Глобалистика, информатизация, системные исследования. Том 1. Глобалистика

В. М. Лейбин

  Глобалистика, информатизация, системные исследования. Том 1. Глобалистика  В. М. Лейбин  ЛКИ.   В книге обобщен опыт исследовательской деятельности автора, принимавшего участие в разработке научных проектов Института системного анализа РАН на протяжении последних тридцати лет. В первом томе рассматриваются мировоззренческие основания и социокультурные аспекты глобального моделирования, экологическая этика и экология духа, глобальность и уникальность бытия человека в мире, а также перспективные направления развития глобалистики. Работа рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся проблемами глобалистики, информатизации, системных исследований.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛКИ. В книге обобщен опыт исследовательской деятельности автора, принимавшего участие в разработке научных проектов Института системного анализа РАН на протяжении последних тридцати лет. В первом томе рассматриваются мировоззренческие основания и социокультурные аспекты глобального моделирования, экологическая этика и экология духа, глобальность и уникальность бытия человека в мире, а также перспективные направления развития глобалистики. Работа рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся проблемами глобалистики, информатизации, системных исследований....

Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3rd Edition)

Adrienne L. Herrell, Michael L. Jordan

  Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners (3rd Edition)  Adrienne L. Herrell, Michael L. Jordan  The third edition of Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners includes a rich assortment of practical features to support teachers as they meet some of the more daunting challenges of the 21st century classroom. All of the strategies in this book are aligned to the TESOL standards and have been field-tested in diverse classrooms. Each strategy includes a brief explanation, step-by-step instructions in how to plan and use the strategy and two classroom scenarios demonstrating how the strategy can be adapted for different grade levels and content areas. A new unique DVD included in the back of the text illustrates select strategies being used in a classroom dominated by English learners. After the demonstration lesson, one of the authors interviews the teacher for insights into how the lesson was planned and the teacher's reasons for choosing the strategy. The strategies include planning approaches, strategies for improving...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The third edition of Fifty Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners includes a rich assortment of practical features to support teachers as they meet some of the more daunting challenges of the 21st century classroom. All of the strategies in this book are aligned to the TESOL standards and have been field-tested in diverse classrooms. Each strategy includes a brief explanation, step-by-step instructions in how to plan and use the strategy and two classroom scenarios demonstrating how the strategy can be adapted for different grade levels and content areas. A new unique DVD included in the back of the text illustrates select strategies being used in a classroom dominated by English learners. After the demonstration lesson, one of the authors interviews the teacher for insights into how the lesson was planned and the teacher's reasons for choosing the strategy. The strategies include planning approaches, strategies for improving......

When the Lion Feeds

Wilbur Smith

  When the Lion Feeds  Wilbur Smith  He began life at his twin brother’s side, soon running wild on his father’s ranch on the edge of Africa. But violence, desire, and fate sent Sean Courtney into exile—where he would fight and love his way to extraordinary success and heartbreaking failure... In a place called The Ridge of White Waters, Sean made a life-long friendship, mined a fortune of gold, and met his own demons. Then an act of cunning betrayal struck—and ignited a new adventure to a new frontier. From facing the murderous charge of a towering bull elephant to watching men die unspeakable deaths, Sean fought new enemies, forged new allies—and dreamed of establishing a family on a farm of his own. But the young man who had lived by his courage, sweat, and blood was about to discover that the past still had its claws in him…  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин He began life at his twin brother’s side, soon running wild on his father’s ranch on the edge of Africa. But violence, desire, and fate sent Sean Courtney into exile—where he would fight and love his way to extraordinary success and heartbreaking failure... In a place called The Ridge of White Waters, Sean made a life-long friendship, mined a fortune of gold, and met his own demons. Then an act of cunning betrayal struck—and ignited a new adventure to a new frontier. From facing the murderous charge of a towering bull elephant to watching men die unspeakable deaths, Sean fought new enemies, forged new allies—and dreamed of establishing a family on a farm of his own. But the young man who had lived by his courage, sweat, and blood was about to discover that the past still had its claws in him…...

Literature and Ourselves: A Thematic Introduction for Readers and Writers (5th Edition)

Gloria Henderson, William Day, Sandra Waller

  Literature and Ourselves: A Thematic Introduction for Readers and Writers (5th Edition)  Gloria Henderson, William Day, Sandra Waller  Literature and Ourselves, 4/e, is a thematically organized anthology that treats literature as a continually expanding commentary on our infinitely varied lives, helping readers make the connection between literature and their own unique life stories. Each of the six themes - Family, Men and Women, Grief and Loss, Freedom and Responsibility, Imagination and Discovery, and Quest - progress outward from the self to larger issues. Within each theme, the book provides a unique combination of traditional and contemporary works organized by genre - essays, fiction, poetry, and drama - that reflect the diverse cultures and ethnicities that make up our world today. The fourth edition features new essays, poems, stories, and plays, three new casebooks (Amy Tan, Joyce Carol Oates, and Tim O'Brien), greater emphasis on writing about film, enhanced coverage of science fiction/fantasy, and new end-of-unit questions, Literature and Ourselves, 4/e, is a thematically organized anthology that treats literature as a continually expanding commentary on our infinitely varied lives, helping readers make the connection between literature and their own unique life stories. Each of the six themes - Family, Men and Women, Grief and Loss, Freedom and Responsibility, Imagination and Discovery, and Quest - progress outward from the self to larger issues. Within each theme, the book provides a unique combination of traditional and contemporary works organized by genre - essays, fiction, poetry, and drama - that reflect the diverse cultures and ethnicities that make up our world today. The fourth edition features new essays, poems, stories, and plays, three new casebooks (Amy Tan, Joyce Carol Oates, and Tim O'Brien), greater emphasis on writing about film, enhanced coverage of science fiction/fantasy, and new end-of-unit questions, "Writing About Literature and Film." For those interested in a......

La rueda de Chicago (Villegas Novela)

Armando Romero

  La rueda de Chicago (Villegas Novela)  Armando Romero  In a quest to find his old lover, Elipsio finds himself in Chicago, a city radically alien to him and his Colombian roots. Set in the 1970s, this novel masterfully combines a love story with the reality of great cultural transformations in the United States, seen through the eyes of a Latino immigrant. Beatniks, hippies, ghettos, mafias, and clandestine revolutions tell Elipsio's adventurous tale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In a quest to find his old lover, Elipsio finds himself in Chicago, a city radically alien to him and his Colombian roots. Set in the 1970s, this novel masterfully combines a love story with the reality of great cultural transformations in the United States, seen through the eyes of a Latino immigrant. Beatniks, hippies, ghettos, mafias, and clandestine revolutions tell Elipsio's adventurous tale....

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Глобалистика, информатизация, системные исследования. Том 1. Глобалистика. В. М. Лейбин . Книги.

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