
Вибеке Леккеберг

  Пурпур  Вибеке Леккеберг  Амфора.   Амфора 2004.   Античный пурпур добывали из желез морской улитки мурекс. Он ценился столь же высоко, как золото, серебро или жемчуг: улитки попадались нечасто, а краски требовалось много, на один грамм пурпура шло десять тысяч моллюсков. Способ изготовления был великой тайной, переходившей от отца к сыну. Исполненная трагизма история норвежской красильщицы, владевшей тайной драгоценного пурпура, рассказанная в контексте подлинных исторических событий XV века, - первое произведение известной норвежской писательницы Вибеке Леккеберг, переведенное на русский язык.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Амфора. Амфора 2004. Античный пурпур добывали из желез морской улитки мурекс. Он ценился столь же высоко, как золото, серебро или жемчуг: улитки попадались нечасто, а краски требовалось много, на один грамм пурпура шло десять тысяч моллюсков. Способ изготовления был великой тайной, переходившей от отца к сыну. Исполненная трагизма история норвежской красильщицы, владевшей тайной драгоценного пурпура, рассказанная в контексте подлинных исторических событий XV века, - первое произведение известной норвежской писательницы Вибеке Леккеберг, переведенное на русский язык....

Essays in Economic Sociology

Max Weber, Richard Swedberg

  Essays in Economic Sociology  Max Weber, Richard Swedberg  The writings of Max Weber (1864-1920) contain one of the most fascinating and sophisticated attempts ever made to create an economic sociology. Economic sociologist and Weber scholar Richard Swedberg has selected the most important of Weber's enormous body of writings on the topic, making these available for the first time in a single volume. The central themes around which the anthology is organized are modern capitalism and its relationships to politics, to law, and to culture and religion; a special section is devoted to theoretical aspects of economic sociology. Swedberg provides a valuable introduction illuminating biographical and intellectual dimensions of Weber's work in economic sociology, as well as a glossary defining key concepts in Weber's work in the field and a bibliographical guide to this corpus. Weber's substantive views on economic sociology are represented in this volume through crucial excerpts from works such as his General Economic History and The...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The writings of Max Weber (1864-1920) contain one of the most fascinating and sophisticated attempts ever made to create an economic sociology. Economic sociologist and Weber scholar Richard Swedberg has selected the most important of Weber's enormous body of writings on the topic, making these available for the first time in a single volume. The central themes around which the anthology is organized are modern capitalism and its relationships to politics, to law, and to culture and religion; a special section is devoted to theoretical aspects of economic sociology. Swedberg provides a valuable introduction illuminating biographical and intellectual dimensions of Weber's work in economic sociology, as well as a glossary defining key concepts in Weber's work in the field and a bibliographical guide to this corpus. Weber's substantive views on economic sociology are represented in this volume through crucial excerpts from works such as his General Economic History and The......

Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)

Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Robert Eccles, Joseph A. Ness, Thomas G. Cucuzza, Robert Simons, Antonlo Dbvlla, Robert Kaplan, David Norton

  Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance (Harvard Business Review Paperback Series)  Peter Ferdinand Drucker, Robert Eccles, Joseph A. Ness, Thomas G. Cucuzza, Robert Simons, Antonlo Dbvlla, Robert Kaplan, David Norton  Harvard Business School Press.   The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. Here are the landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe. The works collected in Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance--including the three groundbreaking articles on the balanced scorecard by Kaplan and Norton--offer managers practical guidance for measuring their intangible assets (customer relationships, internal business processes, and employee learning) and aligning corporate strategy accordingly.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harvard Business School Press. The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world. Here are the landmark ideas that have established the Harvard Business Review as required reading for ambitious businesspeople in organizations around the globe. The works collected in Harvard Business Review on Measuring Corporate Performance--including the three groundbreaking articles on the balanced scorecard by Kaplan and Norton--offer managers practical guidance for measuring their intangible assets (customer relationships, internal business processes, and employee learning) and aligning corporate strategy accordingly....

Put Option Writing Demystified: Earn Double-Digit Cash Returns While Waiting to Buy Stocks at a Discount

Paul D. Kadavy

  Put Option Writing Demystified: Earn Double-Digit Cash Returns While Waiting to Buy Stocks at a Discount  Paul D. Kadavy  "Put Option Writing Demystified" is the only book devoted exclusively to the subject of generating double-digit income returns from a little-known, often misunderstood and conservative investment opportunity known as "put option writing." In fact, it canbe more conservative than simply owning stocks alone. And the good news is that this strategy works best during slow growth, flat or even slightly declining markets. This book fully stands on its own merits, but it can also be viewed as a companion text to "Covered Call Writing Demystified" (see the book description on Amazon.com for more information). Hence the similarity in name. These are the reasons: * Put option writing and covered call writing have essentially the same reward and risk characteristics When used as outlined in the book, they are very conservative (unlike other uses of options) * Investors using covered call writing will find opportunities to use put option writing to achieve similar double-digit......

Black Hat: Misfits, Criminals, and Scammers in the Internet Age

John Biggs

  Black Hat: Misfits, Criminals, and Scammers in the Internet Age  John Biggs  "For leery technophobes like me, it's nice to know the experts struggle with many of the same computer bugaboos that plague me." -- "CWitz," Slashdot contributor (Read the cool Slashdot review here!) Homes are becoming increasingly wired and, thanks to Wi-Fi, unwired. Hackers can strike quickly and create disastrous results! These stories and follow-ups are a fascinating insight into the modern threats we all face inthe techno jungle. Written by internationally recognized author, John Biggs, this book is an ideal read for anyone who owns a computer&emdash;and has ever pondered the threats of modern technology. Black Hat takes a fair and thorough lookat the hacking cases that have made the news in recent years. These stories include all the juicy details, like the people behind the hacking, as well as legislative attempts to curtail hacking, cracking, and spam. Check out a......

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Пурпур. Вибеке Леккеберг . Книги.

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