Emerging Foodborne Pathogens

Edited by Yasmine Motarjemi and Martin Adams

  Emerging Foodborne Pathogens  Edited by Yasmine Motarjemi and Martin Adams  Woodhead Publishing Limited.   Developments such as the increasing globalisation of the food industry, new technologies and products, and changes in the susceptibility of populations to disease, have all highlighted the problem of emerging pathogens. Pathogens may be defined as emerging in a number of ways. They can be newly-discovered, linked for the first time to disease in humans or to a particular food. A pathogen may also be defined as emerging when significant new strains emerge from an existing pathogen, or if the incidence of a pathogen increases dramatically. This important book discusses some of the major emerging pathogens and how they can be identified, tracked and controlled so that they do not pose a risk to consumers. After an introductory chapter, Woodhead Publishing Limited. Developments such as the increasing globalisation of the food industry, new technologies and products, and changes in the susceptibility of populations to disease, have all highlighted the problem of emerging pathogens. Pathogens may be defined as emerging in a number of ways. They can be newly-discovered, linked for the first time to disease in humans or to a particular food. A pathogen may also be defined as emerging when significant new strains emerge from an existing pathogen, or if the incidence of a pathogen increases dramatically. This important book discusses some of the major emerging pathogens and how they can be identified, tracked and controlled so that they do not pose a risk to consumers. After an introductory chapter, "Emerging Foodborne Pathogens" is split into two parts. The first part deals with how pathogens evolve, surveillance methods in the USA and Europe, risk assessment techniques and the use of food safety objectives. The second part of the book looks at......

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Emerging Foodborne Pathogens. Edited by Yasmine Motarjemi and Martin Adams . Книги.

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