Neonatology (Cambridge Pocket Clinicians)

  Neonatology (Cambridge Pocket Clinicians)  Neonatology covers a wide variety of topics related to neonatal medicine, as well as clinical questions that will challenge providers both in the outpatient setting and on maternal and neonatal conditions, symptoms, and procedures. More than 200 diseases and conditions are discussed in detail.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Neonatology covers a wide variety of topics related to neonatal medicine, as well as clinical questions that will challenge providers both in the outpatient setting and on maternal and neonatal conditions, symptoms, and procedures. More than 200 diseases and conditions are discussed in detail....

NYSTCE CST Physics 009 (XAM CST (Paperback))

  NYSTCE CST Physics 009 (XAM CST (Paperback))  Sharon Wynne  Sharon Wynne  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sharon Wynne...

The Allen Reference Atlas, (DVD Edition): A Digital Color Brain Atlas of the C57BL/6J Male Mouse

Hong Wei Dong, The Allen Institute for Brain Science

  The Allen Reference Atlas, (DVD Edition): A Digital Color Brain Atlas of the C57BL/6J Male Mouse  Hong Wei Dong, The Allen Institute for Brain Science  The best resource available for brain research The Allen Reference Atlas is available for the first time in this lavishly produced, full-color print edition. This exciting new resource provides users with a meticulously selected and compiled collection of key information from the highly successful web-based Allen Brain Atlas, the now-famous online mouse brain anatomical atlas and gene expression database ( Including both coronal and sagittal mouse brain sectional views, these finely detailed brain map images have been carefully chosen for maximum utility and information content, and are presented as full-color plates on pages with corresponding text labels and lists of selected genetic markers. Every brain structure annotated in the Atlas is assigned a distinct color based on its hierarchical position in the brain, which not only provides stunning visual effects to emphasize brain organization, but also facilitates unique definition and segmentation, which is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The best resource available for brain research The Allen Reference Atlas is available for the first time in this lavishly produced, full-color print edition. This exciting new resource provides users with a meticulously selected and compiled collection of key information from the highly successful web-based Allen Brain Atlas, the now-famous online mouse brain anatomical atlas and gene expression database ( Including both coronal and sagittal mouse brain sectional views, these finely detailed brain map images have been carefully chosen for maximum utility and information content, and are presented as full-color plates on pages with corresponding text labels and lists of selected genetic markers. Every brain structure annotated in the Atlas is assigned a distinct color based on its hierarchical position in the brain, which not only provides stunning visual effects to emphasize brain organization, but also facilitates unique definition and segmentation, which is......

Little Black Book of Nephrology and Hypertension (Little Black Book)

Charles N. Jacobs, Dmitry Opolinsky

  Little Black Book of Nephrology and Hypertension (Little Black Book)  Charles N. Jacobs, Dmitry Opolinsky  Little Black Book of Nephrology and Hypertension is a comprehensive pocket reference to all aspects of kidney disease. This convenient resource offers quick access to vital information and makes a great reference for solving pressing problems on the ward or in the clinic.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Little Black Book of Nephrology and Hypertension is a comprehensive pocket reference to all aspects of kidney disease. This convenient resource offers quick access to vital information and makes a great reference for solving pressing problems on the ward or in the clinic....

Еврипид. Трагедии. В 2 томах (комплект)


  Еврипид. Трагедии. В 2 томах (комплект)  Еврипид  Ладомир, Наука.   Литературные памятники.   Книга 1, Алькеста, Медея, Гераклиды, Ипполит, Андромаха, Умоляющие, Гекуба, Геракл, Троянки, Ифигения в Тавриде ( Ладомир, Наука. Литературные памятники. Книга 1, Алькеста, Медея, Гераклиды, Ипполит, Андромаха, Умоляющие, Гекуба, Геракл, Троянки, Ифигения в Тавриде ("Ифигения-жрица"), Книга 2, Электра, Елена, Финикиянки, Ион, Орест, Вакханки, Ифигения в Авлиде ("Ифигения - жертва"), Киклоп. В древности Еврипида называли "философом на сцене". Действительно, в конфликтах между мифическими героями, действующими в его трагедиях, решаются важнейшие вопросы человеческого бытия, человеческой нравственности. И вместе с тем в каждой трагедии воплощена правда характеров, правда страстей, позволившая другому великому афинскому трагику, Софоклу, сказать о своем младшем современнике, что тот изображает людей "такими, как они есть". Все эти свойства в сочетании с могучим поэтическим талантом Еврипида принесли его творениям бессмертие - не только в книгах, но и на многих сценах мира. Настоящее издание впервые дает полного Еврипида в подлинном переводе Иннокентия Анненского....

<<<  Основы построения телекоммуникационных систем и сетей.              Искалеченная. Хади >>>

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Neonatology (Cambridge Pocket Clinicians). . Книги.

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