Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)

  Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)  Book DescriptionThe goal of this book is to help readers understand state-of-the-art techniques in biological data mining and data management and includes topics such as: - preprocessing tasks such as data cleaning and data integration as applied to biological data - classification and clustering techniques for microarrays - comparison of RNA structures based on string properties and energetics - discovery of the sequence characteristics of different partsof the genome - mining of haplotypes to find disease markers - sequencing of events leading to the folding of a protein - inference of the subcellular location of protein activity - classification of chemical compounds based on structure - special purpose metrics and index structures for phylogenetic applications - a new query language for protein searching based on the shape of proteins - very fast indexing schemes for sequences and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe goal of this book is to help readers understand state-of-the-art techniques in biological data mining and data management and includes topics such as: - preprocessing tasks such as data cleaning and data integration as applied to biological data - classification and clustering techniques for microarrays - comparison of RNA structures based on string properties and energetics - discovery of the sequence characteristics of different partsof the genome - mining of haplotypes to find disease markers - sequencing of events leading to the folding of a protein - inference of the subcellular location of protein activity - classification of chemical compounds based on structure - special purpose metrics and index structures for phylogenetic applications - a new query language for protein searching based on the shape of proteins - very fast indexing schemes for sequences and......

Play Piano with Coldplay


  Play Piano with Coldplay  Coldplay  Book DescriptionAuthentic piano parts for six hit songs by this British pop band, including vocal line, full lyrics and chord symbols. The CD includes Book DescriptionAuthentic piano parts for six hit songs by this British pop band, including vocal line, full lyrics and chord symbols. The CD includes "soundalike" backing tracks and full demonstration performances. Includes: Amsterdam * Clocks * Everything's Not Lost * Politik * The Scientist * Trouble....

Lure (Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry)

Nils Michals

  Lure (Lena-Miles Wever Todd Poetry)  Nils Michals  Book Description Book Description"This is a striking collection that?s not afraid of beauty or emotion nor of the difficulties they have always presented to poetry."?Cole Swensen "With Lure, Nils Michals extends to us a world of radiant detail?sometimes the world feels painfully beautiful?and eerie inner song. Moving between quietly charged description and sweeps of anguish and abrupt joy, Michals is always aware of how his attention treads on the landscapes and people it follows."?Joanna Klink "These are silvery poems, shimmering with the cold light of Scandinavia and the North. Of sculptors and kings, of sea voyages and scientists. Of doomed airplanes in their last descent; but of ordinary urban life also. For these are human poems too,and wise in the minor desolations of the deathbound heart."?Patricia Goedicke...

Восточная нумерология

Зайченко В.

  Восточная нумерология  Зайченко В.  От издателя: В книге описан «самый быстрый способ проанализировать жизненный путь и окружающих людей... Вы познакомитесь с различными методами построения и толкования нумерологических карт» и др.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин От издателя: В книге описан «самый быстрый способ проанализировать жизненный путь и окружающих людей... Вы познакомитесь с различными методами построения и толкования нумерологических карт» и др....

Аюрведическое питание для всех зон вашего тела

Деннис Томпсон

  Аюрведическое питание для всех зон вашего тела  Деннис Томпсон  
.   Фитнес-тренер.   Книга . Фитнес-тренер. Книга "Аюрведическое питание для всех зон вашего тела" сочетает в себе древнюю мудрость Аюрведы, направленную на исцеление и достижение здоровья организма, с современным научным подходом к типированию физиологии тела. Концентрируя внимание на трех базовых, типах тела и соответствующих им зонах физиологических функций, эта книга предлагает практические решения различных проблем, начиная с хронических проблем со здоровьем и контроля веса до правильной организации образа жизни и активности. Книга предназначена для всех, кто желает оставаться молодым и здоровым, а также избавиться от лишнего веса....

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Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing). . Книги.

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