Don't Call It Sprawl: Metropolitan Structure in the 21st Century

William T. Bogart

  Don't Call It Sprawl: Metropolitan Structure in the 21st Century  William T. Bogart  In Don't Call It Sprawl, the current policy debate over urban sprawl is put into a broader analytical and historical context. The book informs people about the causes and implications of the changing metropolitan structure rather than trying to persuade them to adopt a panacea to all perceived problems. Bogart explains modern economic ideas about the structure of metropolitan areas to people interested in understanding and influencing the pattern of growth in their city. Much of the debate about sprawl has been driven by a fundamental lack of understanding of the structure, functioning, and evolution of modern metropolitan areas. The book analyzes ways in which suburbs and cities (trading places) trade goods and services with each other. This approach helps us better understand commuting decisions, housing location, business location, and the impact of public policy in such areas as downtown redevelopment and public school reform.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In Don't Call It Sprawl, the current policy debate over urban sprawl is put into a broader analytical and historical context. The book informs people about the causes and implications of the changing metropolitan structure rather than trying to persuade them to adopt a panacea to all perceived problems. Bogart explains modern economic ideas about the structure of metropolitan areas to people interested in understanding and influencing the pattern of growth in their city. Much of the debate about sprawl has been driven by a fundamental lack of understanding of the structure, functioning, and evolution of modern metropolitan areas. The book analyzes ways in which suburbs and cities (trading places) trade goods and services with each other. This approach helps us better understand commuting decisions, housing location, business location, and the impact of public policy in such areas as downtown redevelopment and public school reform....

African Americans in the U.S. Economy

Cecilia Conrad, Patrick Mason John Whitehead, James Stewart

  African Americans in the U.S. Economy  Cecilia Conrad, Patrick Mason John Whitehead, James Stewart  The forty-three chapters in African Americans in the U.S. Economy focus on various aspects of the economic status of African Americans, past and present. Taken together, these essays present two related themes: first, when it comes to economics, race matters; second, racial economic discrimination and inequality persist despite the optimistic predictions of standard economic analysis that racial discrimination cannot thrive in a free-market economy. Visit our website for sample chapters!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The forty-three chapters in African Americans in the U.S. Economy focus on various aspects of the economic status of African Americans, past and present. Taken together, these essays present two related themes: first, when it comes to economics, race matters; second, racial economic discrimination and inequality persist despite the optimistic predictions of standard economic analysis that racial discrimination cannot thrive in a free-market economy. Visit our website for sample chapters!...

Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production

  Growing Food: A Guide to Food Production  Tony Winch  Tony Winch  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tony Winch...

Улица генералов. Попытка мемуаров

Аантолий Гладилин

  Улица генералов. Попытка мемуаров  Аантолий Гладилин  Вагриус.   Имя Анатолия Гладилина было знаменем молодежной литературы периода Вагриус. Имя Анатолия Гладилина было знаменем молодежной литературы периода "оттепели". Его прозу ("Хроника времен Виктора Подгурского", "История одной компании") читали взахлеб, о ней спорили, героям подражали. А потом... он уехал из страны, стал сотрудником радиостанции "Свобода". Эта книга о молодости, которая прошла вместе с Василием Аксеновым, Робертом Рождественским, Булатом Окуджавой, о литературном быте шестидесятых, о тогдашних "тусовках" (слова еще не было, а явление процветало). Особый интерес представляют воспоминания о работе на "вражеском" радио, о людях, которые были коллегами Гладилина в те годы, - Викторе Некрасове, Владимире Максимове, Александре Галиче......

After Dark

Haruki Murakami

  After Dark  Haruki Murakami  Harvill Secker.   The midnight hour approaches in an almost empty all-night diner. Mari sips her coffee and glances up from a book as a young man, a musician, intrudes on her solitude. Both have missed the last train home. The musician has plans to rehearse with his jazz band all night, Mari is equally unconcerned and content to read, smoke and drink coffee until dawn. They realise they've been acquainted through Eri, Mari's beautiful sister. The musician soon leaves with a promise to return before dawn. Shortly afterwards Mari will be interrupted a second time by a girl from the Alphaville Hotel; a Chinese prostitute has been hurt by a client, the girl has heard Mari speaks fluent Chinese and requests her help. Meanwhile Eri is at home and sleeps a deep, heavy sleep that is 'too perfect, too pure' to be normal; pulse and respiration at the lowest required level. She has been in this soporific state for two months; Eri has become the classic myth - a sleeping beauty. But tonight, as the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harvill Secker. The midnight hour approaches in an almost empty all-night diner. Mari sips her coffee and glances up from a book as a young man, a musician, intrudes on her solitude. Both have missed the last train home. The musician has plans to rehearse with his jazz band all night, Mari is equally unconcerned and content to read, smoke and drink coffee until dawn. They realise they've been acquainted through Eri, Mari's beautiful sister. The musician soon leaves with a promise to return before dawn. Shortly afterwards Mari will be interrupted a second time by a girl from the Alphaville Hotel; a Chinese prostitute has been hurt by a client, the girl has heard Mari speaks fluent Chinese and requests her help. Meanwhile Eri is at home and sleeps a deep, heavy sleep that is 'too perfect, too pure' to be normal; pulse and respiration at the lowest required level. She has been in this soporific state for two months; Eri has become the classic myth - a sleeping beauty. But tonight, as the......

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Don't Call It Sprawl: Metropolitan Structure in the 21st Century. William T. Bogart . Книги.

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