
Seymour Simon

  Wolves  Seymour Simon  Wolves are much more than big, bad animals that prey on other animals. Did you know that wolves are like dogs—they are loyal, affectionate, and highly intelligent. live in packs—or families—led by the strongest female and male. are friendly with one another: They play games, bring food to one another, and even babysit one another's cubs! Award-winning science writer Seymour Simon has teamed up with the Smithsonian Institution to give you the real story about this mythical and legendary animal in an updated edition of his classic full-color photographic introduction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wolves are much more than big, bad animals that prey on other animals. Did you know that wolves are like dogs—they are loyal, affectionate, and highly intelligent. live in packs—or families—led by the strongest female and male. are friendly with one another: They play games, bring food to one another, and even babysit one another's cubs! Award-winning science writer Seymour Simon has teamed up with the Smithsonian Institution to give you the real story about this mythical and legendary animal in an updated edition of his classic full-color photographic introduction....

Bobby Moore: The Life and Times of a Sporting Hero

Jeff Powell

  Bobby Moore: The Life and Times of a Sporting Hero  Jeff Powell  Anova Books.   Bobby Moore was the embodiment of all that was great about English football. Captain of West Ham United, whom he led to the 1964 FA Cup and the 1965 European Cup Winners' Cup, and Captain of England in their triumph in the World Cup in 1966; he was loved and respected throughout the world. In this definitive and authorized biography, award-winning sportswriter Jeff Powell - for many years a close friend and confidant to Moore and his family - has written a powerful and fitting tribute to this legendary man.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Anova Books. Bobby Moore was the embodiment of all that was great about English football. Captain of West Ham United, whom he led to the 1964 FA Cup and the 1965 European Cup Winners' Cup, and Captain of England in their triumph in the World Cup in 1966; he was loved and respected throughout the world. In this definitive and authorized biography, award-winning sportswriter Jeff Powell - for many years a close friend and confidant to Moore and his family - has written a powerful and fitting tribute to this legendary man....

1001 Inventions That Changed the World

  1001 Inventions That Changed the World  We take thousands of inventions for granted, using them daily and enjoying their benefits. But how much do we really know about their origins and development? This absorbing new book tells the stories behind the inventions that have changed the world, with details about? Convenience items, such as safety pins, toothbrushes, and bifocals Weapons of war, including explosives, gunpowder, and shrapnel shells Industrial advances, such as the steam engine and the power loom for weaving Transportation advances, including the airplane, the diesel engine, the automobile, and the air-inflated rubber tire Electronic marvels, including color television, the microprocessor, the personal computer, the compact disc, and the cell phone Medical advances, from antiseptic surgery to the electron microscope. . . and much more. Inventors and pioneers of science and technology, including Eli Whitney, James Watt, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Bessemer, Thomas Edison, J.B. Dunlop, the Wright Brothers,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин We take thousands of inventions for granted, using them daily and enjoying their benefits. But how much do we really know about their origins and development? This absorbing new book tells the stories behind the inventions that have changed the world, with details about? Convenience items, such as safety pins, toothbrushes, and bifocals Weapons of war, including explosives, gunpowder, and shrapnel shells Industrial advances, such as the steam engine and the power loom for weaving Transportation advances, including the airplane, the diesel engine, the automobile, and the air-inflated rubber tire Electronic marvels, including color television, the microprocessor, the personal computer, the compact disc, and the cell phone Medical advances, from antiseptic surgery to the electron microscope. . . and much more. Inventors and pioneers of science and technology, including Eli Whitney, James Watt, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Bessemer, Thomas Edison, J.B. Dunlop, the Wright Brothers,......

Тень великого канцлера

Пучков Владимир Павлович

  Тень великого канцлера  Пучков Владимир Павлович  Снова cвяторусские богатыри взялись за дело! Ну кто, как не они, освободит из тюремного заключения короля Артура, наведет порядок во Франкмасонии, подружится с самим графом Дракошей и переночует в знаменитом трактире для упырей «От заката до рассвета»?!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Снова cвяторусские богатыри взялись за дело! Ну кто, как не они, освободит из тюремного заключения короля Артура, наведет порядок во Франкмасонии, подружится с самим графом Дракошей и переночует в знаменитом трактире для упырей «От заката до рассвета»?!...

Устав патрульно-постовой службы милиции общественной безопасности

  Устав патрульно-постовой службы милиции общественной безопасности  
.   Закон и общество.   Устав патрульно-постовой службы милиции общественной безопасности от 29 января 2008 г. Действует с 1.07.2008.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Закон и общество. Устав патрульно-постовой службы милиции общественной безопасности от 29 января 2008 г. Действует с 1.07.2008....

<<<  Единый государственный экзамен 2009. Биология.              Animal Body-Part Regenerators: Growing New ... >>>

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Wolves. Seymour Simon . Книги.

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