История России XVIII-XIX века. 10 класс. Профильный уровень

Н. И. Павленко, Л. М. Ляшенко, В. А. Твардовская

  История России XVIII-XIX века. 10 класс. Профильный уровень  Н. И. Павленко, Л. М. Ляшенко, В. А. Твардовская  Дрофа.   Учебник создан с учетом современных образовательных стандартов и предназначен для изучения истории на профильном уровне. Обширный фактический и теоретический материал в совокупности с методическим аппаратом позволяет учащимся углубить знания по истории России, полученные в 6-9 классах. Книга является продолжением учебника Дрофа. Учебник создан с учетом современных образовательных стандартов и предназначен для изучения истории на профильном уровне. Обширный фактический и теоретический материал в совокупности с методическим аппаратом позволяет учащимся углубить знания по истории России, полученные в 6-9 классах. Книга является продолжением учебника "История России с древнейших времен до конца XVII века" (авторы Н.И.Павленко и И.Л.Андреев. М., Дрофа). Учебник рекомендован к изданию Министерством образования и науки Российской Федерации и включен в Федеральный перечень....

Времена года. Стихи русских поэтов о природе

  Времена года. Стихи русских поэтов о природе  Эксмо.   Книга представляет собой сборник стихотворений известных русских поэтов о природе.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Книга представляет собой сборник стихотворений известных русских поэтов о природе....


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Rowan Hood Returns: The Final Chapter (Rowan Hood (Paperback))

Nancy Springer

  Rowan Hood Returns: The Final Chapter (Rowan Hood (Paperback))  Nancy Springer  Guy Longhead. Jasper of the Sinister Hand. Hurst Orricson. Holt, also Orricson, brother of Hurst. To anyone else, just four names. But to Rowan Hood, the gentle healer who has waited two long years to put names to the men who murdered her mother, they are fuel to feed her desire for revenge. And so she leaves the rowan grove that has become her home in Sherwood Forest, and along with her friends, she sets off to seek these men. Yet she finds that the closer she draws to them, the farther she feels from the healer she has become. Nancy Springer has written a dramatic, stirring final chapter to a series that has only grown stronger with each new tale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Guy Longhead. Jasper of the Sinister Hand. Hurst Orricson. Holt, also Orricson, brother of Hurst. To anyone else, just four names. But to Rowan Hood, the gentle healer who has waited two long years to put names to the men who murdered her mother, they are fuel to feed her desire for revenge. And so she leaves the rowan grove that has become her home in Sherwood Forest, and along with her friends, she sets off to seek these men. Yet she finds that the closer she draws to them, the farther she feels from the healer she has become. Nancy Springer has written a dramatic, stirring final chapter to a series that has only grown stronger with each new tale....

Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamentals First (6th Edition) (Fundamentals First)

Y Daniel Liang

  Introduction to Java Programming: Fundamentals First (6th Edition) (Fundamentals First)  Y Daniel Liang  Using a fundamentals-first approach, Liang explores the concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques, then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented and GUI programming using Java 5. Starts readers with essential problem-solving and programming concepts (control statements, methods, and arrays); moves on to object-oriented programming, graphical user interface (GUI), and applets; and finally introduces exception handling, binary I/O, and recursion. Enables readers to write short, interesting, graphical game programs early on (starting from Chapter 2). Offers an exceptionally broad range of carefully chosen examples; reinforces key concepts with objectives lists, introduction and chapter overviews, easy-to-follow examples, chapter summaries, review questions, programming exercises, and an interactive self-test. A useful reference for anyone...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Using a fundamentals-first approach, Liang explores the concepts of problem-solving and object-oriented programming. Beginning programmers learn critical problem-solving techniques, then move on to grasp the key concepts of object-oriented and GUI programming using Java 5. Starts readers with essential problem-solving and programming concepts (control statements, methods, and arrays); moves on to object-oriented programming, graphical user interface (GUI), and applets; and finally introduces exception handling, binary I/O, and recursion. Enables readers to write short, interesting, graphical game programs early on (starting from Chapter 2). Offers an exceptionally broad range of carefully chosen examples; reinforces key concepts with objectives lists, introduction and chapter overviews, easy-to-follow examples, chapter summaries, review questions, programming exercises, and an interactive self-test. A useful reference for anyone......

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История России XVIII-XIX века. 10 класс. Профильный уровень. Н. И. Павленко, Л. М. Ляшенко, В. А. Твардовская . Книги.

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