Close to Home: A Novel of Suspense

Peter Robinson

  Close to Home: A Novel of Suspense  Peter Robinson  There are human bones buried in an open field, the remains of a lost teenaged boy whose disappearance devastated a community more than thirty-five years ago ... and scarred a guilt-ridden friend forever. A long-hidden horror has been unearthed, dragging a tormented policeman back into a past he could never truly forget no matter how desperately he tried. A heinous crime that occurred too close to home still has its grip on Chief Inspector Alan Banks -- and it's leading him into a dark place where evil still dwells. Because the secrets that doomed young Graham Marshall back in 1965 remain alive and lethal -- and disturbing them could cost Banks much more than he ever imagined.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There are human bones buried in an open field, the remains of a lost teenaged boy whose disappearance devastated a community more than thirty-five years ago ... and scarred a guilt-ridden friend forever. A long-hidden horror has been unearthed, dragging a tormented policeman back into a past he could never truly forget no matter how desperately he tried. A heinous crime that occurred too close to home still has its grip on Chief Inspector Alan Banks -- and it's leading him into a dark place where evil still dwells. Because the secrets that doomed young Graham Marshall back in 1965 remain alive and lethal -- and disturbing them could cost Banks much more than he ever imagined....

Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering)

  Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Parallel Computers (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering)  This book surveys the major topics that are essential to high-performance simulation on parallel computers or computational clusters. These topics, including programming models, load balancing, mesh generation, efficient numerical solvers, and scientific software, are vital ingredients in the research fields of computer science, numerical analysis, and scientific computing. In addition to presenting the technological basis, this volume addresses selected applications that combine different techniques in order to meet demanding computational challenges. Through contributions from a wide range of internationally acknowledged experts, this book gives a to-the-point and self-containing overview of efficient ways to deal with large-scale simulation problems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book surveys the major topics that are essential to high-performance simulation on parallel computers or computational clusters. These topics, including programming models, load balancing, mesh generation, efficient numerical solvers, and scientific software, are vital ingredients in the research fields of computer science, numerical analysis, and scientific computing. In addition to presenting the technological basis, this volume addresses selected applications that combine different techniques in order to meet demanding computational challenges. Through contributions from a wide range of internationally acknowledged experts, this book gives a to-the-point and self-containing overview of efficient ways to deal with large-scale simulation problems....

Water Resources Sustainability

Larry W Mays

  Water Resources Sustainability  Larry W Mays  Expert insights into one of the major issues of the 21st Century Written by a team of leading experts, this resource provides the latest information and thinking on the globally-critical subject of water sustainability and management. The author includes methods for analyzing water resource needs, modeling, supply reliability, irrigation, and optimization.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Expert insights into one of the major issues of the 21st Century Written by a team of leading experts, this resource provides the latest information and thinking on the globally-critical subject of water sustainability and management. The author includes methods for analyzing water resource needs, modeling, supply reliability, irrigation, and optimization....

TVR: An Illustrated History

John Tipler

  TVR: An Illustrated History  John Tipler  A complete photographic record of all the cars produced by Blackpool-based TVR, from the earliest 'specials' built in the early 1950s by founder Trevor Wilkinson, to the latest muscular supercars evolving under the new Russian ownership. TVRs have always stood out from the crowd, both for their often controversial styling and for their sheer innovation, and few people would dispute that a TVR has presence. Here, the rollercoaster history of TVR is told through photographs, including many taken behind the scenes during development and production. Essential reading for all TVR enthusiasts and sports car fans. First edition published in 1998 by Sutton Publishing in the Photographic History of Transport series.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A complete photographic record of all the cars produced by Blackpool-based TVR, from the earliest 'specials' built in the early 1950s by founder Trevor Wilkinson, to the latest muscular supercars evolving under the new Russian ownership. TVRs have always stood out from the crowd, both for their often controversial styling and for their sheer innovation, and few people would dispute that a TVR has presence. Here, the rollercoaster history of TVR is told through photographs, including many taken behind the scenes during development and production. Essential reading for all TVR enthusiasts and sports car fans. First edition published in 1998 by Sutton Publishing in the Photographic History of Transport series....

REALная Любовь

Юрий Луговской

  REALная Любовь  Юрий Луговской  АСТ, Олимп, Астрель, Харвест.   Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры? Нет, жизнь современного человека - это грандиозное реалити-шоу, правила игры в котором устанавливает кто-то другой. Молодые люди мечтают о славе, поэтому телевизор становится их вторым домом. Здесь детские игры становятся взрослыми. Восходящие звезды эфира стремятся осуществить свои амбициозные планы - заработать денег, покорить мир... Но какова цена успеха? Где граница между реальностью и игрой? Способен ли искусственный мир подарить настоящую, а не призрачную любовь? И что останется после того, как шоу закончится?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Олимп, Астрель, Харвест. Весь мир - театр, а люди в нем актеры? Нет, жизнь современного человека - это грандиозное реалити-шоу, правила игры в котором устанавливает кто-то другой. Молодые люди мечтают о славе, поэтому телевизор становится их вторым домом. Здесь детские игры становятся взрослыми. Восходящие звезды эфира стремятся осуществить свои амбициозные планы - заработать денег, покорить мир... Но какова цена успеха? Где граница между реальностью и игрой? Способен ли искусственный мир подарить настоящую, а не призрачную любовь? И что останется после того, как шоу закончится?...

<<<  Наследница гангстера. Вадим Поситко             Владимир Маяковский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. ... >>>

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Close to Home: A Novel of Suspense. Peter Robinson . Книги.

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