Agricultural Production And South Asian History (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Indian History)

  Agricultural Production And South Asian History (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Indian History)  Book DescriptionUpdated with a new preface and an additional biography, this second edition examines the agricultural production in colonial India; the process through which the colonial knowledge about agricultural production was textualized, the shifting focus within agrarian studies and how the complex relations between credit, market, and production were mediated by structures of power.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionUpdated with a new preface and an additional biography, this second edition examines the agricultural production in colonial India; the process through which the colonial knowledge about agricultural production was textualized, the shifting focus within agrarian studies and how the complex relations between credit, market, and production were mediated by structures of power....

Law and Poverty : The Legal System and Poverty Reduction (International Studies in Poverty Research)

  Law and Poverty : The Legal System and Poverty Reduction (International Studies in Poverty Research)  Book Description This book exposes previously ignored ways in which the law is central to the causes and structure of poverty, and explores new possibilities for using the law to alleviate poverty. It covers international human rights conventions, constitutional and statutory provisions, social insurance and social assistance law, and ranges over a wide terrain. Law is examined at its most general, as legally constructed--looking at the ways in which specific laws can either exacerbate poverty or enshrine a human right not to be poor--and in establishing specific rights entitlements that bear on reducing poverty. Finally, and most concretely, it examines the specific role of law in areas like tackling child labor, reducing economic discrimination against women, and the freedom of employees to organize.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book exposes previously ignored ways in which the law is central to the causes and structure of poverty, and explores new possibilities for using the law to alleviate poverty. It covers international human rights conventions, constitutional and statutory provisions, social insurance and social assistance law, and ranges over a wide terrain. Law is examined at its most general, as legally constructed--looking at the ways in which specific laws can either exacerbate poverty or enshrine a human right not to be poor--and in establishing specific rights entitlements that bear on reducing poverty. Finally, and most concretely, it examines the specific role of law in areas like tackling child labor, reducing economic discrimination against women, and the freedom of employees to organize....

How to Start a Business in New Mexico (How to Start a Business in New Mexico)

Entrepreneur Press

  How to Start a Business in New Mexico (How to Start a Business in New Mexico)  Entrepreneur Press  Book Description How to Start a Business in New Mexico is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes astep beyond other business how-to books to give you a jump-start on planning for your business and provides you with: Quick reference to the most current mailing and Internet addresses and telephone numbers for federal, state, local and private agencies that will help get your business up and running. State population statistics, income and consumption rates, major industry trends and overall business incentives to give you a better picture of doing business in New Mexico. Checklists, sample forms and a complete sample business plan to assist you with numerous startup details. State-specific information on issues like choosing a legal form, selecting a business name, obtaining licenses and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description How to Start a Business in New Mexico is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes astep beyond other business how-to books to give you a jump-start on planning for your business and provides you with: Quick reference to the most current mailing and Internet addresses and telephone numbers for federal, state, local and private agencies that will help get your business up and running. State population statistics, income and consumption rates, major industry trends and overall business incentives to give you a better picture of doing business in New Mexico. Checklists, sample forms and a complete sample business plan to assist you with numerous startup details. State-specific information on issues like choosing a legal form, selecting a business name, obtaining licenses and......

Guia de Fotografa Digital

Rob Sheppard

  Guia de Fotografa Digital  Rob Sheppard  McFarland & Company.   Book DescriptionThis reference guide provides all the information necessary to get the most out of new digital technology, including the background and development, the ethics of when a photographer should and should not alter images, differences in various file types (JPEG, TIFF, etc.), and tips for producing excellent panoramic images. Featuring information from one of the field?s most revered experts, this is the guide for photographers of all levels of experience who wish to be on the cutting edge. Description in Spanish: Rob Sheppard, autor, experto digital y redactor de las revistas PCPhoto Y Outdoor Photo explica los secretos para conseguir fantasticas fotografias digitales. Esta interesante e informativa guia explica tambien como aprovechar la revolucion digital aunque todavia trabaje con pelicula, como seleccionar una camara digital, consejos para obtener los mejores resultados con una camara digital, como...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин McFarland & Company. Book DescriptionThis reference guide provides all the information necessary to get the most out of new digital technology, including the background and development, the ethics of when a photographer should and should not alter images, differences in various file types (JPEG, TIFF, etc.), and tips for producing excellent panoramic images. Featuring information from one of the field?s most revered experts, this is the guide for photographers of all levels of experience who wish to be on the cutting edge. Description in Spanish: Rob Sheppard, autor, experto digital y redactor de las revistas PCPhoto Y Outdoor Photo explica los secretos para conseguir fantasticas fotografias digitales. Esta interesante e informativa guia explica tambien como aprovechar la revolucion digital aunque todavia trabaje con pelicula, como seleccionar una camara digital, consejos para obtener los mejores resultados con una camara digital, como......

Windows and Mirrors : Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency (Leonardo Books)

Jay David Bolter

  Windows and Mirrors : Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency (Leonardo Books)  Jay David Bolter  Book DescriptionIn Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency , Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala argue that, contrary to Donald Norman's famous dictum, we do not always want our computers to be invisible Book DescriptionIn Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency , Jay David Bolter and Diane Gromala argue that, contrary to Donald Norman's famous dictum, we do not always want our computers to be invisible "information appliances." They say that a computer does not feel like a toaster or a vacuum cleaner; it feels like a medium that is now taking its place beside other media like printing, film, radio, and television. The computer as medium creates new forms and genres for artists and designers; Bolter and Gromala want to show what digital art has to offer to Web designers, education technologists, graphic artists, interface designers, HCI experts, and, for that matter, anyone interested in the cultural implications of the digital revolution. In the early 1990s, the World Wide Web began to shift from purely verbal representation to an experience for the user in which form and content were thoroughly integrated. Designers......

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Agricultural Production And South Asian History (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Indian History). . Книги.

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