the elderly, and even pets. It's the ideal reference....

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Века и поколения. Рудольф Итс . Книги.

Елец, Невинномысск, Владивосток, Ноябрьск, Воронеж, Владимир, Вологда, Ногинск, Волжский, Мурманск, Волгоград, Сыктывкар, Оренбург, Одинцово, Щёлково, Сызрань, Пятигорск, Серпухов, Кострома, Мытищи, Подольск, Северодвинск,
Фильмы о вампирах и оборотнях| Риторика. Ораторское искусство| Немецкий| Эксцентрические комедии| Калланетик, гимнастика, пилатес| Остросюжетные сериалы| Педиатрия| Шпионаж и политика| Алгебра. Геометрия| Видеопрограммы о животных| Иностранный язык для бизнесмена| Фантастические сериалы| Биология| Логика (Logic)| Автомотоспорт| Антикварные книги XVIII века| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Музыка и зрелищные искусства| Теннис| Экранизации фантастической литературы| Фильмы для всей семьи| Комедии| Мистика и ужасы|
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