Вся высшая математика. Том 2

М. Л. Краснов, А. И. Киселев, Г. И. Макаренко, Е. В. Шикин, В. И. Заляпин

  Вся высшая математика. Том 2  М. Л. Краснов, А. И. Киселев, Г. И. Макаренко, Е. В. Шикин, В. И. Заляпин  ЛКИ.   Предлагаемый учебник впервые вышел в свет в виде двухтомника сначала на английском и испанском языках в 1990 году, а затем на французском. Он пользуется большим спросом за рубежом. В 1999 году книга стала лауреатом конкурса по созданию новых учебников Министерства образования России. Этот учебник адресован студентам высших учебных заведений (в первую очередь будущим инженерам и экономистам) и охватывает практически все разделы математики, но при этом представляет собой не набор разрозненных глав, а единое целое. Во второй том включен материал по некоторым разделам математического анализа (неопределенный и определенный интегралы, функции нескольких переменных) и дифференциальной геометрии.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛКИ. Предлагаемый учебник впервые вышел в свет в виде двухтомника сначала на английском и испанском языках в 1990 году, а затем на французском. Он пользуется большим спросом за рубежом. В 1999 году книга стала лауреатом конкурса по созданию новых учебников Министерства образования России. Этот учебник адресован студентам высших учебных заведений (в первую очередь будущим инженерам и экономистам) и охватывает практически все разделы математики, но при этом представляет собой не набор разрозненных глав, а единое целое. Во второй том включен материал по некоторым разделам математического анализа (неопределенный и определенный интегралы, функции нескольких переменных) и дифференциальной геометрии....

100 Great Extensions & Renovations

Rhilip Jodidio

  100 Great Extensions & Renovations  Rhilip Jodidio  Images Publishing Group.   There could hardly be a more topical subject in contemporary architecture than extensions and renovations. For reasons of cost, historic preservation and taste, more and more clients have opted for adaptive reuse of old buildings. Rather than trying to give a veneer of history to new buildings, as the short-lived Postmodern movement attempted to do, owners, developers and architects have found that giving new life to old stones and wood is a worthy challenge. The architect is all the more sought after when complex additions or refits are involved. Making spaces work together, and making old spaces seem new are tasks that require a high degree of specialisation and intelligent design. One of the trends today is towards extensions that are modern but not aggressively different from their Images Publishing Group. There could hardly be a more topical subject in contemporary architecture than extensions and renovations. For reasons of cost, historic preservation and taste, more and more clients have opted for adaptive reuse of old buildings. Rather than trying to give a veneer of history to new buildings, as the short-lived Postmodern movement attempted to do, owners, developers and architects have found that giving new life to old stones and wood is a worthy challenge. The architect is all the more sought after when complex additions or refits are involved. Making spaces work together, and making old spaces seem new are tasks that require a high degree of specialisation and intelligent design. One of the trends today is towards extensions that are modern but not aggressively different from their "parent" structures ... The examples selected here vary intentionally, from the modest to the spectacular, from the purely contextual to the wilfully contradictory. It would be......

Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques

Mauro Pezze, Michal Young

  Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles and Techniques  Mauro Pezze, Michal Young  The first comprehensive book on software test and analysis You can't The first comprehensive book on software test and analysis You can't "test quality into" a software product, but neither can you build a quality software product without test and analysis. Software test and analysis is increasingly recognized, in research and in industrial practice, as a core challenge in software engineering and computer science. Software Testing and Analysis: Process, Principles, and Techniques is the first book to present a range of complementary software test and analysis techniques in an integrated, coherent fashion. It covers a full spectrum of topics from basic principles and underlying theory to organizational and process issues in real-world application. The emphasis throughout is on selecting a complementary set of practical techniques to achieve an acceptable level of quality at an acceptable cost. Highlights of the book include * Interplay among technical and non-technical issues in crafting an approach to software quality,......

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The Owner's Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind-Brain Research 3rd Edition

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Вся высшая математика. Том 2. М. Л. Краснов, А. И. Киселев, Г. И. Макаренко, Е. В. Шикин, В. И. Заляпин . Книги.

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