Мои друзья. Анкета. Ранетки

  Мои друзья. Анкета. Ранетки  Эгмонт Россия Лтд..   Как здорово, что существуют анкеты! Ведь они помогают нам узнать друг друга! Попроси друзей, подруг, приятелей, да просто знакомых заполнить твою анкету, и ты узнаешь о них много нового, неожиданного, а порой и забавного!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эгмонт Россия Лтд.. Как здорово, что существуют анкеты! Ведь они помогают нам узнать друг друга! Попроси друзей, подруг, приятелей, да просто знакомых заполнить твою анкету, и ты узнаешь о них много нового, неожиданного, а порой и забавного!...

Теория катастрофы

Ник. Горькавый

  Теория катастрофы  Ник. Горькавый  АСТ, Астрель-СПб.   Фантастика настоящего и будущего.   Девушка с хрустальными волосами спасает мир! Так можно было бы озаглавить эту книгу, продолжение романа АСТ, Астрель-СПб. Фантастика настоящего и будущего. Девушка с хрустальными волосами спасает мир! Так можно было бы озаглавить эту книгу, продолжение романа "Астровитянка". Но все намного сложнее. Никки - редчайший случай соединения острого ума, необъятной эрудиции (посредством "встроенного" компьютера), сверхскорости и сверхудачливости. Она учится в самой крутой школе Солнечной системы, у самых лучших учителей (хотя иногда трудно понять, кто кого учит), у нее множество верных друзей. Врагов, правда, тоже немало, и все норовят ее убить. Встречайте: новый роман Ника Горькавого: "Теория катастрофы"....

Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap (Cultureamerica)

Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar

  Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap (Cultureamerica)  Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar  In the world of hip-hop, In the world of hip-hop, "keeping it real" has always been a primary goal--and realness takes on special meaning as rappers mold their images for street cred and increasingly measure authenticity by ghetto-centric notions of "Who's badder?" In this groundbreaking book, Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar celebrates hip-hop and confronts the cult of authenticity that defines its essential character--that dictates how performers walk, talk, and express themselves artistically and also influences the consumer market. Hip-Hop Revolution is a balanced cultural history that looks past negative stereotypes of hip-hop as a monolith of hedonistic, unthinking noise to reveal its evolving positive role within American society. A writer who's personally encountered many of hip-hop's icons, Ogbar traces hip-hop's rise as a cultural juggernaut, focusing on how it negotiates its own sense of identity. He especially explores the lyrical world of rap as artists struggle to define what realness means in an art......

Frangipani: A practical guide to growing frangipani at home

Linda Ross, Lorna Rose, John Stowar

  Frangipani: A practical guide to growing frangipani at home  Linda Ross, Lorna Rose, John Stowar  Frangipani covers the plant origins and species of frangipanis. Areas covered are Australia, Asia, Hawaii, USA and Europe. Growing and care including container gardening, pruning, transplanting, pest and disease identification, soil and climate or growing. Also covers designing around the home, in courtyards, balconies, verandahs, roof terrace and growing in pots.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Frangipani covers the plant origins and species of frangipanis. Areas covered are Australia, Asia, Hawaii, USA and Europe. Growing and care including container gardening, pruning, transplanting, pest and disease identification, soil and climate or growing. Also covers designing around the home, in courtyards, balconies, verandahs, roof terrace and growing in pots....

Inside the Spanish-American War: A History Based on First-Person Accounts

James M. McCaffrey

  Inside the Spanish-American War: A History Based on First-Person Accounts  James M. McCaffrey  This is the story of the Spanish-American War, told not from the perspective of generals, policy makers, or politicians, but from that of the soldiers, sailors and marines in the field and the reporters who covered their efforts. Concentration on the daily lives of these people provides insight into the often overlooked facets of a soldier's life, detailing their training and interaction with weaponry, their food, clothing, and medical supplies, and their personal interactions and daily struggles. While the Spanish-American War set the stage for America's emergence as a global power, this is its history on an individual scale, as seen through the eyes of those upon whom the war had the most immediate impact.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the story of the Spanish-American War, told not from the perspective of generals, policy makers, or politicians, but from that of the soldiers, sailors and marines in the field and the reporters who covered their efforts. Concentration on the daily lives of these people provides insight into the often overlooked facets of a soldier's life, detailing their training and interaction with weaponry, their food, clothing, and medical supplies, and their personal interactions and daily struggles. While the Spanish-American War set the stage for America's emergence as a global power, this is its history on an individual scale, as seen through the eyes of those upon whom the war had the most immediate impact....

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Мои друзья. Анкета. Ранетки. . Книги.

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