Where In The World Am I?

Rae E. K. Caplan

  Where In The World Am I?  Rae E. K. Caplan  Book DescriptionHer story tells of her journey to find a purpose to carry on alone; to begin a new life at age fifty-nine. She didn't realize how sheltered she'd been until she entered the business world for the first time. Sometimes bold, often frustrated, always coping with aloneness, she pushed herself to find the right path to be able to find joy again in being alive. Sailing on San Francisco Bay with a group of single people became a major turning point as it opened up opportunities she had never dreamed she could have. In her late sixties as a solo traveler she experienced adventures by sea and by land and began to look ahead with a self-confidence she had previously lacked.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHer story tells of her journey to find a purpose to carry on alone; to begin a new life at age fifty-nine. She didn't realize how sheltered she'd been until she entered the business world for the first time. Sometimes bold, often frustrated, always coping with aloneness, she pushed herself to find the right path to be able to find joy again in being alive. Sailing on San Francisco Bay with a group of single people became a major turning point as it opened up opportunities she had never dreamed she could have. In her late sixties as a solo traveler she experienced adventures by sea and by land and began to look ahead with a self-confidence she had previously lacked....

Poker: Bets, Bluffs, And Bad Beats

Al Alvarez

  Poker: Bets, Bluffs, And Bad Beats  Al Alvarez  Book DescriptionA smoke-filled room. The clink of chips breaking the silence of furious concentration. The occasional muttering of Book DescriptionA smoke-filled room. The clink of chips breaking the silence of furious concentration. The occasional muttering of "check," "raise," and "fold," as staggering amounts are wagered on a simple hand of five cards. In this new paperback edition, acclaimed writer A. Alvarez narrates the history of poker -- its most amazing stories, unforgettable players, and incredible hands. From the first great Las Vegas poker marathon, in which Nick the Greek played Johnny Moss for five months straight, to the more recent World Series of Poker, Alvarez captures a subculture rich with legend. His lively text is combined with a colorful array of poker-inspired art, advertisements, movie stills, and photos to create an entertaining ode to the pastime that is not so much a game of cards as a way of life....

Hello Serotonin

Jon Paul Fiorentino

  Hello Serotonin  Jon Paul Fiorentino  Book DescriptionContemporary poetry got you down? Boost your serotonin uptake with the mood-enhancing poetic anti-depressants in Jon Paul Fiorentino?s latest collection. With equal doses of science and confessional lyricism, and a current of self-deprecating wit running through it all, Hello Serotonin maps out a synaptic syntax of Winnipeg life. This book will alter your perception of poetry ? get your prescription filled today!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionContemporary poetry got you down? Boost your serotonin uptake with the mood-enhancing poetic anti-depressants in Jon Paul Fiorentino?s latest collection. With equal doses of science and confessional lyricism, and a current of self-deprecating wit running through it all, Hello Serotonin maps out a synaptic syntax of Winnipeg life. This book will alter your perception of poetry ? get your prescription filled today!...

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology

  Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology  Book Description The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology is the first work to map this ever-changing field. It is the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia consisting of contributions from over 900 noted researchers in over 50 countries. This five-volume encyclopedia includes more than 550 articles highlighting current concepts, issues and emerging technologies. These articles are enhanced by special attention that is paid to over 4,500 technical and managerial terms. These termswill each have a 5-50 word description that allow the users of this extensive research source to learn the language and terminology of the field. In addition, these volumes offer a thorough reference section with over 11,500 sources of information that can be accessed by scholars, students, and researchers in the field of information science and technology.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology is the first work to map this ever-changing field. It is the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia consisting of contributions from over 900 noted researchers in over 50 countries. This five-volume encyclopedia includes more than 550 articles highlighting current concepts, issues and emerging technologies. These articles are enhanced by special attention that is paid to over 4,500 technical and managerial terms. These termswill each have a 5-50 word description that allow the users of this extensive research source to learn the language and terminology of the field. In addition, these volumes offer a thorough reference section with over 11,500 sources of information that can be accessed by scholars, students, and researchers in the field of information science and technology....

Меня не было

Михаил Левитин

  Меня не было  Михаил Левитин  В этой не мемуарной, но автобиографической книге собраны повести, рассказы, эссе и статьи о театре известного режиссера и писателя. О театре своем и чужом, начиная с Камерного театра Таирова, книга о котором потрясла автора в детстве, и заканчивая Московским театром «Эрмитаж», которым он руководит уже больше 25 лет. «Годы заставили понять, - пишет Михаил Захарович Левитин, - что твоя жизнь интересна не только тебе, она есть непрестанный диалог с померещившимся идеалом, от которого ты ушел далеко, возможно, и не приближался вовсе, но он помог сохранить самые романтические представления об искусстве театра и справиться с труднейшими перипетиями жизни».  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин В этой не мемуарной, но автобиографической книге собраны повести, рассказы, эссе и статьи о театре известного режиссера и писателя. О театре своем и чужом, начиная с Камерного театра Таирова, книга о котором потрясла автора в детстве, и заканчивая Московским театром «Эрмитаж», которым он руководит уже больше 25 лет. «Годы заставили понять, - пишет Михаил Захарович Левитин, - что твоя жизнь интересна не только тебе, она есть непрестанный диалог с померещившимся идеалом, от которого ты ушел далеко, возможно, и не приближался вовсе, но он помог сохранить самые романтические представления об искусстве театра и справиться с труднейшими перипетиями жизни»....

<<<  The IAF Handbook of Group Facilitation : Best Practices from the Leading ...             Владимир Маяковский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. ... >>>

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Where In The World Am I?. Rae E. K. Caplan . Книги.

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