Planting Hope on Worn-Out Land: History of the Tuskegee Land Utilization Project: Macon County, Alabama, 1935-1959

Robert G. Pasquill

  Planting Hope on Worn-Out Land: History of the Tuskegee Land Utilization Project: Macon County, Alabama, 1935-1959  Robert G. Pasquill  By the 1930s, decades of inefficient cotton farming had stripped the topsoil from thousands of acres of Macon County, Alabama. The land's inhabitants, mostly poor black farmers and sharecroppers, were starving in their weather-beaten shacks; the land was simply too worn out for them to make a living. This book describes these conditions and then traces the history of an innovative New Deal program established by the Franklin Roosevelt administration to reclaim the land and the people's lives. The Tuskegee Land Utilization Study converted much of the land into what is now the Tuskegee National Forest. It also established the model settlement of Prairie Farms. In this volume, Pasquill assesses the project seven decades later. The book also includes interviews with descendants of some of the original Prairie Farms participants.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин By the 1930s, decades of inefficient cotton farming had stripped the topsoil from thousands of acres of Macon County, Alabama. The land's inhabitants, mostly poor black farmers and sharecroppers, were starving in their weather-beaten shacks; the land was simply too worn out for them to make a living. This book describes these conditions and then traces the history of an innovative New Deal program established by the Franklin Roosevelt administration to reclaim the land and the people's lives. The Tuskegee Land Utilization Study converted much of the land into what is now the Tuskegee National Forest. It also established the model settlement of Prairie Farms. In this volume, Pasquill assesses the project seven decades later. The book also includes interviews with descendants of some of the original Prairie Farms participants....

Dr. Mayo's Boy: A Century of American Medicine

Rob Tenery MD

  Dr. Mayo's Boy: A Century of American Medicine  Rob Tenery MD  Dr. Mayo's Boy traces the medical experiences of three generations of Texas physicians in small town Waxahachie and big city Dallas. Full of stories that are often heartening in their humanity and sometimes disturbing in what they reveal about contemporary health care, Dr. Mayo's Boy explores how physicians have viewed their commitment to their patients, how they sacrifice to meet the challenges they face and how the practice of medicine has, sadly, changed over almost sixty years. While this book is by no means a policy statement, it offers a nostalgic but clear-eyed look at the past and, through its tales of three doctors lives, asks implicit questions about how we manage health care today. There must remain one constant--the need for a patient to know that their doctor cares about them as an individual.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dr. Mayo's Boy traces the medical experiences of three generations of Texas physicians in small town Waxahachie and big city Dallas. Full of stories that are often heartening in their humanity and sometimes disturbing in what they reveal about contemporary health care, Dr. Mayo's Boy explores how physicians have viewed their commitment to their patients, how they sacrifice to meet the challenges they face and how the practice of medicine has, sadly, changed over almost sixty years. While this book is by no means a policy statement, it offers a nostalgic but clear-eyed look at the past and, through its tales of three doctors lives, asks implicit questions about how we manage health care today. There must remain one constant--the need for a patient to know that their doctor cares about them as an individual....

Морской дозор

Николай Темкин

  Морской дозор  Николай Темкин  Астрель-СПб, Сова.   Прикольный детектив.   Следователь по особым сказочным делам Алеша Попов со своей бесстрашной помощницей кошкой Марусей по вызову волшебного телефона снова оказываются в Лукоморье. Но срочные дела заставляют Алешу вернуться обратно, а на его посту его замещает Баба Яга. Она переезжает на побережье, открывает сыскное агентство Астрель-СПб, Сова. Прикольный детектив. Следователь по особым сказочным делам Алеша Попов со своей бесстрашной помощницей кошкой Марусей по вызову волшебного телефона снова оказываются в Лукоморье. Но срочные дела заставляют Алешу вернуться обратно, а на его посту его замещает Баба Яга. Она переезжает на побережье, открывает сыскное агентство "Морской дозор" и... Начинаются таинственные исчезновения......

Polymer Degradation and Performance (Acs Symposium Series)

  Polymer Degradation and Performance (Acs Symposium Series)  The development of polymeric materials and their optimization for high performance applications requires a detailed understanding of their degradation sensitivities, and the various features affecting durability and reliability. This book provides an overview of the current trends in this research field. Individual topics present the latest concepts related to material lifetime prediction methodologies, new insight into complex degradation mechanisms, and how the knowledge of their performance limiting processes can be applied to the design of materials with improved features. Appropriate analytical characterization techniques that are fundamental to all areas of polymer degradation and optimization studies and the overlapping performance interests in a range of existing and developing applications are discussed. The audience will be material engineers and polymer chemists working in academia, large research institutes and industry dealing with polymer design and development,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The development of polymeric materials and their optimization for high performance applications requires a detailed understanding of their degradation sensitivities, and the various features affecting durability and reliability. This book provides an overview of the current trends in this research field. Individual topics present the latest concepts related to material lifetime prediction methodologies, new insight into complex degradation mechanisms, and how the knowledge of their performance limiting processes can be applied to the design of materials with improved features. Appropriate analytical characterization techniques that are fundamental to all areas of polymer degradation and optimization studies and the overlapping performance interests in a range of existing and developing applications are discussed. The audience will be material engineers and polymer chemists working in academia, large research institutes and industry dealing with polymer design and development,......

Психологические особенности развития дошкольников

О. М. Дьяченко, Т. В. Лаврентьева

  Психологические особенности развития дошкольников  О. М. Дьяченко, Т. В. Лаврентьева  Эксмо.   Растим первоклашку.   Авторы книги рассматривают возрастные психологические особенности дошкольников, роль наследственности и социальной среды в их психическом развитии, вопросы обучения и воспитания детей. Особое внимание уделено развитию основных психических процессов у дошкольников, таких, как внимание, восприятие, мышление, память и речь. Каждая глава содержит практические рекомендации. Книга адресована родителям дошкольников.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Растим первоклашку. Авторы книги рассматривают возрастные психологические особенности дошкольников, роль наследственности и социальной среды в их психическом развитии, вопросы обучения и воспитания детей. Особое внимание уделено развитию основных психических процессов у дошкольников, таких, как внимание, восприятие, мышление, память и речь. Каждая глава содержит практические рекомендации. Книга адресована родителям дошкольников....

<<<  А. Н. Островский. Пьесы. А. Н. Островский             Владимир Маяковский. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. ... >>>

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Planting Hope on Worn-Out Land: History of the Tuskegee Land Utilization Project: Macon County, Alabama, 1935-1959. Robert G. Pasquill . Книги.

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