Project Management: The Managerial Process w/ Student CD-ROM

Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson

  Project Management: The Managerial Process w/ Student CD-ROM  Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson  Project Management, 2/e is a text with cases, and it is suitable for a course in project management and for professionals who seek a project management handbook. This text addresses the major questions and issues the authors have encountered while teaching and consulting with practicing project managers domestically and abroad. Focusing on applications, this text provides a road map for managing any type of project?extending the boundaries of project management from traditional project-oriented industries such as construction and aerospace to information technology, R & D, engineering design, pharmaceutical, and services. Besides covering a broad range of industries, Project Management: The Managerial Process is distinguished by the fact that itbalances the coverage of the technical aspects of project management with the behavioral aspects. The reader is introduced to the strategic role of projects in contemporary organizations, how projects are prioritized, what tools and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Project Management, 2/e is a text with cases, and it is suitable for a course in project management and for professionals who seek a project management handbook. This text addresses the major questions and issues the authors have encountered while teaching and consulting with practicing project managers domestically and abroad. Focusing on applications, this text provides a road map for managing any type of project?extending the boundaries of project management from traditional project-oriented industries such as construction and aerospace to information technology, R & D, engineering design, pharmaceutical, and services. Besides covering a broad range of industries, Project Management: The Managerial Process is distinguished by the fact that itbalances the coverage of the technical aspects of project management with the behavioral aspects. The reader is introduced to the strategic role of projects in contemporary organizations, how projects are prioritized, what tools and......

Building a Chain of Customers: Linking Business Functions to Create World Class Company

Richard J. Schonberger

  Building a Chain of Customers: Linking Business Functions to Create World Class Company  Richard J. Schonberger  Richard Schonberger, in his fourth and most important book yet, introduces a powerful new concept: that the many links between and within the four main business functions -- design, operations, accounting, and marketing -- form a continuous Richard Schonberger, in his fourth and most important book yet, introduces a powerful new concept: that the many links between and within the four main business functions -- design, operations, accounting, and marketing -- form a continuous "chain ofcustomers" that extends to those who buy the product or service. Everyone has a customer -- the next department, office, shop, or person -- at the hundreds of pioneering companies Schonberger has studied throughout the world. Schonberger demonstrates the universality of customer wants: Both the next and final customers want ever better quality, quicker response, greater flexibility, and lower cost. This condition provides a common strategy and calls for common methods to be used across the organization. Every employee is a data gatherer and analyst, unearthing more and better ways to provide for these customers' wants -- before the competition does so. As the new thinking and methods permeate every comer of the firm,......

Halfway to Everywhere: A Portrait of America's First-Tier Suburbs

Bruce Katz, William H., III Hudnut, William H. Hudnutt

  Halfway to Everywhere: A Portrait of America's First-Tier Suburbs  Bruce Katz, William H., III Hudnut, William H. Hudnutt  Painting a picture of America's first-tier suburbs-those surrounding large central cities-that were left behind during the extraordinary revitalization of downtowns in the 1990s, this book highlights the places where many of the nation's most critical issues such as education reform, immigration and diversity, economic restructuring, neighborhood planning, and social exclusion are played out on a daily basis. Focusing on the unique and substantial assets these places offer and highlighting the enthusiasmand commitment of the people who live and work there, this book's portrayal of these metropolitan pivot points offers reasons for hope, strategies for rejuvenation, and solutions for local officials, policy makers, developers, and citizens who are looking for ways to revive stressed communities. Woven into the narrative are examples from many communities, including poverty and scandal-afflicted Camden, New Jersey, and East St. Louis, Illinois; a string of tired industrial towns on...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Painting a picture of America's first-tier suburbs-those surrounding large central cities-that were left behind during the extraordinary revitalization of downtowns in the 1990s, this book highlights the places where many of the nation's most critical issues such as education reform, immigration and diversity, economic restructuring, neighborhood planning, and social exclusion are played out on a daily basis. Focusing on the unique and substantial assets these places offer and highlighting the enthusiasmand commitment of the people who live and work there, this book's portrayal of these metropolitan pivot points offers reasons for hope, strategies for rejuvenation, and solutions for local officials, policy makers, developers, and citizens who are looking for ways to revive stressed communities. Woven into the narrative are examples from many communities, including poverty and scandal-afflicted Camden, New Jersey, and East St. Louis, Illinois; a string of tired industrial towns on......

PC Toys: 14 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment

Barry Press, Marcia Press

  PC Toys: 14 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment  Barry Press, Marcia Press  Come on out and play You can only surf the Net so long. You can only play so much video poker. So if you?re a PC addict who?s ready for some new fun, this book is your toybox. Each of the 14 projects inside includes a parts list, suggestions for finding the needed equipment, clues to the cost, helpful Web links, and complete directions. What?s that? You have a few ideas of your own? Check out the suggestions in the final chapter, and start inventing your own PC toys. The Toys Each with a complete materials list and detailed, illustrated instructions TiVo-like video recorder MP3 or CD jukebox Coffeepot controller Telescope tracking station Workout monitor Home surveillance with Internet remote access Fridge and freezer monitor Fish tank monitor Auto diagnostic center In-car navigation system Weather station Robots...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Come on out and play You can only surf the Net so long. You can only play so much video poker. So if you?re a PC addict who?s ready for some new fun, this book is your toybox. Each of the 14 projects inside includes a parts list, suggestions for finding the needed equipment, clues to the cost, helpful Web links, and complete directions. What?s that? You have a few ideas of your own? Check out the suggestions in the final chapter, and start inventing your own PC toys. The Toys Each with a complete materials list and detailed, illustrated instructions TiVo-like video recorder MP3 or CD jukebox Coffeepot controller Telescope tracking station Workout monitor Home surveillance with Internet remote access Fridge and freezer monitor Fish tank monitor Auto diagnostic center In-car navigation system Weather station Robots......

Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs

Ioannis G. Tollis, Giuseppe Di Battista, Peter Eades, Roberto Tamassia

  Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs  Ioannis G. Tollis, Giuseppe Di Battista, Peter Eades, Roberto Tamassia  This book is designed to describe fundamental algorithmic techniques for constructing drawings of graphs. Suitable as a book or reference manual, its chapters offer an accurate, accessible reflection of the rapidly expanding field of graph drawing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is designed to describe fundamental algorithmic techniques for constructing drawings of graphs. Suitable as a book or reference manual, its chapters offer an accurate, accessible reflection of the rapidly expanding field of graph drawing....

<<<  Cooperation and Competition in a Common Market: Studies on the ...             Владимир Маяковский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. ... >>>

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Project Management: The Managerial Process w/ Student CD-ROM. Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson . Книги.

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