Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации сосудов, работающих под давлением. ПБ 03-576-03

  Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации сосудов, работающих под давлением. ПБ 03-576-03  ДЕАН.   Безопасность труда России.   Издание соответствует официальному опубликованному тексту правил.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ДЕАН. Безопасность труда России. Издание соответствует официальному опубликованному тексту правил....

Фантастика и футурология. В 2 книгах. Книга 1

Станислав Лем

  Фантастика и футурология. В 2 книгах. Книга 1  Станислав Лем  АСТ, Хранитель.   Собрание сочинений Станислава Лема.   АСТ, Хранитель. Собрание сочинений Станислава Лема. "Фантастика и футурология" - литературно-философское исследование, размышления уже ставшего классиком писателя-фантаста о взаимосвязях фантастики - безоглядной игры воображения - и футурологии - строгой науки, ответственной за каждый свой постулат....

Skunks Are Night Animals/Los Zorrillos Son Animales Nocturnos (Night Animals/ Animales Nocturnos)

  Skunks Are Night Animals/Los Zorrillos Son Animales Nocturnos (Night Animals/ Animales Nocturnos)  Joanne Mattern  Joanne Mattern  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Joanne Mattern...

Cocktail Therapy: The Perfect Prescription for Life's Many Crises

Leanne Shear, Tracey Toomey, Neryl Walker

  Cocktail Therapy: The Perfect Prescription for Life's Many Crises  Leanne Shear, Tracey Toomey, Neryl Walker  Simon Spotlight Entertainment.   Forget crying into your beer. When calamity strikes there's a perfect cocktail to ease your woes. During their bartending years, Leanne Shear and Tracey Toomey were often witness to all kinds of personal crises. And while others may take refuge with their therapist or on the racquetball court, Leanne and Tracey concluded that the quickest way to beat the blues is with a delicious drink (or two). That hot guy from last week still hasn't called? Try a Pomegranate Martini -- bold, tasty, but not so lethal that you'll be tempted to drunk dial him. Gain a few pounds? Indulge in a (nearly) guiltless Sugar-Free Mojito. Credit card bill contains a few nasty surprises? A decadent Bourbon Bee Sting will leave you feeling like a million dollars. As dependable as a good friend and guaranteed not to utter a single Simon Spotlight Entertainment. Forget crying into your beer. When calamity strikes there's a perfect cocktail to ease your woes. During their bartending years, Leanne Shear and Tracey Toomey were often witness to all kinds of personal crises. And while others may take refuge with their therapist or on the racquetball court, Leanne and Tracey concluded that the quickest way to beat the blues is with a delicious drink (or two). That hot guy from last week still hasn't called? Try a Pomegranate Martini -- bold, tasty, but not so lethal that you'll be tempted to drunk dial him. Gain a few pounds? Indulge in a (nearly) guiltless Sugar-Free Mojito. Credit card bill contains a few nasty surprises? A decadent Bourbon Bee Sting will leave you feeling like a million dollars. As dependable as a good friend and guaranteed not to utter a single "I told you so", Cocktail Therapy proves that when life hands you lemons, the best thing to do is make a rum-soaked Tropical Lemonade....

Piggery Waste Management: Towards a Sustainable Future

  Piggery Waste Management: Towards a Sustainable Future  Euiso Choi  Euiso Choi  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Euiso Choi...

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Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации сосудов, работающих под давлением. ПБ 03-576-03. . Книги.

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