Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith and Reason

  Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith and Reason  University of Notre Dame Press.   This collection of essays by eleven noted scholars continues the response to Pope John Paul II's encyclical University of Notre Dame Press. This collection of essays by eleven noted scholars continues the response to Pope John Paul II's encyclical "Fides et ratio". Although that letter has implications for a variety of disciplines and concerns across the life of the church, at its core is a crucial matter that calls for the most demanding, forthright, and generous theological and philosophical reflection. "Redeeming Truth" has as its overarching theme the redemption of truth looked at philosophically and theologically. This collection is notable in that it embraces a variety of approaches to its theme, from traditional forays to those that engage postmodernism and those that consider feminist theology. As many of the essays respond directly to other contributions, the volume reflects the vigor of the debate....

Dueling Identities: The Christian Biker

Doreen Anderson-Facile

  Dueling Identities: The Christian Biker  Doreen Anderson-Facile  Lexington Books.   Lexington Books. "Dueling Identities" examines the contradictions facing the Christian biker in regard to conflicting culture norms and values, while exploring how the Christian biker identity is developed and maintained....

When Prayers Aren't Answered

  When Prayers Aren't Answered  John E. Welshons  John E. Welshons  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин John E. Welshons...

Haunted West Virginia: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Mountain State (Haunted)

  Haunted West Virginia: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Mountain State (Haunted)  Patty A. Wilson  Patty A. Wilson  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Patty A. Wilson...

The Secret Revealed: Exposing the Truth About the Law of Attraction

  The Secret Revealed: Exposing the Truth About the Law of Attraction  James L. Garlow, Rick Marschall  James L. Garlow, Rick Marschall  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин James L. Garlow, Rick Marschall...

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Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith and Reason. . Книги.

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