Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered (Critical Perspectives on the Past)

Jack Metzgar

  Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered (Critical Perspectives on the Past)  Jack Metzgar  Having come of age during a period of vibrant union-centered activism, Jack Metzgar begins this book wondering how his father, a U.S. Steel shop steward in the 1950s and '60s, and so many contemporary historians could forget what this country owes to theunion movement. Combining personal memoir and historical narrative, Striking Steel argues for reassessment of unionism in American life during the second half of the twentieth century and a recasting of Having come of age during a period of vibrant union-centered activism, Jack Metzgar begins this book wondering how his father, a U.S. Steel shop steward in the 1950s and '60s, and so many contemporary historians could forget what this country owes to theunion movement. Combining personal memoir and historical narrative, Striking Steel argues for reassessment of unionism in American life during the second half of the twentieth century and a recasting of "official memory." As he traces the history ofunion steelworkers after World War II, Metzgar draws on his father's powerful stories about the punishing work in the mills, stories in which time is divided between "before the union" and since. His father, Johnny Metzgar, fought ardently for workplace rules as a means of giving "the men" some control over their working conditions and protection from venal foremen. He pursued grievances until he eroded management's authority, and he badgered foremen until he established shop-floor......

Stock-Market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks

Karl-Erik Warneryd

  Stock-Market Psychology: How People Value and Trade Stocks  Karl-Erik Warneryd  The book focuses on the way in which investors process information and form expectations about future gains. It argues that humans fall short of the perfect information processing required by theory, and that their expectations are based on more than just future company earnings. Karl-Erik Warneryd discusses the psychology of investing, providing detailed coverage of how financial expectations are formed, how complex decisions are made and how emotions and influence from others affect the financial decisions of individuals. Empirical studies featured in the book suggest that many, if not most, stockholders have long-term goals, believe in certain stocks, and make few transactions - behavior which, argues the author, may have a stabilizing influence upon stock prices. As a unique overview of how investors process information and build up expectations of future gains on stocks, this fascinating book will be welcomed by students of, and researchers in, economic psychology...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The book focuses on the way in which investors process information and form expectations about future gains. It argues that humans fall short of the perfect information processing required by theory, and that their expectations are based on more than just future company earnings. Karl-Erik Warneryd discusses the psychology of investing, providing detailed coverage of how financial expectations are formed, how complex decisions are made and how emotions and influence from others affect the financial decisions of individuals. Empirical studies featured in the book suggest that many, if not most, stockholders have long-term goals, believe in certain stocks, and make few transactions - behavior which, argues the author, may have a stabilizing influence upon stock prices. As a unique overview of how investors process information and build up expectations of future gains on stocks, this fascinating book will be welcomed by students of, and researchers in, economic psychology......

Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home

Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine, Betsy Baytos

  Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home  Stephen M. Pollan, Mark Levine, Betsy Baytos  Selling your home isn't an overwhelming project; it just feels that way. You need a strategy. You need Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home. How do you know you can trust your broker? How do you choose a price range? How do you negotiate a contract? And what about repainting, exterminating, sanitizing, and organizing? What do you do when? Stephen Pollan has the answers. With this simple, streamlined plan, Pollan takes you by the hand and walks you through the whole process, from start to finish. Organized like a workbook, with tips, checklists, warnings, and encouragement to help you along, the Foolproof Guide tells you exactly what to do and what to say at every step, from placing an ad to dosing the deal. All you have to do is follow Stephen Pollan through these pages. He knows what he's doing. By the time you reach the end of Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home, you will have sold your house for the best price and the least pain.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Selling your home isn't an overwhelming project; it just feels that way. You need a strategy. You need Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home. How do you know you can trust your broker? How do you choose a price range? How do you negotiate a contract? And what about repainting, exterminating, sanitizing, and organizing? What do you do when? Stephen Pollan has the answers. With this simple, streamlined plan, Pollan takes you by the hand and walks you through the whole process, from start to finish. Organized like a workbook, with tips, checklists, warnings, and encouragement to help you along, the Foolproof Guide tells you exactly what to do and what to say at every step, from placing an ad to dosing the deal. All you have to do is follow Stephen Pollan through these pages. He knows what he's doing. By the time you reach the end of Stephen Pollan's Foolproof Guide to Selling Your Home, you will have sold your house for the best price and the least pain....

Photoshop Type Effects Visual Encyclopedia

Roger Pring

  Photoshop Type Effects Visual Encyclopedia  Roger Pring  The ultimate rich resource for amazing type design with Photoshop. Nothing can ruin a stunning piece of art quicker than finishing it off with poorly executed type effects. The Photoshop Type Effects Encyclopedia is a non-linear tutorial and a visual reference walking users step-by-step through complete details for designing professional level type effects. The book is organized into two general parts: a contextualizing introduction; and the actual encyclopedia, with rich illustrations of what each effect looks like, how to create the effect (including screenshots and other illustrations showing the step-by-step progress of each effect), and how to do your own variations of the effect. Each page is easy to read and follow, yet is packed with information.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ultimate rich resource for amazing type design with Photoshop. Nothing can ruin a stunning piece of art quicker than finishing it off with poorly executed type effects. The Photoshop Type Effects Encyclopedia is a non-linear tutorial and a visual reference walking users step-by-step through complete details for designing professional level type effects. The book is organized into two general parts: a contextualizing introduction; and the actual encyclopedia, with rich illustrations of what each effect looks like, how to create the effect (including screenshots and other illustrations showing the step-by-step progress of each effect), and how to do your own variations of the effect. Each page is easy to read and follow, yet is packed with information....

Любовь дьявола

Джулия Лэндон

  Любовь дьявола  Джулия Лэндон  АСТ, АСТ Москва.   Мини-шарм.   Прелестная Абигайль Каррингтон отправилась в Англию, дабы выйти замуж за Майкла Ингрэма, маркиза Дарфилда - человека, которого она любила с детства и считала истинным джентльменом. Но - время идет, и бедная девушка, увы, понимает, что благородный рыцарь ее невинных грез превратился в обозленного, циничного повесу. Светлая, чистая любовь Абигайль вот-вот обратится в ужас и ненависть - и у Майкла осталось совсем немного времени, чтобы удержать женщину, о которой он втайне мечтал все эти годы.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва. Мини-шарм. Прелестная Абигайль Каррингтон отправилась в Англию, дабы выйти замуж за Майкла Ингрэма, маркиза Дарфилда - человека, которого она любила с детства и считала истинным джентльменом. Но - время идет, и бедная девушка, увы, понимает, что благородный рыцарь ее невинных грез превратился в обозленного, циничного повесу. Светлая, чистая любовь Абигайль вот-вот обратится в ужас и ненависть - и у Майкла осталось совсем немного времени, чтобы удержать женщину, о которой он втайне мечтал все эти годы....

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Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered (Critical Perspectives on the Past). Jack Metzgar . Книги.

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