Industrial Electronics

James A. Rehg, Glenn J. Sartori

  Industrial Electronics  James A. Rehg, Glenn J. Sartori  This direct, easy-to-read book provides comprehensive coverage of industrial electronic topics, exploring the many processes used in the production of all goods and services. It contains abundant worked example solutions, problems tied to actual industrial electronic examples, and troubleshooting techniques. Coverage of a broad range of industrial electronics topics includes all the traditional areas plus complete coverage of safety, troubleshooting, motors, PLCs, robots, process control, controllers and industrial networks. For technology learners to better understandthe operation of the electronics used in industry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This direct, easy-to-read book provides comprehensive coverage of industrial electronic topics, exploring the many processes used in the production of all goods and services. It contains abundant worked example solutions, problems tied to actual industrial electronic examples, and troubleshooting techniques. Coverage of a broad range of industrial electronics topics includes all the traditional areas plus complete coverage of safety, troubleshooting, motors, PLCs, robots, process control, controllers and industrial networks. For technology learners to better understandthe operation of the electronics used in industry....

Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges (Decision Engineering)

  Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges (Decision Engineering)  Decision-making Support Systems (DMSS) are computer-based systems that support individual or organisational decision-making processes. Recent advances in information technology and artificial intelligence are enhancing these systems and giving rise to intelligent-DMSS. Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges is the first book toA provide integrated coverage of the technical aspects of intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems together with discussion of their application and evaluation in organisational structures. The book brings together up-to-date information on the theory and application of i-DMSS.A Readers will learn about the foundations, architectures, methods and strategies for successfully designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating intelligent Decision-making Support Systems. Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges will be of value to researchers in AI and management studies...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Decision-making Support Systems (DMSS) are computer-based systems that support individual or organisational decision-making processes. Recent advances in information technology and artificial intelligence are enhancing these systems and giving rise to intelligent-DMSS. Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges is the first book toA provide integrated coverage of the technical aspects of intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems together with discussion of their application and evaluation in organisational structures. The book brings together up-to-date information on the theory and application of i-DMSS.A Readers will learn about the foundations, architectures, methods and strategies for successfully designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating intelligent Decision-making Support Systems. Intelligent Decision-making Support Systems: Foundations, Applications and Challenges will be of value to researchers in AI and management studies......

Understanding Business, 7th Edition (Book & CD-ROM)

William G Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh

  Understanding Business, 7th Edition (Book & CD-ROM)  William G Nickels, James McHugh, Susan McHugh  Understanding Business by Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh has been the number one textbook in the introduction to business market for several editions for two reasons: (1) The commitment and dedication of an author team that teaches this course and believes in the importance and power of this learning experience and (2) We Listen. We consistently look to the experts – full-time faculty members, adjunct instructors, and of course students – to drive the decisions we make about the text itself and the ancillary package. Through a series of focus groups, symposia, as well as full-book, single-chapter, revised manuscript reviews of both text and key ancillaries, we have heard the stories of more than 400 professors and their insights and experiences are evident on every page of the revision. As teachers of the course and users of their own materials, the author team is dedicated to the principles of excellence in business education. From providing the richest most current topical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Understanding Business by Nickels, McHugh, and McHugh has been the number one textbook in the introduction to business market for several editions for two reasons: (1) The commitment and dedication of an author team that teaches this course and believes in the importance and power of this learning experience and (2) We Listen. We consistently look to the experts – full-time faculty members, adjunct instructors, and of course students – to drive the decisions we make about the text itself and the ancillary package. Through a series of focus groups, symposia, as well as full-book, single-chapter, revised manuscript reviews of both text and key ancillaries, we have heard the stories of more than 400 professors and their insights and experiences are evident on every page of the revision. As teachers of the course and users of their own materials, the author team is dedicated to the principles of excellence in business education. From providing the richest most current topical......

Human Side of Organizations, The (9th Edition)

Michael Drafke

  Human Side of Organizations, The (9th Edition)  Michael Drafke  "The Human Side of Organizations" delivers complete, up-to-date, practical information on how people behave in organizations presented in a readable, easy to understand form. The vital information can be used to understand managers, peers or workers. If you work, you need this information to thrive and survive.A FOCUS BOXES/Reality Checks - Bring the work world as it really is into every chapter./Question of Ethics - Presents ethical questions related to the particular chapters' material./A Global Glance - A look at an international aspect of a chapters' concepts./FYI - A new focus box for the 9e./Presents useful hints readers can apply in their daily lives. Anyone who wishes to better understand managers, peers, or workers can benefit from this book as it covers the vital skills needed to survive and thrive in an organization....

The Experience of Retirement

Robert S. Weiss

  The Experience of Retirement  Robert S. Weiss  Retirement brings with it the promises of leisure and freedom as well as the risks of boredom and isolation. When retirees rid their schedules of anything resembling the kinds of obligations that once had been imposed by work, they will experience a sometimes-uncomfortable absence of structure. In The Experience of Retirement, the distinguished sociologist Robert S. Weiss provides a detailed description of how some people plan their retirement, what life in retirement is like, and what makes for a fulfilling retirement. His engaging book can thus serve as a most useful guide. Weiss shows us both retirement's benefits and its possible costs, both the relief retirees can feel once free of work's stresses and constraints and the discomfort that can be caused by loss of the positive aspects of working life. The book is based on extensive interviews with eighty-nine men and women before and after their retirement from middle-income careers. Weiss makes vivid their experiences by...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Retirement brings with it the promises of leisure and freedom as well as the risks of boredom and isolation. When retirees rid their schedules of anything resembling the kinds of obligations that once had been imposed by work, they will experience a sometimes-uncomfortable absence of structure. In The Experience of Retirement, the distinguished sociologist Robert S. Weiss provides a detailed description of how some people plan their retirement, what life in retirement is like, and what makes for a fulfilling retirement. His engaging book can thus serve as a most useful guide. Weiss shows us both retirement's benefits and its possible costs, both the relief retirees can feel once free of work's stresses and constraints and the discomfort that can be caused by loss of the positive aspects of working life. The book is based on extensive interviews with eighty-nine men and women before and after their retirement from middle-income careers. Weiss makes vivid their experiences by......

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Industrial Electronics. James A. Rehg, Glenn J. Sartori . Книги.

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