
Дмитрий Олейников

  Бенкендорф  Дмитрий Олейников  Молодая гвардия.   Жизнь замечательных людей.   Александр Христофорович Бенкендорф слишком долго играл роль антигероя отечественной истории. Историки и литературоведы, писатели и сценаристы наделяли его всевозможными отрицательными чертами. Это неудивительно - за полтора века не было написано ни одной заслуживающей внимания биографии Бенкендорфа, а значительная часть его мемуаров заросла архивной пылью. Георгиевский кавалер, разведчик и партизан, боевой генерал, герой войны 1812 года, освободитель Голландии от наполеоновского господства, член Государственного совета и Комитета министров, Бенкендорф попытался создать государственный механизм борьбы с коррупцией и казнокрадством. Он был личным другом таких несхожих деятелей, как император Николай I и декабрист Сергей Волконский; ходатайствовал за Пушкина, Лермонтова и Гоголя; увел любовницу у Наполеона и пережил трагический роман с той, которой посвящено тютчевское Молодая гвардия. Жизнь замечательных людей. Александр Христофорович Бенкендорф слишком долго играл роль антигероя отечественной истории. Историки и литературоведы, писатели и сценаристы наделяли его всевозможными отрицательными чертами. Это неудивительно - за полтора века не было написано ни одной заслуживающей внимания биографии Бенкендорфа, а значительная часть его мемуаров заросла архивной пылью. Георгиевский кавалер, разведчик и партизан, боевой генерал, герой войны 1812 года, освободитель Голландии от наполеоновского господства, член Государственного совета и Комитета министров, Бенкендорф попытался создать государственный механизм борьбы с коррупцией и казнокрадством. Он был личным другом таких несхожих деятелей, как император Николай I и декабрист Сергей Волконский; ходатайствовал за Пушкина, Лермонтова и Гоголя; увел любовницу у Наполеона и пережил трагический роман с той, которой посвящено тютчевское "Я встретил вас". Книга историка Дмитрия Олейникова рассказывает о том, как жил, воевал, путешествовал, любил......

Fevered Hive


  Fevered Hive  Lewis  "The Fevered Hive" is a collection of gritty, urban stories based in Cardiff, Wales. It will be the first book by author Dennis Lewis who has had numerous short stories published including his Rhys Davis winning story, "Love's Ligature in Ghost of the Old Year", Parthian 2003. His raw, brittle writing exposes the many layers of Cardiff society and is set to have a major impact on Welsh writing in 2005. The book will be launched as part of the Cardiff Bay Lit Festival in April....

A Sequence of Events (36 Chambers)

Nick Walker

  A Sequence of Events (36 Chambers)  Nick Walker  This book offers a visually striking look at the artistic evolution of the work of master street artist, Nick Walk - aka Apish Angel. This book offers a visually striking look at the artistic evolution of the work of master street artist, Nick Walk - aka Apish Angel. "36 Chambers", the title of the series is inspired by the classic martial arts movie "Enter the 36 Chambers of Shaolin", the story of which inspired the debut album by Wu-Tang Clan. Drago plans 36 titles in the series the creative brief of which is that artists may only use black and white and a single colour of their choice. Nick Walker made first made a name for himself as a street artist as part of the now infamous and groundbreaking Wild Bunch/Bristol Sound scene of the early 1980s. Since then he has gone on to produce sell out shows at the Carmichael Gallery in LA, and created a new collection for the cutting-edge Black Rat Gallery in Shoreditch, London. A constant innovator, Nick strives to evolve and test the boundaries of traditional graffiti with his combination of freehand work and intricate stencil images. "A Sequence of Events" presents a......

Messed Up

Janet Nichols Lynch

  Messed Up  Janet Nichols Lynch  A fifteen-year-old Mexican American has experienced a series of tough breaks before finding himself completely on his own. He decides to try to keep his lack of a home a secret from his school while working hard and staying out of trouble.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A fifteen-year-old Mexican American has experienced a series of tough breaks before finding himself completely on his own. He decides to try to keep his lack of a home a secret from his school while working hard and staying out of trouble....

Pravda: A Novel

Edward Docx

  Pravda: A Novel  Edward Docx  A sweeping transcontinental novel of secrets and lies buried within a single familyThirty-two-year-old Gabriel Glover arrives in St. Petersburg to find his mother dead in her apartment. Reeling from grief, Gabriel and his twin sister, Isabella, arrange the funeral without contacting their father, Nicholas, a brilliant and manipulative libertine. Unknown to the twins, their mother had long ago abandoned a son, Arkady, a pitiless Russian predator now determined to claim his birthright. Aided by an ex-seminarian whose heroin addiction is destroying him, Arkady sets out to find the siblings and uncover the dark secret hidden from them their entire lives.Winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize and long-listed for the Man Booker Prize, Pravda is a darkly funny, compulsively readable, and hauntingly beautiful chronicle of discovery and loss, love and loyalty, and the destructive legacy of deceit.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A sweeping transcontinental novel of secrets and lies buried within a single familyThirty-two-year-old Gabriel Glover arrives in St. Petersburg to find his mother dead in her apartment. Reeling from grief, Gabriel and his twin sister, Isabella, arrange the funeral without contacting their father, Nicholas, a brilliant and manipulative libertine. Unknown to the twins, their mother had long ago abandoned a son, Arkady, a pitiless Russian predator now determined to claim his birthright. Aided by an ex-seminarian whose heroin addiction is destroying him, Arkady sets out to find the siblings and uncover the dark secret hidden from them their entire lives.Winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize and long-listed for the Man Booker Prize, Pravda is a darkly funny, compulsively readable, and hauntingly beautiful chronicle of discovery and loss, love and loyalty, and the destructive legacy of deceit....

<<<  Советская военная администрация в Германии. 1945-1949. ...             Искалеченная. Хади >>>

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Бенкендорф. Дмитрий Олейников . Книги.

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