District of Columbia Business Registration and Incorporation Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  District of Columbia Business Registration and Incorporation Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  District of Columbia Business Registration and Incorporation Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин District of Columbia Business Registration and Incorporation Guide...

Arizona Small Business Assistance and Programs Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Arizona Small Business Assistance and Programs Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Arizona Small Business Assistance and Programs Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Arizona Small Business Assistance and Programs Handbook...

Canada Banking & Financial Market Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Canada Banking & Financial Market Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Canada Banking & Financial Market Handbook  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Canada Banking & Financial Market Handbook...

America's New Future: 100 New Answers

Doris Lee McCoy

  America's New Future: 100 New Answers  Doris Lee McCoy  Never before, under one book cover, have so many American leaders shared their wisdom on crucial issues such as: business practices, family conflict, education, sex and violence, ethics, health, rapid change, and the re-awakening American Spirit. What would you ask the most creative minds in America? What are our accomplishments? Where have we failed? How can we best prepare for the future? Whom would you include? Forbes Magazine's Steve Forbes, Entrepreneurs like J.W. Marriott, business consultant Ken Blanchard, politicians such as Senator Rockefeller and people like John Walsh, Quincy Jones, Patricia Schroeder, and Larry King? Dr. McCoy personally interviewed these people and many more. The reader is offered a rich stew of opinions and ideas from liberals and conservatives, writers and politicians, actors and astronauts, entrepreneurs and entertainers. Their words provide a roadmap for the reader striving to navigate through a maze of today's unrest.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Never before, under one book cover, have so many American leaders shared their wisdom on crucial issues such as: business practices, family conflict, education, sex and violence, ethics, health, rapid change, and the re-awakening American Spirit. What would you ask the most creative minds in America? What are our accomplishments? Where have we failed? How can we best prepare for the future? Whom would you include? Forbes Magazine's Steve Forbes, Entrepreneurs like J.W. Marriott, business consultant Ken Blanchard, politicians such as Senator Rockefeller and people like John Walsh, Quincy Jones, Patricia Schroeder, and Larry King? Dr. McCoy personally interviewed these people and many more. The reader is offered a rich stew of opinions and ideas from liberals and conservatives, writers and politicians, actors and astronauts, entrepreneurs and entertainers. Their words provide a roadmap for the reader striving to navigate through a maze of today's unrest....

Emerging Markets and E-Commerce in Developing Economies

  Emerging Markets and E-Commerce in Developing Economies  High Internet penetration in regions such as North America, Australia, and Europe, has proven the World Wide Web as an important medium for e-commerce transaction. Despite the soaring adoption statistics for those already developed societies, diffusion rates still remain low for the less developed countries, with e-commerce in its infancy. Emerging Markets and E-Commerce in Developing Economies enhances understanding of e-commerce models and practices in less developed countries, and extends the growing literature on e-commerce. An essential addition to worldwide library collections in technology, commerce, social sciences, and related fields, this essential contribution expands the body of knowledge in the field with relevant theoretical foundations, methodologies, and frameworks, to the benefit of the international academic, research, governmental, and industrial communities.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин High Internet penetration in regions such as North America, Australia, and Europe, has proven the World Wide Web as an important medium for e-commerce transaction. Despite the soaring adoption statistics for those already developed societies, diffusion rates still remain low for the less developed countries, with e-commerce in its infancy. Emerging Markets and E-Commerce in Developing Economies enhances understanding of e-commerce models and practices in less developed countries, and extends the growing literature on e-commerce. An essential addition to worldwide library collections in technology, commerce, social sciences, and related fields, this essential contribution expands the body of knowledge in the field with relevant theoretical foundations, methodologies, and frameworks, to the benefit of the international academic, research, governmental, and industrial communities....

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District of Columbia Business Registration and Incorporation Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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